Epitope Diagnostics, Inc. Certifies Its Total 25-OH Vitamin D EIA Kit Through the CDC’s Vitamin D Standardization-Certification Program (VDSCP)

Epitope Diagnostics, Inc. (EDI), is pleased to announce it has received certification for the Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) for vitamin D measurement in the EDI™ Total 25-OH Vitamin D EIA Kit. CDC’s Vitamin D Standardization-Certification Program (VDSCP) evaluates the... - October 21, 2018 - Epitope Diagnostics, Inc.

Howard Commercial Represents Bean Realty in the Acquisition of Office/Retail Mixed-Use Property in St. Louis, MO

Howard Commercial, a St. Louis-based commercial real estate advisory firm, represented Bean Realty in the acquisition of a two-story, 4,000 square foot office/retail building located at 108 N. Kirkwood Rd. in Kirkwood, MO, a suburb of St. Louis. The Buyer plans to open a specialty popcorn retail... - October 21, 2018 - Howard Commercial Corp.

Howard Commercial Represents Parallon in Columbia, MO Regional Office Relocation

Howard Commercial, a St. Louis-based commercial real estate advisory firm, represented Parallon in the relocation of its Regional Office in Columbia, MO. Howard Commercial was engaged by Parallon, a subsidiary of HCA Healthcare (#63 on Fortune 500), in 2012 to act as its exclusive commercial real... - October 21, 2018 - Howard Commercial Corp.

6AMRun.com to Make Major National Debut with a Huge Booth at the TCS NYC Marathon Expo November 1st, 2018

6AMRun.com to Make Major National Debut with a Huge Booth at the TCS NYC Marathon Expo November 1st, 2018

Look for the 6AM Run Booth November 1st, 2018 in New York; Booth #614 at the Jacob Javits Center. - October 20, 2018 - 6AM Run LLC

Introducing the Mattify Mask Bar: Customizable Face Masks for Oily Skin and Acne

We've all seen DIY face mask tutorials. Women desperate to get rid of oily skin and acne make masks with odd ingredients such as avocado, egg, and Greek yogurt - then apply the mixture to their faces. The Mattify Mask Bar allows you to create your very own customized face mask that targets specific skin conditions - without having to raid your refrigerator. You simply select the ingredients, and we do the mixing. Mattify products are 100% natural, cruelty-free, and most are vegan. - October 20, 2018 - Mattify! Cosmetics

The First Virginia Beach Autism Speaks Walk Will Raise Funds for the Autism Community

The National Capital Area chapter of Autism Speaks will hold its 2018 Virginia Beach Autism Speaks Walk event on Sunday, November 4th at 24th Street Park. For more information, visit AutismSpeaksWalk.org. - October 20, 2018 - Autism Speaks National Capital Area

South Nassau Communities Hospital Earns Nurse Magnet Re-Deisgnation

Magnet designation is the highest and most prestigious international distinction a healthcare organization can receive for nursing care. - October 20, 2018 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

Do You Write or Want to Write? Golden Quill Press Publishes "How To Write Your Book... From an Idea to Your Published Story"

Golden Quill Press has published,"How To Write Your Book," a step by step guide to how to start writing...all the way to finishing your story. - October 20, 2018 - Golden Quill Press

CardioVascular Coalition Commends Bipartisan Lawmakers for Warning Against Proposed Cuts to Revascularization Services

CVC supports bipartisan group of lawmakers for signing letter to CMS opposing the proposed 30% cut in the CY 2019 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule. - October 19, 2018 - CardioVascular Coalition

Top 100 Medical Billing and Coding Programs Announced by MedicalFieldCareers.com

Top 100 Medical Billing and Coding Programs Announced by MedicalFieldCareers.com

MedicalFieldCareers.com, an educational resource for aspiring students in healthcare related education, has announced the Top 100 Affordable Medical Billing and Coding Schools. “The job as a medical biller or coder is one of the backbones of the health care industry and we felt like the best... - October 19, 2018 - MedicalFieldCareers.com

Care Staffing Professionals Awarded Health Care Staffing Services Certification from the Joint Commission

Care Staffing Professionals Awarded Health Care Staffing Services Certification from the Joint Commission

Care Staffing Professionals today announced it has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Health Care Staffing Services Certification. The certification demonstrates Care Staffing Professionals commitment to providing qualified and competent health care... - October 19, 2018 - Care Staffing Professionals

