Steven DeHaan’s Newly Released “Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith” is a Heartening Testament to the Power of Faith and Determination

“Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith” from Christian Faith Publishing author Steven DeHaan is an inspiring account of following God’s call to create a welcoming house of worship and the miracles that made it possible.

Steven DeHaan’s Newly Released “Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith” is a Heartening Testament to the Power of Faith and Determination
Evart, MI, January 06, 2025 --( “Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith”: a heartfelt and faith-driven story of perseverance and divine guidance. “Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith” is the creation of published author, Steven DeHaan, a retired commercial driver who is now working part-time as a transporter for Eagle Village. Eagle Village is a home for abused and neglected children.

Steven DeHaan shares, “At the age of fifty-five, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior which had a radical impact on my life. Shortly after my baptism on September 11, 2011, I was attending services that were being held in a small restaurant in Big Rapids, Michigan. God put it on my heart to build a house of worship for our church family. Growing up, I had seen the stone schoolhouse many times when I was on my way to Chippewa Lake for vacations.

“I went to look at it, and from the very beginning, I knew God wanted me to buy the 142-year-old stone schoolhouse for His purposes. Read about how, even though I wasn’t working and didn’t have any money, I prayed, 'Lord, if You want me to do this, I need $1,000 by the end of the month.' Ten days later, I received an income tax check for $1,006. I took a leap of faith, and because I did, God blessed me in many amazing ways and helped me create the house of worship He wanted. I knew I had to share my story to show others how God will provide if you follow His lead. It’s not like any other church. We have chairs and tables for your Bible, coffee, and snacks. We have a beautiful wood-burning fireplace and a built-in baptistery where we have baptized over sixty people so far. Read some of the testimonies of the people who were baptized there and how God has changed their lives. I am so blessed to have such a loving church family who welcomes anyone and everyone. Stop by sometime if you want a cup of good coffee, a great word, and a hug.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Steven DeHaan’s new book captures a journey of faith and dedication that showcases how God’s provision can turn the improbable into reality.

Consumers can purchase “Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Building Father’s House Using Old-School Faith,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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