Page Progressive Boosts Economic Stance of Small Businesses by Utilizing the Web

A local web development company, Page Progressive, LLC (formerly Technigrafa) has rebranded to more effectively reach a national audience and is using it's expertise in print and web design, along with search engine optimization to boost their clients' sales.

Raleigh, NC, July 16, 2008 --( A local web development company, Page Progressive, LLC has launched a new initiative to bring more sales to their clients by utilizing web technologies such as search engine optimization.

Page Progressive has recently rebranded from Technigrafa in order to better promote their business identity on a national level.

A new name doesn't mean a whole new business strategy. Technigrafa has been creating custom, professional websites geared to rank well in search engines for years. "Page Progressive is committed to the same level of excellence as ever, but with a renewed passion for energizing the marketplace for small to medium sized businesses," says it's founder and president, Daniel Trimpey.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to attracting people to your website by ranking well in search engines such as Google(R) and Yahoo(R). As the Internet grows, companies have to become savvy on how to keep their listing one step ahead of their competitors.

These days, just having a website is not enough to stand out above your competition. A good website can mean landing a deal that may have otherwise been lost. Not only do the look of aging websites lose their charm over time, as technology evolves, now businesses can take control of their own websites by utilizing content management systems that allow them to edit content, post links, news and photos without having to go through a web developer for every update. With a vast selection of good content management systems available, having one no longer means paying big bucks, like it did in years past.

With the monumental success of sites like MySpace(R) and Facebook(R), community portal websites have quickly become common household names and Page Progressive is using similar technologies to attract business for their clients. Even many churches are now utilizing portal systems to better serve their members.

Other companies have utilized the growing trend to shop online, partially due to the rising cost of fuel, to create ecommerce websites which can draw millions of new customers through the global reach of the Internet.

Other technologies such as RSS feeds, which allow site visitors to subscribe to news, are also becoming very common and are a great way to get more attention to websites. Social bookmarking, which allows people to share websites that they find interesting with others over the web, has also become increasingly popular.

For additional information on using new web technologies to boost business, contact Page Progressive by visiting
About Page Progressive:

Page Progressive was started by Daniel Trimpey, a teacher in Raleigh, NC in 2005 under the name of Technigrafa. Page Progresive is a member of the Better Business Bureau and the International Webmaster's Association.

Page Progressive
toll-free: 1-877-472-3262

Page Progressive, LLC
Daniel Trimpey