Low-Performing Companies Put Too Much Emphasis on Employee Cost Metrics

i4cp study also finds HR metrics track how many people leave, but not those in pivotal roles - May 04, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

i4cp Launches New Strategic Workforce Planning Resource

New Knowledge Center delivers the insights leaders need to leverage workforce performance that produces results. - April 17, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Most Companies Aren’t Prepared for the Aftershocks of Layoffs

New i4cp report finds most don’t anticipate the dramatic decline in morale and productivity that follows. - April 08, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

UK Success in European Union Funding Programme

A report published by the European Commission confirms that 60% of UK applications to the Culture programme in 2008 were successful – out of 25 applications submitted, 15 were successful (this excludes applications to the literary translation strand). This is the highest success rate of any... - April 01, 2009 - EUCLID

High-Potential Tip: Wow the Boss

A solid work history is more likely to put candidates on the high-potential advancement track if they impress their superiors as well, according to a recent Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) study. The study found that when it comes to identifying “hi-po” candidates, 86% of... - March 25, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Molecular Connections Launches XTractor Premium for Effective Knowledge Management and Real Time Access to Biomedical Data

Molecular Connections announced today, the launch of XTractor Premium a new Knowledge Management Platform. XTractor Premium offers several enhancements over the beta version in managing large volume of published biomedical data to accelerate decision making in drug discovery. It is available via four licensing options; Academic, Commercial, Governmental and Onsite Installation. XTractor Premium is now available with an Attractive Introductory Offer for Academic Researchers. - March 19, 2009 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

Linking Readers and Writers Through Shared Experiences

World Voice: Connected Communities is a cultural exchange where writers from around the globe share their lives, passions, poetry, stories, spiritual pilgrimages, and their own humanity, while becoming part of the historical record of a burgeoning global society. The World Voice book series has the goal of fostering communication and commonality of all people across borders. - March 18, 2009 - Santiago, Inc.

Kroner Communications to Participate in EXHIBITOR2009

Principal to Present at Conference. - March 16, 2009 - Exhibit Surveys, Inc.

i4cp Launches the Productivity Confidence Index

New Benchmark Tracks Productivity Expectations on a Continuing Basis - March 16, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

The City of Atlanta Certifies firstPRO Staffing and Executive Search a Female Business Enterprise

April Nagel, CEO of firstPRO Staffing and Executive Search announced today that the City of Atlanta’s Equal Business Opportunity Program (EBO) has certified the company as a Female Business Enterprise (FBE). Certification lasts for a period of two years and entitles the firm to be included in... - March 13, 2009 - First Pro Staffing

Jim Thorsten Promoted to Vice President of Sales - Traditional Staffing at firstPRO Staffing and Executive Search

April Nagel, President and CEO of firstPRO Staffing and Executive Search announced today that Jim Thorsten will serve as Vice President of Sales in the Traditional Staffing division. “Jim has a long history with firstPRO and understands the process of reaching and keeping customers,”... - March 13, 2009 - First Pro Staffing

Joan Dubinsky Publishes Two-Part Series on Corporate Codes of Conduct

Joan Dubinsky, the Chief Ethics Officer for the International Monetary Fund, has published a two-part series of tips and guidelines for writing and updating corporate Codes of Conduct. The article is available at Corporate Compliance Insights. - March 13, 2009 - Corporate Compliance Insights

Corporate Productivity Predicted to Rise in Down Economy

Study: Companies expect their workforces to be more productive. - March 02, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Erick Bell of Deloitte: Internal Control Checklist to Deter, Prevent, Detect Fraud

Erick Bell, a Senior Manager at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, presents a detailed internal control checklist that outlines 5 anti-fraud strategies companies can use to deter, prevent, and detect fraud. - February 18, 2009 - Corporate Compliance Insights

i4cp Doubles Attendance at Upcoming 37th Annual Member Conference

Traditional gathering in St. Petersburg, FL, features top human capital thought leaders and senior executives from some of the world’s leading organizations. - February 17, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

XTractor™ a Pioneering Literature Alert Service with Unlimited Free Access Creates a User Base of Over 250 Premier Organizations Worldwide in Less Than 9 Months

