eBay Newbie's and Beginner Reap the Benefits: Don't Pay Extra for Additional Photos for your eBay Auction Listing and Learn to Make your Own Auction Templates

Absolute eBay beginner's and newbies can now reap the benefits as they get taught to add unlimited pictures to their auction listing for free and how to design their own auction templates without the knowledge of any HTML.

Upper Coomera, Australia, April 17, 2006 --(PR.com)-- More and more people take on the opportunity to make a living online selling on eBay. What a lot of 'eBay gurus' do not talk about, that many eBay entrepreneurs fail and end up paying more for listing, image hosting, shipping and other auction services or software as they are actually making. "Many newcomers have very simple auction sites and wonder why their items do not get sold", says T. Haselhorst, CEO and webmaster of http://www.auction-design-for-free.com . "One of the main reason for this is that their auction listings look simple and not professional. But buyers love aesthetic sites and they love to buy from professional sellers".

"The second major reason why people fail to be successful on eBay is that they do know what they want to sell", the CEO further explains. "It's unbelievable, but some people who want to get into the eBay selling industry haven't heard of 'Drop shippers' before. From those we get very often the question: "What can I sell on eBay", the CEO points out.

"We have combined these two issues and created the eBay Newbie course, teaching eBay newbies exactly step-by-step how to set up professional eBay auction listings and even how to create and design their own auction templates they can use again, and again and again". In summary we have updated the whole course to address these problems.

What are the new features of 'The eBay Newbie Course':

1. Add online Videos so even absolute eBay Newbies can follow the instructions and put immediately into practice.

2. Add Wholesale and Drop shipping list, so that eBay entrepreneurs do not ask ever again: "What should I sell on eBay"

You can get the new and updated version of 'The eBay Newbie Course' at

Contact Thomas Haselhorst for more information about the upgrade. Direct line: (0061) 755735828 or Email: sales@auction-design-for-free.com

More information can be found at: http://www.auction-design-for-free.com

For More Information Contact:
Thomas Haselhorst

Thomas Haselhorst