One Thousand Downloads for Marketing Rule Book

Ann Holman's Marketing Rule Book launched as an e-book in April 2008 has already received 1000 downloads in 2 months. With a combination of marketing tactics, the book has been a huge success with some amazing feedback from readers. Ann decided to promote the book free of charge to gauge reaction and test feedback for a suite of e-books to be launched later in the year.

Exeter, United Kingdom, July 02, 2008 --( Several online channels to market were adopted to increase awareness of the e-book. These included registering it on the Free E-Books website and E-Book Directory, the Clarity Projects website and via Ann Holman's blog. A number of press releases and articles were also used to promote the book across the world. Downloads have been identified in India, Brazil, Canada, Africa, USA as well as the UK.

The author, Ann Holman commented "The number of downloads has far surpassed our expectations. We really thought that it would take six months to hit this number. I've now got a hard Summer ahead of me writing the other six I have promised."

On one day, a 100 were downloaded as a result of Ann commenting on a Seth Godin blog post on Digg and pointing people to her book for further information on the subject of pricing in marketing.

Ann further mentioned "It's hard work promoting this kind of thing on the internet especially if you are new to it like us. It can be a little daunting. I've just listened to the people around me who know about these things and taken a few online courses. What's important is to be patient as it doesn't happen overnight."

The next step is to engage with a partner organisation who can take the project to the next stage once the new e-books have been created. Ann says "It's important to recognise when you can't do it on your own. Yes you need to understand the basics of online marketing, but, if you want to make a self sustaining business out of it, it's best to call in the experts early."

Clarity Projects Ltd is a dynamic inspirational training business based in the UK. The company works with small and medium sized businesses helping them to grow, become more profitable and sustainable. For more information go to Clarity Projects website.

Ann Holman also writes a small business blog filled with useful tips and thoughts on growing a small business. A recognised expert on small business, Ann provides thought provoking useful insights into how to think differently. To visit the blog just type ann holman's blog into your search engine.

Contact Ann Holman on +440845 2245 742 or email

Clarity Projects
Ann Holman
+440845 2245 742
Mobile number 07739 695560