Wendy Coulter Named to NCSU College of Management EEI Board of Advisors

Wendy Coulter, president of Hummingbird Creative Group, a Raleigh-based creative services firm, has been named to the North Carolina State University College of Management Entrepreneurship Education Initiative (EEI) Board of Advisors. The EEI Board of Advisors assists college students in their... - April 09, 2007 - Hummingbird Creative Group

topseos.com Launches New Website

topseos.com Launches New Website

"It's a proud accomplishment. The wait is over, and you'll see that the final version of the website is more than worth the wait. The newly launched website includes a complete overhaul of the design, and the addition of many relevant functionalities." -- Bill Peden said, during the... - April 08, 2007 - topseos.com

Community Bank of Parkersburg Names the Edcomm Group to Deliver Ethics: Code of Conduct Training

Community Bank of Parkersburg, WV has selected The Edcomm Group to deliver Ethics: Code of Conduct Training for its community bank training needs. The Bank also chose to implement Edcomm’s own LMS, Learning Link® for hosting and maintenance. Ethics: Code of Conduct communicates the laws,... - April 08, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

Realtors Online Marketer Pulls Fast One

April Fools Joke flies over everone's head. Marketer retracts the blog post as a April 1 prank and offers Free Marketing as retribution. - April 08, 2007 - Spider Juice Technologies

New Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Website Launches

A new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and civil procedure information website launches. - April 07, 2007 - Glaeser Enterprises, LLC

New Sales Training - Sales Management Training Website Launches

A sales training, sales management training, and customer service training leader, Normand & Associates, launched their new website from DMG Computer. - April 07, 2007 - Glaeser Enterprises, LLC

Latest HRmarketer.com Research to Reveal Purchasing Behavior of Human Resource Professionals

2007 Survey Report Will Examine HR Buyers’ Purchasing Cycles and the Best Marketing Tools for Attracting Their Attention - April 07, 2007 - HRmarketer.com

Board Certification for Cosmetic Dentistry? Dentists Say No.

Board Certification for Cosmetic Dentistry? Dentists Say No.

Dentists are opposed to cosmetic dentistry becoming a board-certified specialty, according to a Wealthy Dentist survey. Most already practice some form of cosmetic dentistry, and general dentists want to be able to continue to offer their patients cosmetic options. The 11% of dentists in favor of cosmetic credentials are concerned about the quality of care offered by some so-called "cosmetic dentists." - April 06, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist

Complete Business Systems Saves Small Business Owners Time and Money

Complete Business Systems offers a complete package of branding services for small businesses, including websites, logos, business cards, and letterhead. - April 06, 2007 - Complete Business Systems

Real Estate Portals Driving Free Community Listings and Exchanges in India

The largest network of India's Best Property Websites Kickstarts A Buyers Revolution in India - infusing the much needed Real Estate information pills. - April 06, 2007 - Wisepoint

Holiday Web Site by Cratima Interactive is Easy and Warm Feeling...

At Birkdale you will find all that you need for a splendid Orlando Holiday. Cratima Interactive made a web site that recreates this feeling completely: http://flipflopholidays.net. With the quality of the web sites provided by Cratima Interactive and the top level of services found at Highlands... - April 06, 2007 - Cratima

AdToll Sets Launch Date as June 18th 2007

AdToll is proud to announce that the online advertising network they have been developing since October 2006 will launch on June 18th, 2007. The service is described as a “new advertising network bringing together publishers and advertisers providing effective, profitable and reliable service. - April 05, 2007 - Purplex Pty Ltd

GLBA Compliance Workshop Offered on BankInfoSecurity.com

This webinar will explain how financial institutions can best maintain compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Section 501(b). In light of the recent TJX data breach, this is a webinar worth attending. - April 05, 2007 - Information Security Media Group

WebEnabledBiz.com Working Hard for Vancouver, WA, and Portland, OR, Realtors

WebEnabledBiz.com is producing effective results providing online marketing for Vancouver, Washington, and Clark County Realtors and brokers. - April 04, 2007 - WebEnabledBiz.com

Direct Online Marketing™ to Host Free Seminar on Search Engine Marketing

Justin Seibert, Owner & President of Direct Online Marketing™, hosts the first of two free Webinars on April 3 at 12:30 PM: Search Engine Marketing. - April 03, 2007 - Direct Online Marketing

ClickCulture Creates Extranet for CAHEC

Lloyd Jacobs, CEO of ClickCulture, has announced that the firm has created a comprehensive extranet application for Community Affordable Housing Equity Corporation (CAHEC). CAHEC is one of the region’s largest nonprofit tax credit syndicators whose mission is to raise equity for developing... - April 03, 2007 - ClickCulture

Que Lindo! Credit Union Agency Expands Services to Address Latino Market

Credit Union Marketing Agency, Andermahr & Company, has expanded its services to include Spanish language translation services and targeted cross-cultural marketing services for the commercial and financial industry. “It has been a long time coming,” said Andermahr CEO Anthony... - April 02, 2007 - Andermahr & Company

