Springboard Eydo Creates Annual Report for The Salvation Army of Wake County
Apex, NC, July 23, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Springboard Eydo today announced that the company has designed and developed this year’s annual report for The Salvation Army of Wake County.
“We were able to partner with The Salvation Army (TSA) to create an annual report that not only presents the organization’s financials,” said Garold Smith, Director of Marketing and Public Involvement for Springboard Eydo, “but one that truly tells of the immense impact made by TSA.” The piece focuses on the organization’s various areas of outreach, highlighting the vast number of lives changed while honing in on the personal stories of real individuals.
According to Ashley Delamar, Director of Operations for The Salvation Army of Wake County, “Thanks to our partnership with Springboard Eydo, the production of our first full-scale annual report was extremely successful. The vision for the 2007 report was the concept of a photographic journey through our many programs, successes and underlying mission – the resulting product captures that and so much more. Simply put, Springboard Eydo became the Army and took ownership of its responsibility of representing our work and our many clients.” Springboard Eydo also produces TSA’s quarterly newsletter. The 2007 Annual Report can be accessed via the web at www.keepthebellringing.org/news/news_resources.html
Based in Apex, Springboard Eydo is a marketing and public involvement firm specializing in creative communications activities, including branding, website design and development, print collateral and public involvement. Springboard Eydo can be reached at (919) 363-9975 or via email at garold@springboardeydo.com.
“We were able to partner with The Salvation Army (TSA) to create an annual report that not only presents the organization’s financials,” said Garold Smith, Director of Marketing and Public Involvement for Springboard Eydo, “but one that truly tells of the immense impact made by TSA.” The piece focuses on the organization’s various areas of outreach, highlighting the vast number of lives changed while honing in on the personal stories of real individuals.
According to Ashley Delamar, Director of Operations for The Salvation Army of Wake County, “Thanks to our partnership with Springboard Eydo, the production of our first full-scale annual report was extremely successful. The vision for the 2007 report was the concept of a photographic journey through our many programs, successes and underlying mission – the resulting product captures that and so much more. Simply put, Springboard Eydo became the Army and took ownership of its responsibility of representing our work and our many clients.” Springboard Eydo also produces TSA’s quarterly newsletter. The 2007 Annual Report can be accessed via the web at www.keepthebellringing.org/news/news_resources.html
Based in Apex, Springboard Eydo is a marketing and public involvement firm specializing in creative communications activities, including branding, website design and development, print collateral and public involvement. Springboard Eydo can be reached at (919) 363-9975 or via email at garold@springboardeydo.com.
Springboard Eydo
Garold Smith
Garold Smith