Molecular Connections announced today, XTractor™, the first of its kind manually curated literature alert service has built a user base of over 250 premier organizations in less than 9 months from its launch. Also shortly launching the Premium commercial version of XTractor™, with significantly enhanced features – like Biblographic & Semantic searches etc. The knowledgebase currently includes more than 100000 relationships, and grows at the rate of more than 600 relationships everyday. - February 16, 2009 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

David Chiang Publishes Article on Internal Audit Department Best Practices

David Chiang, the Director of Professional Services with ACL Services, Ltd., has published a new feature article on Corporate Compliance Insights detailing best practices for internal audit departments, including what an audit charter should contain and define, as well as effective use of audit technology. - February 11, 2009 - Corporate Compliance Insights

Lack of Knowledge Retention: The Hidden Cost of Corporate Downsizing

Study: Despite Correlation with Positive Market Performance, Most Companies Fail to Retain Knowledge When Workers Leave. - February 02, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Improving Productivity of the Existing Workforce High on Corporate Resolutions for the New Year

Study: With Most Predicting 10% U.S. Unemployment, Improving Profits, Cutting Costs, Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Managing Change Also Cited as Top Five 2009 Corporate Challenges. - January 26, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Jim Nortz Authors Article on Measuring Compliance Performance for CCI

Jim Nortz has published a new featured article on Corporate Compliance Insights entitled “Measure or Die: Using Metrics to Measure Compliance Performance." Jim Nortz is the Compliance Director at Bausch and Lomb. - January 16, 2009 - Corporate Compliance Insights

Four of 10 Companies Expect Healthcare Costs to Increase Under Obama

Companies See Reduced Healthcare Enrollment as Cost Crisis Continues. - January 12, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Human Capital Management Technology Failing to Capitalize on Promises

Study: One-third of Companies Are Dissatisfied. - December 29, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Study: Holidays Put the Humbug on Productivity

In a down economy, 15% of workers say they’re afraid to take time off for the holidays. - December 16, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Study: Down Economy Sparks Rise in Workplace Theft

The current economic downturn has led to an upturn in workplace theft – especially in large organizations – according to a recent Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) study. The study found that 27% of respondents in large companies - those with 10,000 or more employees - said... - December 11, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Genentech & IDEO Leaders to Receive The Edison Achievement Award for Innovation Excellence

The Edison Award Steering Committee (www.edisonawards.com), today announced Mr. David Kelley, Founder and Chairman of IDEO and Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann, President of Product Development at Genentech, will receive the prestigious Edison Achievement Award™ on April 1, 2009 at the Santa Clara... - December 02, 2008 - The Edison Awards

Most Executives Rank Succession Planning Among Top Challenges in the Future

Despite recognition, most companies lack a formal succession planning process, according to the latest report from i4cp. - November 20, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Multi-Dimensional Diversity™: i4cp Launches Exclusive New Program to Help Companies Leverage Diversity as a Competitive Asset

Diversity issues today have never been more complex. Cultural, racial, religious, gender, and generational diversity, among others, have organizations scrambling not only to meet the challenge of diversity’s multi-dimensional nature, but also to leverage it to their advantage. Through an... - November 20, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

XTractor™ - a Powerful Scientific Literature Alert Service with Unlimited Free Access Creates a User Base of Over 900 Users from 150 Premier Organizations Worldwide

Molecular Connections announced today, that XTractor™ the first of its kind manually curated literature alert service has built a user base of over 900 from more than 150 premier organizations in less then 4 months from its launch. XTractor™ has been widely accepted and well received among the scientific fraternity both in the academia and the industry across the globe. - November 15, 2008 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

Despite Economy, Most Companies Expect Hotter Competition for Top Talent in the Next Five Years

However, i4cp survey shows their “Employer Brands” may not be up to the job. - November 12, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Most Companies Encourage Their Employees to Take Part in the Voting Process

Not feeling very civic minded come voting day? Your employer might just provide the nudge you need, suggests a recent study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp). Giving employees the chance to vote is often mandated by state laws, but many employers go beyond legal requirements to... - November 04, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

For Most Companies, Layoffs Are Tough to Avoid

Study: Six of Ten Companies Have Trimmed Their Workforce, and Almost Half Expect More Cuts in the Next Six Months. - October 29, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

XTractor™ Introduces ‘Insta Search’ That Enables Users to Get Instant Snapshot of the XTractor Data on Chosen Query