Inanimate Alice Links with Nancy Drew Fans at Her Interactive

Bradfield Collaborates With Her Interactive To Market Inanimate Alice To Her Interactive Fans - March 31, 2007 - The BradField Company

The Edcomm Group’s Bankers Academy Showcases BSA/AML Training at the 12th Annual Money Laundering International Conference

The Edcomm Group exhibited its Banker’s Academy BSA/AML courses to a standing-room-only audience at The Moneylaundering.com and Money Laundering Alert 12th Annual International Conference and Exhibition in Hollywood, Florida on March 19 - 21, 2007.  Considered by many as the best... - March 31, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

California Bankers Association Publishes “A Call To Arms To Protect Our Seniors” by the Edcomm Group’s Dr. Linda Eagle

California Bankers Association (CBA), the largest banking trade association, has published “A Call to Arms to Protect Our Seniors” by Dr. Linda Eagle, president of The Edcomm Group. Edcomm, a New York-based firm specializing in training for banking and financial services, is at the... - March 31, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

New Star on the Horizon

ComStar Media, LLC set to shine in both gaming and publishing industry. - March 30, 2007 - ComStar Media, LLC

Fusicles.co.uk – Free Article Submission and Distribution

Fusicles.co.uk is an online resource to submit, read, review and share original articles written by individuals for personal or commercial use. - March 30, 2007 - Fusive Ltd

Dentists Opposed to Greater Independence for Dental Hygienists

The clear majority of US dentists are not in favor of allowing dental hygienists to practice independently. In a recent Wealthy Dentist survey, four out of five dentists voted against hygienists becoming independent practitioners. Though such a change may improve access to dental care for some Americans, the average dentist is more concerned about maintaining an adequate level of care. - March 29, 2007 - The Wealthy Dentist

Outsell LLC Releases 3rd iBase Insight Into Consumer Car Buying Habits

Internet auto sales and marketing firm, Outsell, releases the third installment in a series of iBase research studies into consumer car purchasing habits. - March 29, 2007 - Outsell, LLC

dystrick design Helps FrontRange Solutions Launch GoldMine® Web Strategy

Creative design and communications agency develops new site for a CRM software market leader’s GoldMine Enterprise Edition for increased Web performance and visibility - March 29, 2007 - dystrick design

Edcomm’s Banker’s Academy California Sexual Harassment Training – Always in Compliance, Always Ahead of the Curve

California has recently made changes to AB 1825, which sets guidelines for Sexual Harassment Training and Education. When banks, credit unions and money services businesses asked if Edcomm’s Banker’s Academy was changing its courses so that they meet the new requirements, the answer was... - March 29, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

Beyond Phishing - The Growing Crimeware Threat: Free Webinar on BankInfoSecurity.com

Hear about the trends you need to know in malware/crimeware as it continues to evolve in a free webinar hosted by BankInfoSecurity.com. Learn new ways to approach the crimeware problem and find out how to protect your institution, customers and brand name. - March 28, 2007 - Information Security Media Group

Phishers and Crimeware: Institutions Beware. BankInfoSecurity.com Interview on Phishing

Banks and credit unions need to do a better job to protect their customers from phishing, and strong authentication is only one part of the equation, says Aaron Emigh during a BankInfoSecurity.com podcast. - March 28, 2007 - Information Security Media Group

SXSW Interactive Panelists Urge to Write for People, Not Robots

Search engine marketers discuss a variety of methods to raise website awareness and rankings within search engines - March 28, 2007 - Apogee Search

New Blog Chronicles Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Use as Seen through the Eyes of Three Individuals

The http://www.hGH247.com blog was developed using something called “Moguling”, pioneered by Phoenix, Arizona company- DotVentures, and is purported to be the latest rage in “web sites”. - March 28, 2007 - DotVentures

Luxembourg Business Community to Benefit from Website Conversions

World’s largest Internet Consulting Group presents WSI Conversion Architecture workshop. - March 28, 2007 - WSI Internet

Maple Technologies Balances the Competition Field for Small P&C Carriers

Maple Technologies announced new incentive-based pricing plans with extended cost amortization options for small property and casualty insurance carriers, as well as startups, to level the playing field and offer these carriers advanced technologies to compete for business more effectively. - March 28, 2007 - Maple Technologies, LLC

Timothy Aumueller Joins the Maple Tech Team to Lead Specialty Business Development Initiatives

Maple Technologies welcomes Timothy Aumueller as the newest member of its business development team, in its quest to grow and expand Maple’s product base.  Tim’s responsibilities will focus on enhancing and supporting Maple’s current business development strategy, while also... - March 28, 2007 - Maple Technologies, LLC

WSI Internet Consulting and Education Enters Luxembourg’s Magazine Website Design Field

Franco Prati, WSI Internet Consultant, announces today the launch of its PassaParola website development project, www.passaparola.info. - March 28, 2007 - WSI Internet

