Near Academic Failure Prompts Local Author to F.o.C.U.S. Or Go Home; Five Simple Principles to Reach Your Goals.

Clemson, SC, July 03, 2008 --( Youth dropping out of school at alarming rates; workers losing jobs to plant closings; college tuition out of reach for many families. These are, but a few, of the issues confronting us daily. No wonder political campaigns of "hope" are rallying citizens. Hope comes from within, as explained in F.O.C.U.S. On Your Future: 5 Simple Principles to Reach Your Goals.

In his newly self-published book, Herm Allen explains how anyone can reach their desired goals. "I was one Greyhound bus ticket away from being sent home from college during my sophomore year," says Herm. As a first-generation college student, failure could have had some serious consequences. Many times individuals have not properly planned for their future or random circumstance has derailed them from their goals. F.O.C.U.S. On Your Future… posits that anyone can reach their goals using these principles:

Free Your Mind - to learn a new way of thinking, you must first clear your mind of negative ‘stuff’

Orient Yourself to Excellence - it ain't perfect, and that's a good thing

Create a New Mindset - your mouth and your mind should be in concert with your goals

Use Your Resources - the road to success cannot (and should not) be accomplished alone

Success is the Goal - it's a journey, so enjoy the view

Statistics have shown that 80% of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year; 58% of the U.S. adult population never reads another book after high school. If you truly want to reach your goals in life, then reading F.O.C.U.S. On Your Future: 5 Simple Principles to Reach Your Goals (,
5"x 8", 88 pages, paperback, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-6048-1139-1) will keep them from missing out on valuable information found in a book as those from the statistics above.

"You can't see where you're going without clear F.O.C.U.S.," says Herm. For him not to be academically dismissed from school, he had to get his act together and decide what his future held for him. This book allows him to share with readers how they, too, can reach their goals.

Herm Allen is the proprietor of Herm Allen Coaching in Clemson, South Carolina. His services include one-on-one academic or career coaching, motivational speaking and workshop/seminar development. You can learn more about Herm and his services by visiting his website at Limited complimentary coaching sessions are available to those who are serious about reaching their goals.

Herm Allen Coaching
Herm Allen