Donna Hartman’s Newly Released "Nana and the Magic Balloon" is a Delightful Tale of Adventure and Imagination

“Nana and the Magic Balloon” from Christian Faith Publishing author Donna Hartman is a charming children’s story that follows an exciting magical journey shared between a grandmother and her granddaughter, fostering themes of adventure, love, and togetherness.

Donna Hartman’s Newly Released "Nana and the Magic Balloon" is a Delightful Tale of Adventure and Imagination
Portsmouth, VA, January 10, 2025 --( “Nana and the Magic Balloon”: a heartwarming children’s book that takes readers on a whimsical journey through the skies. “Nana and the Magic Balloon” is the creation of published author, Donna Hartman, a retired sonographer who lives in a small coastal town in Virginia. She is a nana to three beautiful granddaughters. When they moved far away to Sweden, she included stories in her letters to them. She has been telling them stories for years, and now it is time to share some of those stories with the world.

Hartman shares, “Nana and her granddaughter have an exciting adventure flying high in the sky with a magic balloon. They fly over Navy ships in the harbor, the animals in the zoo, all the way to the ocean before returning to Nana’s backyard.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Donna Hartman’s new book captures the wonder of imagination and the joy of a special bond between a grandmother and her granddaughter.

Consumers can purchase “Nana and the Magic Balloon” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Nana and the Magic Balloon,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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