Long Island Premiere and Awards Celebration of Metro Goldman Motion Pictures International Award Winning Motion Picture "Father and Father"

Metro Goldman Motion Pictures announced today the Long Island premiere and awards celebration of their inaugural international award winning motion picture “Father and Father” on October 27, 2018. The action adventure comedy was created, produced, cast and shot entirely on Long Island and New York City. Film has been screened from Portland to Rome with stops in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York City capturing 12 wins along the way. This invitation-only event. - October 19, 2018 - Dr. Robert Goldman

GoMo Health and University of Nebraska Medical Center Release Pilot Study Results

Mobile Technology Combines with Community Health Worker Support to Reduce Preterm Births. - October 19, 2018 - GoMo Health

Helen’s Run/Walk 2018 Southeast to be Held November 3rd in Clayton, North Carolina

North Carolina will host the third annual Helen’s Run/Walk Southeast on Saturday, November 3, 2018, at East Clayton Community Park in Clayton, North Carolina, 50 years after the passing of Helen Keller, for whom the event is named. Keller inspired generations of Americans by overcoming... - October 19, 2018 - Helen Keller National Center

Energy for Health, ASAlaser's Scientific Review: 10 Years Marked by Research, Dissemination and Promotion of Scientific Knowledge

A new finish line accomplished for ASAlaser, whose scientific magazine celebrates its first ten years in 2018. The magazine represents just one of the company’s initiatives for highlighting research, the focal point of its growth and the basis of its ethics. - October 19, 2018 - ASA srl

Avant Healthcare Professionals to Exhibit at Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing Conference

Avant Healthcare Professionals, the premier staffing provider of internationally experienced nursing and allied health professionals, will be exhibiting at the Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center in Dululth, Minnesota on October 18 - 19,... - October 18, 2018 - Avant Healthcare Professionals

Giveaway - Mentality Nail Polish Earth Tone Holographic Collection

Announcing the epic giveaway of four complete Earth Tone Holographic Collections. - October 18, 2018 - Mentality Cosmetics, Inc.

SMA of South Florida, Inc. Announces the 2018 President-Elect

SMA of South Florida, Inc. Announces the 2018 President-Elect and upcoming chapter president for 2019. - October 18, 2018 - Staffing Management Association of South Florida Inc.

IKONA Joins NVIDIA Inception Program

IKONA Joins NVIDIA Inception Program

The Future of AI and Deep Learning. Inception nurtures dedicated and exceptional startups who are revolutionizing industries with advances in AI and data science. - October 17, 2018 - IKONA

ALPCO Announces Inaugural Young Investigators Award Recipient

ALPCO Announces Inaugural Young Investigators Award Recipient

ALPCO announces the first recipient of its new young investigators award, the Diabetes Research Travel Grant. - October 17, 2018 - ALPCO

Sean Kelley Joins THC.com as Chief Marketing Officer

Sean Kelley Joins THC.com as Chief Marketing Officer

Sean Kelley comes to THC.com with an extensive and illustrious track record in building brands, creating communities and driving traffic and commerce. He’s worked with businesses of all sizes, from start ups to Fortune 50 consumer packaged goods companies. After a decade in the high end... - October 17, 2018 - THC.com

Sisters of Sexuality: Five Shades of Play Launches New Radio Show

The first ever weekly radio show on sexuality amongst the African-American community is set to take place on Wednesday October 17th, 8pm EST, 5pm PST. Hosted by a combined force of leading experts of, erotic educators, sexologists and sexperts who will challenge the perceptions and misconceptions in the mainstream media and outdated notions of sex. - October 17, 2018 - Sisters of Sexuality

All-New ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Restoration System Arrives at The Edge For Men

The Edge For Men is making waves in the hair restoration scene thanks to their latest arrival, the all-new ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Restoration System. This patented, FDA-cleared device is the only robotic hair restoration system in the world that delivers the most precise hair follicle harvesting... - October 17, 2018 - The Edge for Men

Annual Eye Exams Play a Key Role in Early Detection of Diabetes

Nearly 25 percent of Americans with diabetes don’t know it. - October 17, 2018 - MyEyeDr.

