Tactical Communications in Economic Downturn Key to Company's Future

Communication Experts Reveal Best Practices for Managing Difficult Transitions and Promoting Future Profitability.

Princeton, NJ, July 14, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Poor communication and low employee morale during a downturn can lead to unforeseen attrition and decreased productivity. A recent report, Communication During a Downturn, defines the critical role of communicators in successfully guiding organizations through difficult transitions. According to Workwise Communication CEO, Aniko Czinege, lack of planning and a negative work environment can lead to reduced profitability and unplanned attrition. “During an economic downturn, an organization becomes increasingly vulnerable to losing the trust of their workforce. Employees tend to shift their focus from fulfilling the vision of an organization to coping with fears about job security,” Czinege said.

Czinege, who is a leading organizational change and communications expert, wrote the report in conjunction with Melcrum, a global professional organization for internal communicators. The report outlines how to develop a comprehensive plan to effectively manage challenging transitions. Detailed guidelines are given for preparing for downsizing and restructuring, providing support during layoffs, maintaining a company’s profitability, and re-engaging remaining employees. It is vital for management to provide consistent messaging in order to cultivate a positive work environment and maintain trust. During a period of increasing uncertainty, business leaders must help employees feel connected, understand what is expected of them and have a clear understanding of business objectives. Case studies illustrate the consequences of poor planning as well as the impact of more personalized, timely and effective communication channels. The report can be ordered from melcrum.com/offer/cded/index.html

Workwise Communication’s expertise in managing cultural differences among a global workforce helps to distinguish it as a firm that takes a tailored approach to each client’s needs. Its communications strategy focuses on the relationship of a organization to its workforce and helping employees feel invested in the future of their company. Other areas of expertise include designing internal research initiatives, assessing the needs of employees, providing opportunities for them to voice their concern, and then targeting areas for improvement. Workwise is also highly skilled at training business leaders to become more effective communicators.

Workwise Communication
Aniko Czinege