Post Truth: George Byrne Asia Premiere

Powen Gallery is happy to announce the launch of George Byrne's solo exhibition, which will be until 5th of April. - March 09, 2020 - Powen Gallery

“Call Me” Wins Best International Romantic Comedy Short in Hollywood

“Call Me” Wins Best International Romantic Comedy Short in Hollywood

Arek Zasowski’s “Call Me” wins the prestigious Best International Romantic Comedy Short Award at the 2020 Golden State Film Festival in Hollywood after being screened at the world-renowned TCL Chinese Theatre. - March 08, 2020 - Arek Zasowski

2-Time Amazon Bestselling Author Michelle Lovett Presents “Life, Love, & Lock Up—Appointed Angels” Cover Reveal Mixer

Join them Wednesday, March 11, 2020, to help celebrate the release of “Life, Love, & Lock Up (Volume 3)—Appointed Angeles.” This highly anticipated installment is a compilation of (15) brave women who have faced impossible life choices dealing with relationships, marriages,... - March 07, 2020 - Michelle Lovett

SHAPESHIFT Radio Podcast Releases It's Next Anticipated Episode, "Go Mobile or Go Home!"

This is the era of the smart phone. Given this truth, it is becoming increasingly more and more important to consider the fact that if your business does not translate onto a mobile platform, you may be missing a very important boat. - March 07, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

2b Acting Release Their First Look Selective Interactive Video

Yorkshire based digital media and theatre company, 2b Acting, has released a first look episode of their Today and Tomorrow: Interactive web series on their online platform, InView. - March 06, 2020 - 2b Acting Ltd

Alveda King, Amy S. Foster and Mike Mullane to Appear on Aussie Osbourne Show

The Aussie Osbourne Show known for its in depth interviews with NYT bestselling authors Bob Mayer, Lisa See, Kyle Mills, and Boyd Morrison is set to start another season once again enriching upon its past roster. Alveda King (author and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Amy S Foster (author... - March 05, 2020 - Aussie Osbourne

Chicagoland Championship Wrestling Comes to Pro Wrestling Tees

With artwork provided by Koriander Publishing, Chicagoland Championship Wrestling launches a new line of apparel on Pro Wrestling Tees, the largest wrestling merchandise website currently operating. - March 05, 2020 - Koriander Publishing

The TOROSIETE Museum of Contemporary Art to Exhibit Works from Miami Cuban Artist Noel Suarez

The TOROSIETE Museum of Contemporary Art is pleased to announce a new exhibition of fine artworks titled “Siluetas,” from prolific Miami based Cuban artist Noel Suarez. This exhibition will premiere on Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 5:00 PM EST. Suarez is the living embodiment of passion... - March 04, 2020 - The TOROSIETE Museum of Contemporary Art

Inspirational Documentary by Talented, Silver Spring Native Debuts at the 2020 Through Women’s Eyes International Film Festival

Filmmaker Alyscia Cunningham’s powerful new film, “I Am More Than My Hair,” has been awarded an Official Selection and will screen at the highly coveted film festival. - March 04, 2020 - Her House Media

I Create Stories Debuts Comics and Kids eBooks Works by Samuel Vera on Amazon & B&N

I Create Stories Debuts Comics and Kids eBooks Works by Samuel Vera on Amazon & B&N

I Create Stories announced immediate availability of works by Samuel Vera on Amazon & B&N, comic titles include "There’s an Alien in my Toilet," "CosmicWars," and "Forbidden." Kids books include "Doodies Adventures," "The Adventures of Cosmic Gorf," "Mandie Pandie in The Curfew," "Scary Aerie," "The Oogoolie Boogoolies," and "Arrghh!." Best known for his flagship comic "There’s an Alien in my Toilet," Samuel re-enters the creative world releasing his catalogue of books through Amazon and B&N. - March 03, 2020 - i Create Stories

Koriander Publishing Comes to Half Price Books

With a special focus on lower income readers, Koriander Publishing's top titles are now available at one of America's most philanthropic retail establishments with an expansion to 127 stores nationwide. - March 03, 2020 - Koriander Publishing

Excelsior Publishing to Release Leonard Seet’s Novel "Sharper Mind Darker Dreams"

Excelsior Publishing will be releasing Leonard Seet’s latest novel "Sharper Mind Darker Dreams" in November 2020. Along with the release, there will be a giveaway of his previous novel Magnolias in Paradise at Goodreads. From the author of Magnolias in Paradise comes "Sharper... - March 01, 2020 - Excelsior Publishing

An Alternative View Releases It's Next Episode Focused on "Relationships" and Most Specifically Your "Primary Relationships"

Enjoying a little solo time again, your host (Rev) Deborah Bishop goes back to her roots in talking about relationships. Known as an Inner Image Authority, "because you'll never outperform your own self-image," Deborah has built a successful career around assisting individuals in developing the most important relationship of their lives, their relationship to themselves. - February 29, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

The Missionary of Wall Street Completes Transformative Ash Wednesday Mission in New York City

The Missionary of Wall Street Completes Transformative Ash Wednesday Mission in New York City

More than two dozen missionaries, led by Steve Auth, author of “The Missionary of Wall Street” and Chief Investment Officer, Equities, at Federated Hermes Inc. “FHI,” completed a successful Ash Wednesday street mission this week in New York City. The mission took place in... - February 28, 2020 - Steve Auth

Lance J. LoRusso to Present “Use of Force – Changing Landscape & Standards” at National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) 2020 Law Enforcement Labor Summit

LoRusso Will Also be Signing Copies of His Critically Acclaimed Books - February 28, 2020 - Lance LoRusso Books

