Bill W. Sanford’s Newly Released "The Scar of Cain" is a Riveting Tale of Ancient Forces, Prophecy, and the Battle for Humanity’s Freedom

“The Scar of Cain” from Christian Faith Publishing author Bill W. Sanford is an engaging and imaginative novel blending biblical history and speculative fiction in a gripping story of good versus evil in the modern era.

Bill W. Sanford’s Newly Released "The Scar of Cain" is a Riveting Tale of Ancient Forces, Prophecy, and the Battle for Humanity’s Freedom
Grand Prairie, TX, January 20, 2025 --( “The Scar of Cain”: an immersive narrative of prophecy, power, and spiritual warfare. “The Scar of Cain” is the creation of published author, Bill W. Sanford, who was born and grew up in small southeast Texas towns during the 1950s and 1960s. Like most young people of that era, he received a healthy dose of Texas pride and American patriotism, mixed with sound religious principles to shape his personal behavior. In the early 1970s, he served as a teaching missionary in Mexico where he learned the Spanish language. In 1982, while working in the data processing industry, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and Spanish. With his wife Debra, he now lives in Grand Prairie, Texas, where he has taught Spanish at the local school districts. The Scar of Cain is his first project in the Books of Jasher series, of which there are five.

Sanford shares, "The year is 2028. Man’s most ancient and feared enemy still walks the earth. For centuries, he has been consolidating his power and marshaling his dark forces for one last play.

"Walker Cain is the Man of Shadows and has only one agenda: to establish a one-world order through which he can control our destiny and remove our freedoms of personal choice. For him, no other plan can be worth his time and resources. He is the beast and intends for all to carry his mark.

"Benjamin Jasher has been a historian for as long as humanity has lived to record the advancement of civilizations. As a young man following The Great Flood, the ancient patriarch Noah presented him with a special duty and a challenge: to record the march of history. To ensure his life’s work continued, he was permitted to live as long as necessary. But he needed to make special note of the acts and machinations of the most insidious man who ever lived, Cain."

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Bill W. Sanford’s new book is an engaging installment to the “The Books of Jasher” series.

Consumers can purchase “The Scar of Cain” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Scar of Cain,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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