Indian Life Sciences Informatics Company, Molecular Connections announced today, the launch of its ‘Insta Search’ feature in its latest offering XTractor™ - The first of its kind scientific literature alert service launched in July ’08. Team XTractor in a briefing explained... - October 24, 2008 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

Almost One-Third of Employers Fail to Teach Business Basics to First-Time Bosses

According to a recent survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), when it comes to showing first-time managers how to do their jobs, close to one-third of employers surveyed said they do not teach budgeting, time management, and project management. Twenty-six percent of employers... - October 20, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

XTractor™ - Creates a User Base of Over 900 Users from 150 Premier Organizations Worldwide

XTractor™ - Creates a user base of over 900 users from 150 premier organizations worldwide. US FDA, NIH, NCI, MD Anderson, Harvard Medical School, Novartis, Wyeth, AstraZeneca, Vertex, P&G, JNJ many more subscribe to XTractor. - October 12, 2008 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

KLAS Report Rates Five Unit Dose Packaging Vendors

KLAS spoke with more than 130 healthcare professionals to understand the successes and struggles they experience with their unit dose packaging vendors and systems. - September 27, 2008 - KLAS

Diversity Programs Now Essential in Corporations

Study Shows that Most Companies Either Have or Will Expand Diversity Strategies Thanks to Globalization. - September 24, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Corporate America Votes: McCain Better for Business

As presidential race heats up, employees are feeling political pressure at work. - September 17, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Adam Gale Named KLAS President

Adam Gale has been appointed the President of KLAS Enterprises. - September 13, 2008 - KLAS

Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) and The Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS) Announce Partnership

Alliance provides HRPS members with access to highly acclaimed research studies and peer interaction on workforce productivity issues. - September 11, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Retaining Corporate Knowledge: i4cp Launches Exclusive New Program to Help Companies Hold on to Their Most Important Asset

It’s a fact: over the next 10 years, a large percentage of the labor force will be eligible for retirement. Today, many companies are already anticipating a steady decline in qualified employees available to fill key leadership roles which will soon be vacated. In addition, many of these same... - September 10, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Secret Mission?

i4cp Study: Most Companies Have Mission Statements, but Don’t Ask Employees to Repeat Them. - September 10, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

KLAS Ranks 6 Extensive IT Outsourcing Vendors

KLAS offers a view of what is happening in the extensive IT outsourcing space by measuring outsourcer performance and providing insight into the experiences of the outsourced organizations. - September 10, 2008 - KLAS

July 2008 Statistic Overview Was Published by WorldStat.org

July 2008 statistic overview - world statistical bulletin containing monthly dynamics of the development for 37 countries located on 6 continents, including the largest - USA, Euro countries, China, Russia, India, Canada, Australia, etc. Overview contains monthly statistical data on economic development, dynamics of the prices, financial statistics and international trade for the last half a year. - September 06, 2008 - WorldStat

KLAS Ranks 5 Smart Pump Vendors

Smart infusion pumps are designed to add a line of defense at the bedside against such medication errors by ensuring that the right medication and dose go to the right patient every time. KLAS interviewed over 200 healthcare professionals regarding the experiences they are having with their smart infusion pump vendors. - September 04, 2008 - KLAS

Virtual Teams Now a Reality

Two out of Three Companies Say They Will Rely More on Virtual Teams in the Future. - September 04, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Which CV X-ray Vendors Deliver on Service?

Despite the available options providers continue to ask KLAS about x-ray for cardiovascular and interventional radiology work. KLAS interviewed 90 healthcare professionals about the experiences they are having with their CV/IR x-ray equipment and vendors. - August 31, 2008 - KLAS

The New Generation Gap

i4cp Study: Almost 70% of Companies Don’t Have Programs to Deal with the Different Generations in the Workforce. - August 27, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

WorldStat.org - the New Statistical Resource

Release of a new statistical resource containing the data on geography, a demography, economic development, the financial markets and world international mutual relations for 33 countries located on 6 continents. - August 22, 2008 - WorldStat

Organizations Are Failing to Create Trust Internally

Senior Management Credibility Seen as a Problem in a Quarter of Companies. - August 20, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

KLAS Researches Momentum of 8 CIS Vendors

KLAS recently published research identifying the Clinical Information System (CIS) vendors that prospective buyers plan to purchase from, which other vendors would be considered in the purchase process, and the strengths and weaknesses of each vendor. - August 17, 2008 - KLAS

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