Contracted to Promote New Golf Invention

A California-based inventor contracts to represent his Pissing Wedge concept through its New Product Publicity and Marketing program.

Miami, FL, September 23, 2008 --( Jonathan M., a California-based inventor, contacted Kendall, Florida-based recently to explore the possibility of having the invention assistance company further research and document his Pissing Wedge concept, as well as facilitate the presentation of information and materials about it to potentially relevant manufacturers in industry, with the ultimate goal being to secure a licensing agreement.

The Pissing Wedge's unique design provides anyone who is forced to heed nature’s call while stranded on a golf course with a clever and tasteful way to do so. assists inventors by providing them with industry experts who will guide them from the earliest stages of invention development to the point where there are professionally produced promotional materials regarding the concept. New Product's New Product Publicity and Marketing Program is designed and targeted to provide maximum exposure, and therefore enables invention information to be seen by thousands of industry professionals.

Promotional materials typically employed by to achieve these objectives include press releases, product brochures, digital renditions, a password-protected website, and other visual mediums such as a New Product DVD and potentially, an interactive virtual reality presentation. will represent Jonathan M.'s Pissing Wedge invention for 2 years utilizing the aforementioned vehicles of exposure, as well as garnering additional leads for the concept through their participation in industry-leading trade shows. Any advanced levels of interest displayed by manufacturers, marketers or distributors in the Pissing Wedge will be managed by Licensing Direct™, the exclusive licensing agent for inventor clients.

With’s ability to navigate inventors through the sometimes intimidating course to invention success, the inventor has an opportunity to be able to see the fruits of his creative labor as his concept moves on to the final stages of refinement and exposure.

For more information on how you can get your idea to, visit:

Contact: 1-877-445-0494

About is a Kendall, Florida-based invention assistance firm that represents independent inventors who typically lack the resources and experience to pursue the commercialization of their product concepts on their own. utilizes dynamic promotional materials such as digital renditions, press releases, invention websites, and interactive virtual reality presentations, as well as representation at industry-leading trade shows, to achieve valuable exposure for the inventions it represents.

New Product Help, Inc.
Mario Perez