Educational Book Released. Cycles Study of America's Terrorist Events History.

Orange City, FL, April 24, 2006 --( "Terrorist Activity Cycles in America's History: 1600 to Present", with trend prediction capabilities, has just been released to the educational and general reading  public by researcher Dennis J. Foley, PA... formerly of the Foundation For the Study of Cycles. This 140 page book, that includes a thorough 400 year terrorist events history of America, is published by and is available at the TimeFractuals Research and Publications on line book store  site:, both in e-book and print on demand formats. The pdf size is 21.5 KBs and is in acrobat adobe unencrypted for printing and viewing.

The book is perhaps the first and only cycles analysis done and published by a researcher. The cycles acurately describe the regular and succinctly timed ebbs and flows in terrorist acts and events and in movements. The study is in that the continueing cycles can be used by the reader to predict trend change times in terrorist activity. And, as far as the author knows, there is not another single source of  such an extensive terrorist events history available for reference purposes.

The author's thesis that terrorist acts increase and decrease not only because of the 'times and causes' but because of natural and discernable cycles is proven by the documented Cycle Charts of this 140 page book. 

Besides a thorough 400 year American Terrorist History, the FAA Commercial Aircraft Hijack numbers data from 1945 to 2000, is a significant source of terrorist activity documentation data used and included by the author in this cycle study. The data is charted and on the cover of the book.

Other publications by the author include "America's War and Peace Cycles, 1686 to the Present", with trend projections and the soon to be released study of Terrorist Patterns in America since the 1770s, (Pentagons and Trinities) that were and are today even, etched in our history by pre planned  'significant' dates and time intervals or cadences, to form 'signature' formations. The title of that book coming this May or June is: "The Secret Order of the Pentagon", and may be worth your while to book mark the author's site for that publication, also. "Terrorist Cycles in America's History, 1600 to Present" is now available in viewable/printable e-book and print on demand book copy at:

TimeFractuals Publications
Dennis J. Foley, PA