Tornado Spectral Systems Wins 2018 CPhI Pharma Award

Tornado Spectral Systems was recognized as the winner of the "Analysis, Testing, and Quality Control" award at the prestigious CPhI Pharma Awards (2018) in Madrid, Spain. The CPhI Pharma Awards are among the most coveted recognitions in the pharma industry, celebrating innovations breaking new ground and supporting companies committed to industry excellence. - October 17, 2018 - Tornado Spectral Systems

European Green Energy SMEs Eyeing Market Opportunities in Southeast Asia

About 40 European companies from 15 different European Union (EU) Member States will embark on a week-long Green Energy Technologies business mission to Indonesia and Singapore. - October 17, 2018 - EU Business Avenues in South East Asia

MITA Commends New Research Paper Demonstrating the Many Flaws of the Medical Device Tax

Pacific Research Institute Calls on Congress to Complete Unfinished Bipartisan Business and Repeal the Device Tax. - October 16, 2018 - Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance

DentaDefend is Prepared for Sale Online in Kenya and Senegal

DentaDefend is Prepared for Sale Online in Kenya and Senegal

DentaDefend LLC, based in Evanston, Illinois, prepared their first product for sale in Kenya and Senegal. Within a couple of weeks the product will be available in some other African and European countries. According to the official website, the first 100 units will be sold at discounted... - October 16, 2018 - DentaDefend LLC

Breakthrough Research on Heat Production in Skeletal Muscles by Dr. Frank Diederichs from Oasis Publishers

Dr. Frank Diederichs from Oasis Publishers has done outstanding research on Heat Production in Skeletal muscles using Chemical Thermodynamic Principles. Skeletal muscles are composed of special cells, the muscle fibers, which ‑ on the basis of a coupled reaction ‑ can generate... - October 16, 2018 - Oasis Publishers

American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) Launches "Empowerment Exchange" in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) in Rockville, MD is urging women with disabilities to ask themselves when is the last time they were screened for breast cancer. Breast cancer is a major public health concern for all women, including women with disabilities. Women with... - October 16, 2018 - American Association on Health and Disability

David Hart Joins the Image Owl Team as VP of Sales and Marketing

David Hart Joins the Image Owl Team as VP of Sales and Marketing

Image Owl is excited to welcome David Hart as its new VP of Sales and Marketing. David joins Image Owl with an incredible background and track-record in radiotherapy sales over the 20 years. He has been instrumental in several start-up organizations and has been successful in leading sales and... - October 16, 2018 - Image Owl, Inc.

Dawn Burnett Writes Empowering Book to Help Divorce Survivors Thrive

From the Inspiring Wellness Strategist Dawn Burnett a Mindful, No Nonsense Take on Divorce Matters; "CONNECT How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce" - October 16, 2018 - A New Dawn Natural Solutions, Inc

Heartland Women’s Healthcare is Growing

Heartland Women’s Healthcare celebrates the groundbreaking of a new office on Wentzville Parkway this month. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on October 10th. Heartland Women’s Healthcare is excited to offer women in the Wentzville area, a brand new 8,000-square-foot obstetrics... - October 16, 2018 - Heartland Women's Healthcare

A Strategic Agreement in the Medical Sector Between Aselsan and Bicakcilar

As innovation is the most effective way to create an affordable and effective healthcare, medical device manufacturer, Bicakcilar, signs an agreement with Aselsan, an advanced technology provider to contribute to the well-being of patients, anywhere in the world, by developing devices that create effective and affordable healthcare so nobody is left behind in sickness and in health. - October 16, 2018 - Bicakcilar Medical Devices

Avant Healthcare Professionals to Exhibit at Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives Fall Conference

Avant Healthcare Professionals, the premier staffing provider of internationally experienced nursing and allied health professionals, will be exhibiting at the Indiana Organization of Nurse Executives (IONE) Fall Conference at the French Lick Resort in French Lick, Indiana October 17 - 19,... - October 16, 2018 - Avant Healthcare Professionals

DVAC Commends Bipartisan Lawmakers for Opposing Proposed Medicare Cuts to Vascular Access Services for Dialysis Patients

A group of bipartisan lawmakers warn HHS that unprecedented 62% reimbursement rate reduction to vascular access services would have serious impacts on patients with kidney disease. - October 15, 2018 - Dialysis Vascular Access Coalition

Can't Smell Anything? This Clinical Trial May Give You Hope.

