New Book by John W. Thompson Offers Simple Recipe for a Great Night’s Sleep

You Did It! is a new book by John W. Thompson that helps people catalog their greatest moments, memories and accomplishments and use those experiences for personal and professional growth. The book presents simple yet effective methods for collecting and analyzing personal successes while creating action plans to promote further development.

Phoenix, AZ, July 01, 2008 --( When most people lie down to go to sleep, they do the worst thing possible – start worrying about what comes next. They stress about what will happen at work the following day… about college tuition bills… about plans for the upcoming weekend. They worry so much about the future that they begin to create stress at a time that should be the most relaxing of the day. You Did It! is a new book by John W. Thompson that offers a simple solution – cataloging a person’s greatest moments and using that information to help an individual going forward.

Here is a simple example to illustrate one of the techniques presented in You Did It! The process starts by thinking back to one of the greatest accomplishments in one’s life. It could be professional, personal or any moment that brought a great sense of accomplishment. By thinking back to that moment, the person is immediately taken back to a state of relaxation and happiness. All the stress that had been accumulating during the course of the day is suddenly gone. That’s a powerful thing.

Throughout the course of every person’s life, each individual has done some pretty amazing things. What’s interesting is how often those accomplishments and experiences are pushed into the deep recesses of the mind instead of being used to help achieve future successes. These moments are what have shaped each person as an individual, and provide the necessary context and knowledge to do great things going forward.

Reflecting back on times when a person experienced happiness, accomplishment and satisfaction allow the brain to relive those emotions; thereby creating an instantaneous effect. Recalling those fond memories and events enables an individual to take better advantage of the present and prepare for the future. The best part is… an individual has the ability to stir up these positive emotions anytime they’re needed.

You Did It! helps people catalog their greatest moments, memories and accomplishments and use those experiences for personal and professional growth. The book presents simple yet effective methods for collecting and analyzing personal successes while creating action plans to promote further development.

So instead of lying in bed worrying about a million things, all a person has to do is pick a past accomplishment and focus exclusively on that event. By clearing everything else from the mind, a feeling of relaxation and contentment will take over. No sleeping pill can do a better job of preparing for a great night's rest.

You Did It! is available at Amazon and other fine bookstores.


John W. Thompson, Founder
(602) 722-0972

John Thompson
(602) 722-0972