Just Released: Complete, Fully Illustrated, Step-by-step Computer Maintenance Guide

Computer Pal announced the publication of the Complete, Plain English, Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Maintenance. The book, defined as a guide to a smoother computing experience, is designed to prevent frustrating problems before they happen, extend the life of a computer and save the user the cost of needless repairs.

Endicott, NY, April 28, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Patty Furgeson, veteran repair technician (trained at IBM), instructor and President of Computer Pal described why she wrote this manual. “I found there wasn’t one complete source, on or off the Internet, where my customers could turn to for all-inclusive computer maintenance help.”

In her business, Patty provides on-site residential and business technical repair and support, as well as education. “My customers get frustrated when their computers don’t work properly such as: viruses, Spyware, rebooting unexpectedly, loss of speed, annoying pop ups and other common problems. If they turn to the Internet for help, they’d have to sift through a staggering amount of information hoping to find the solution they’re looking for.”

Patty adds: “The reason they’re forced to turn to the Internet is because of this fact: the personal computer is the only major appliance that does not come with its own maintenance manual.” Referring to the manual itself, she says: “This type of manual should have come with your computer when you bought it.”

Using her experience as an instructor, Patty wrote the book in plain English so anyone could understand – regardless of age or technical background. There are 19 chapters and over 200 illustrations and photographs detailing the exact procedures for each category of basic computer maintenance.

The manual covers the basics from setting up a new system to preventing viruses and Spyware, improving the speed of the computer, removing unwanted programs, even the correct way of cleaning a mouse, keyboard and monitor. Included are other resources – free easy-to-use tools – to help accomplish a smooth trouble-free computing environment.

Computer Pal tested the manual on a group of end users for ease of understanding, application and accuracy. The end users rated it one hundred percent in each category. Ms. P. Rao, one of the end users involved in the testing, summed up the results this way: “It’s most useful and easy to follow, not only for new PC users [but] for all the users." For more information and samples, visit: http//www.computerpal.net

Computer Pal
Patty Furgeson