Tooz Attack: Husband and Wife Team Up to Conquer the Dreaded Terrible Twos in Lavishly Illustrated Children’s Book

Elon, NC, July 04, 2008 --( Husband and wife team, William and Colleen Serra, have written and illustrated their first book inspired by the antics of their own two children, and published it on, the online marketplace for digital content.

Taking four years to complete, Mr. and Mrs. Serra struggled to find remnants of time between schooling, working and raising a family, to come together to create this beautifully written and illustrated work of art.

Michael Byrnes comments: “As parents, we browse the children’s section of the book stores looking for that ‘special book.’ This is that book – the one that grabs your attention and inspires you to read it over and over again.”

“Terrible Tooz” is a comedic tale of an exasperated little girl who overhears her parents talking about her sibling and the dreaded “terrible twos.” Her imagination takes off on a wild ride as she conjures up images of these evil creatures that are after her little brother, moving her to put aside her own frustrations as she diligently works to save him. But just how much can one little girl tolerate? While her intentions are noble, the main character finds that her task is overwhelming, and is finally freed when her mother explains the facts about the "Terrible Twos." This story is for anyone who has ever had to contend with the joy of a younger sibling.

Mrs. Serra says: “It all started when my then 6‑year‑old came to me to tell on her 2‑year‑old brother. I was studying for college and had a pen and notebook in hand. The ideas just started flowing from there.”

Mr. Serra adds: “Have you ever imagined that the antics of your children could be used in a sit-com or cartoon? My wife and I thought just that and felt with a bit of creativity, we would be able to translate it into a wonderful book.”

Although directed toward children, adults will find much amusement and pleasure in reading “Terrible Tooz” aloud to their own young ones. This humorous story set to rhyme can be found at

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Colleen Serra is 33 years old and works at home with her husband, William Serra, 34, in the United States. Colleen and William Serra live in Elon, North Carolina with their son and daughter. Their book can be found at
Colleen Serra
Colleen Serra