Introducing Yatra Yoga International - Custom Retreats

Yatra Yoga International (YYI) is a travel service company dedicated to intimate yoga retreats and eco-excursions worldwide. With an initial catalog of locations in Mexico, Jamaica, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Argentina and South Africa, YYI is developing a selection of itineraries sure to please all levels of yoga travelers.

Santa Fe, NM, July 28, 2008 --( It's a fact: millions of travelers have already left the typical "vacation" behind. And, as they become more eco-savvy, many have also discovered the ancient practice of yoga as a means to manage stress and promote lifelong health. Over 18 million American adults practice yoga on a weekly basis - and many are seeking ways to deepen that practice, while making new connections to the world, and to themselves.

Yatra Yoga International (YYI) is a travel service company dedicated to intimate yoga retreats and eco-excursions worldwide. With an initial catalog of locations in Mexico, Jamaica, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Argentina and South Africa, YYI is developing a selection of itineraries sure to please all levels of yoga travelers. A team of respected teachers are in place to lead the first retreats, as YYI seeks to expand its stable of instructors.

"In Sanskrit, 'yatra' means Journey," says founder Jodi Delaney. "Taking the time to deeply re-connect with nature and your self is indeed an important journey, one that’s important for all of us to take now and then."

Yatra Yoga International is committed to the following:

- Yoga retreats worldwide - Clients can select from a current listing of itineraries, or the company can help them build their own.

- Connecting travelers to international eco-tours of quality, safety and convenience

- Assisting yoga teachers by taking care of the booking, marketing, and planning tasks so they can do what they do best - teach.

The company's mission is to help provide a deeper yoga experience to its clients, nourishing body and soul with customized teaching, healthful organic food, and lush surroundings. Says Delaney, "In the end, our core intention is to generate peace – one mind, one excursion, at a time."

Yatra Yoga International
Kevin Williams
Yatra Yoga International
P.O. Box 454
Santa Fe, NM 87504
Toll free: 888-359-5020