British Photographers Challenged to Capture Sunshine

To support the release of Sunshine, the major new motion picture from Fox Searchlight Pictures, Yahoo! Movies is encouraging photographers across the UK to submit photos capturing their favourite sunshine inspired moment in order to win a series of exciting prizes. Called ‘Sunshine... - March 28, 2007 - New Media Maze

Edcomm’s Banker’s Academy to Train Russian Banking Delegation on Risk

The Edcomm Group has been selected to host a week-long meeting of Russian bankers to be held the week of March 19. During the week, Edcomm will present a one-day Risk Management and Compliance training workshop, lead the delegation on tours of the New York and Washington D.C. Federal Reserve Banks,... - March 27, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

Scand Unveils dhtmlxCombo – Ajax Combobox with Autocomplete

Scand continues to provide developers with flexible and versatile client-side components for building rich and interactive Ajax-enabled web interfaces. This time the company released a new JavaScript combobox with autocomplete capabilities dhtmlxCombo v1.0. - March 27, 2007 - Scand LLC

Diane Kuehn Named 2007 Enterprising Woman of the Year

Diane Kuehn, president and CEO of VisionPoint Marketing, has been named a 2007 Enterprising Woman of the Year by Enterprising Women Magazine. This award honors women business owners who have record business growth and are leaders in the community and mentors to other women in business. Kuehn won in... - March 26, 2007 - VisionPoint Marketing

Nectar Designs New Laboratory Certified Waterproof Case for SKB - To Be Used With iPod Nano

Nectar's rapid development program allowed SKB to adapt to a changing marketplace, quickly getting into production for the new iPod nano. - March 26, 2007 - Nectar Product Development

Impact Media Expand UK Search Marketing Capabilities by Appointing New Head of Search

Impact Media recruit Adrian Bold as Head of Search as part of their overall expansion following continued success in the UK search marketing industry. - March 24, 2007 - Koozai

Mequoda Group Announces Top 100 Media Blogs in the US

Mequoda Group announced the release of the Mequoda Blog 100, a list of the top 100 media blogs in the country. The rankings are based on monthly unique visitor counts, generated by Compete, a free online traffic tracking service. Websites that host multiple blogs have their unique visitor counts... - March 24, 2007 - Mequoda Group

San Diego Based Juice Media Worldwide Opens Minneapolis Office

Juice Media Worldwide announced the opening of an office in Minneapolis to support its expanding customer base and provide access to new business opportunities. The new location allows Juice Media to further concentrate on the retail, financial, insurance, and media industries with its enterprise... - March 24, 2007 - Juice Media Worldwide

Popular Web Marketing Blog TheGoogleCache (www.thegooglecache.com) Gets a New Look

Popular Web Marketing Blog TheGoogleCache (www.thegooglecache.com) gets a new look to improve user experience and access to archives and categories. - March 24, 2007 - Virante

e-Business Profits Now Available to Businesses in Northern New Jersey

World’s Largest Internet Consultants Open Office in Wayne - March 24, 2007 - WSI Internet

The Viral Article Bank - A New Approach to Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate programs are taking the Internet by storm. Webmasters are joining affiliate programs in droves in an attempt to monetize their websites. But most are unsuccessful, and don't understand why. Sean Proske has studied the reasons, and has developed a turnkey system that any affiliate marketer can plug into and immediately overcome their main obstacles. - March 23, 2007 - ArticleOverdrive.com

e-Business Profits Now Available to Businesses in West of Ireland

World’s Largest Internet Consultants Open Office in Castlebar - March 23, 2007 - WSI Internet

C. Pitman Baker & Associates Partners with NetBeans to Curb Drunk Driving

Dallas-based software consulting design firm works to help stop drunk driving. - March 23, 2007 - C. Pitman Baker & Assoc., Inc.

BankInfoSecurity.com Interviews World’s First CISO Steve Katz

Run your information security program like a business, is one piece of advice from financial services information security luminary Steve Katz, as he shares his insights with BankInfoSecurity.com. Being an information security officer at a financial institution isn’t easy, but imagine... - March 23, 2007 - Information Security Media Group

topseos.com Announces Free Subscriptions to “Visibility” Magazine

topseos.com Announces Free Subscriptions to “Visibility” Magazine

“For now, the primary objective is to reach out to as many people as we can with the magazine. That is why we are starting out with free subscriptions for a fixed period of time.” Bill Peden said this, explaining the announcement from topseos.com of having free subscriptions to... - March 22, 2007 - topseos.com

topseos.com Recognizes Consistent Performance of Intrapromote in the Monthly Rankings

topseos.com Recognizes Consistent Performance of Intrapromote in the Monthly Rankings

For the past five years, topseos.com has been publishing monthly rankings of internet marketing firms in eleven categories. Not only is it a reliable source of information, topseos.com is also known for its many initiatives to attract new partners, and reward existing ones. Recently,... - March 22, 2007 - topseos.com

Press Releases 16,951 - 17,000 of 18,362