Can't Smell Anything? This Clinical Trial May Give You Hope.

We often take for granted the ability to smell, but people with a diminished sense of smell or who have lost this sense completely know that this ability is linked to our overall quality of life. It is a major contributor to our ability to taste food, and people who lose their sense of smell often lose their appetite. This clinical trial may give them hope. - October 15, 2018 - Foundation for Regenerative Medicine

Rockville Smiles Announces Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program

Roseville California Candy Buy Back program hosted by Rockville Smiles Children's Dentistry and Orthodontics. Rockville Smiles will give Roseville area children $1 per pound of candy when they bring it into the Rockville Smiles practice between Nov. 1-7. - October 15, 2018 - Rockville Smiles

Skin Actives' Scientific New Vitamin C Toner

Skin Actives' Scientific New Vitamin C Toner

Skin Actives’ new Vitamin C Toner - October 15, 2018 - Skin Actives

Autism Service Dog Delivered to Assist 6-Year-Old Boy in Powell, OH

Autism Service Dog Delivered to Assist 6-Year-Old Boy in Powell, OH

An SDWR Autism Service Dog was delivered to a 6-year-old boy named Thor living in Powell, Ohio. - October 15, 2018 - Service Dogs by SDWR

Diabetic Alert Dog Delivered to Woman with Type 1 Diabetes in Cheney, WA

Diabetic Alert Dog Delivered to Woman with Type 1 Diabetes in Cheney, WA

Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers, or “SDWR,” delivered a custom trained Diabetic Alert Dog to a 53-year-old woman in Cheney, Washington today. - October 15, 2018 - Service Dogs by SDWR

Medtech & Pharma Platform Annual Event Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary in Basel

The Medtech & Pharma Platform (MPP) association is proud to announce the 5th anniversary of the MPP annual event, entitled “Global perspectives and trends at the intersection of pharma and medtech.” The event is taking place in Basel, Switzerland, on 16 - 17 October 2018. - October 15, 2018 - Medtech & Pharma Platform

Shari Dingle Costantini Named Finalist in 15th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

Shari Dingle Costantini, Founder and CEO of Avant Healthcare Professionals, was named a Finalist in the Female Entrepreneur of the Year category in the 15th annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor women executives, entrepreneurs, employees and... - October 15, 2018 - Avant Healthcare Professionals

AlpStories - Embracing a New Model for the Creation of Skincare Products

AlpStories - Embracing a New Model for the Creation of Skincare Products

AlpStories is reshaping how the beauty consumer will shop in the future, demanding the ability to personalize products to their own skincare needs while using ingredients that are organic and pure. - October 14, 2018 - AlpStories Inc.

Medicare Supplement Association Opens 2019 Conference Exhibit Hall

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance has opened sale of exhibit booths at the organization's 2019 Medicare and Senior Insurance Products National Summit. The national industry convention takes place in Atlanta, June 5-7, 2019. - October 14, 2018 - American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

Kenyon International to Attend British Institute of Funeral Directors Annual General Meeting and Conference

Simon Hardern, CEO Elect and Vice President, Operations of Kenyon International Emergency Services, will attend the 36th Annual General Meeting and Conference of The British Institute of Funeral Directors (BIFD). - October 14, 2018 - Kenyon International Emergency Services

Peoples First Baptist Church Spearheads H.E.A.L Movement

Southeast Queens and beyond to benefit from a new concept: church and wellness center to "Inspire NY" and promote preventative care amidst diabetes, cancer and stress "epidemic." - October 13, 2018 - Peoples First Baptist Church

Helen Keller National Center Praises Congressman Suozzi for Securing a Dramatic 31% Increase in Funding Over the Past Two Years

The Increase in the Annual Federal Appropriations for 2019 Will Mean Expanded Services to Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind. - October 13, 2018 - Helen Keller National Center

Brooke Chase Associates, Inc. Recruits Todd Graham as North American Manager, Specification Sales for Hardwoods Distribution, Inc. (HDI)

Joseph McElmeel, Chairman and CEO of executive search firm Brooke Chase Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce the successful recruitment by its Executive Recruiter, Michael Roach, of Todd Graham as North American Manager, Specification Sales for Hardwoods Distribution, Inc. (HDI). - October 13, 2018 - Brooke Chase Associates, Inc.

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