Announcing the Stargazer Club: a New Membership Club from NonProfit Solutions NW

The Stargazer Club offers nonprofit organizations vital consulting services in a flexible and affordable way.

Olympia, WA, July 11, 2008 --( NonProfit Solutions NW is pleased to announce the arrival of a new nonprofit membership program called Stargazer Club. This membership program will make it possible for even the smallest startup nonprofit organization to afford nonprofit consulting services.

The Stargazer Club is an innovative solution for many nonprofits who need help but cannot afford it.

In a recent survey of nonprofit organizations in the South Puget Sound area of Washington State, NonProfit Solutions NW learned that 72% of the respondents “would be more likely to take advantage of outsourced services if there was a more economical way of doing so.”

NonProfit Solutions NW envisions members of Stargazer Club to be nonprofit professionals striving for organizational excellence. This program is a way to obtain consulting and support services from NonProfit Solutions NWin an easy and affordable way.

A nonprofit organization can select from a number of membership levels, each of which accrue hours of service with each monthly payment. The program offers a menu of services in the areas of Strategic Planning, Fundraising, Organizational Assessment and Tele-Coaching. Because NPS believes so strongly in Strategic Planning, they offer several counseling, facilitation and plan development services. Fundraising is also essential to nonprofit operations so they offer plan development, fundraising training for the nonprofit Board or volunteers, and prospect research and rating.

Accrued service hours in the Stargazer Club can also be redeemed for a thorough Development Audit and assessments in the areas of stewardship, marketing and public relations, and Board operations.

NonProfit Solutions believes they can really make a difference in helping nonprofits with growth and sustainability. Outsourced consulting service costs are often hard to manage. The Stargazer Club’s monthly plan is easy and affordable. For as little as $50 per month, nonprofit organizations can begin to accrue service hours. There is no sign-up fee or long-term contract.

Stargazer Club is designed to be extremely flexible. Service hours begin to accrue upon enrollment. Members can move from one membership level to another at any time. And the enrollment can be cancelled with as little as a 30 day written notice.

Enrollment in Stargazer Club is quick and easy. Interested participants are directed to Click on Stargazer Club or go to Additional information about Stargazer Club is also available at 360-866-3638.

About NonProfit Solutions NW
NonProfit Solutions NW, founded in 2005 by Suzann Stahl, provides consulting and support services to nonprofit organizations. It is an accepted reality that throughout the country nonprofit organizations are losing their leadership due to retiring nonprofit executive directors and CEO’s, and there is great need to better prepare dedicated employees to fill their shoes. Also of concern are shrinking operating budgets and competition for funding. NonProfit Solutions NW acknowledges the essential services nonprofits provide and how important they are to our quality of life; however, in order to survive and grow to meet community needs, NonProfit Solutions NW suggests nonprofit Boards and their staff must begin to plan for the future. NonProfit Solutions believes that nonprofit organizations must have a strategic plan, run their organization much more like a business, become better fundraisers and place higher importance on training their staff. NonProfit Solutions NW stands ready to help nonprofit organizations grow and meet these challenges.

To book an interview with Suzann Stahl please e-mail or call 360-866-3638.

Suzann Stahl, President
NonProfit Solutions NW

NonProfit Solutions NW
Suzann Stahl
1824 Black Lake Blvd. SW #101
Olympia, WA 98512