"Call Me" Golden State Film Festival Hollywood Screening

"Call Me" Golden State Film Festival Hollywood Screening

Experience the magic of independent cinema at the heart of Hollywood and come to the 9:30 pm Sunday night screening of "Call Me" at the prestigious annual Golden State Film Festival at The TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. - February 27, 2020 - Arek Zasowski

Lily Lisa Collection Holds Grand Opening on Beverly Drive

Lily Lisa Collection Holds Grand Opening on Beverly Drive

Lily Lisa Collection, Beverly Hills' New Star - February 26, 2020 - Lily Lisa

Dating Advice Author and Former Don Juan Alan Roger Currie to Marry

Dating Advice Author and Former Don Juan Alan Roger Currie to Marry

Professional Dating Coach and Popular Self-Help Author Alan Roger Currie has decided to get rid of his long-standing title of "confirmed bachelor" and tie the knot. Currie is currently engaged to his fiancee Jameelah Zakkiya Walker of Jackson, Mississippi. This will be the first marriage for both Currie, who is 56, and Walker who is 28. - February 21, 2020 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.

Koriander Publishing Provides Video for Chicagoland Championship Wrestling

Bringing a family friendly televised product, Chicagoland Championship Wrestling looks ahead to April for their inaugural event. - February 20, 2020 - Koriander Publishing

Prolific Award Winning Producer Director Humberto Rosa Reaching International Audiences

Prolific Award Winning Producer Director Humberto Rosa Reaching International Audiences

Humberto Rosa has produced films for audiences in Brazil, Asia, and the US, with several in development and one opening across Brazil in March. - February 19, 2020 - Humberto Rosa

Wit Releases Songs for Presidents' Day Playlist on Spotify Monday, February 17th, 2020

Wit ( released Songs for Presidents' Day Playlist on Spotify. To enjoy this collection of tunes simply goto . To see all that the new site has to offer follow the link... - February 19, 2020 - Wit

Wit Released Daddy's Little Girl (Part 1) Acoustic Video

Wit ( announced Daddy's Little Girl (Part 1) acoustic video by Wit is now posted on your favorite video sites. "It is an intimate (down and dirty with no post production) recording of me performing Daddy's Little Girl (Part 1) acoustically in an outdoor environment,"... - February 18, 2020 - Wit

Versatile Haitian American Singer/Songwriter Natalie Jean Releases New Album “Where Do We Go from Here?

Natalie Jean is a very rare kind of vocalist. Having won recognition across the most diverse of musical genres, she is quite comfortable performing in English, French and Haitian Creole. - February 18, 2020 - Natalie Jean

New Website,, Guides Millennials on Living a Starbucks Lifestyle on a Dunkin’ Donuts Budget

Millennials (broadly defined here as those in their 20s and 30s) want to enjoy the best things in life as much as everyone else. Yet, their earning potential is typically less than those of older generations. Frequently saddled with high student loan debt, Millennials need to find ways to live... - February 16, 2020 - Luis Gonzalez

Playwrights Local Announces World Premiere of “Hey Siri”

New drama by Mary E. Weems, Ph.D. explores the impact of technology on three urban lives. Directed by Michael Oatman, the production runs March 20 through 29 at Waterloo Arts in Cleveland. - February 15, 2020 - Playwrights Local

SHAPESHIFT Radio Podcast Presents It's Next Episode "When is It Too Much Information?"

It's important as an entrepreneur and/or business owner in today's marketplace, putting information out into the world is all part of building your brand. But . . . When is the information you're putting out there, too much? - February 15, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

An Alternative View Interviews Expert Claude Whatley on the World of Banking and Cash Flow

In this episode, Deborah dares to ask some of the harder questions when it comes to the world and finances. In this day and age, the financial landscape can be a tough one to navigate, or even predict, and having a little sage advice can go a long way. Mr. Claude Whatley offers such sage advice with a lot of wisdom as well as a good sense of humor. - February 15, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

String Along Music Studio Launches Crowd-Sourcing Initiative for Violinists

Violin players worldwide can now share their expertise online and get paid for it. - February 14, 2020 - String Along Music Studio

Rising Hip Hop Artist Cudlino Announces Debut Album W.I.T.S.

Independent hip hop artist Cudlino announced that his full length album "W.I.T.S. (Written In The Stars)" will be released on 2/14/2020. - February 14, 2020 - Cudlino

Viral Energy Awareness is the (Surprising) Ancient Key to Happiness

Viral Energy Awareness is the (Surprising) Ancient Key to Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy and fulfilled, yet there's been something missing for how to manifest our dreams, until now. - February 13, 2020 - Do Unto Earth LLC

Shaun J. Phree Announces the Release of LGBT Fiction Novel, Caramel Addiction

PLE Press launched a new book, Caramel Addiction, written by Shaun J. Phree, on January 27, 2020. The book has reached the top 10 Best Sellers List in 3 categories in the first week after release. This is Shaun J. Phree's debut fiction novel. The Amazon Best Seller is centered around Persia, an... - February 11, 2020 - Shaun J. Phree

Kelly Brady Channick Releases Book One in the Asbury High Series, (a Young Adult Mystery Series)

Local author, Kelly Brady Channick, releases debut young adult mystery novel, Asbury High and The Thief’s Gamble, that promises to leave enthrall readers and leave them guessing until the end. Asbury High and the Thief’s Gamble is the first book in a young adult mystery series. Asbury... - February 11, 2020 - Kelly Brady Channick

Deus Ex Machina by Jennifer Juan Hits Bestseller Status on Amazon Within First Week of Release

Writer, podcaster and musician Jennifer Juan's latest book, Deus Ex Machina has hit bestseller status on Amazon, within the first week of release. Charting at at #4 on the Women's Poetry Bestseller chart, as well as #1 on the Hot New Releases chart for Women's Poetry, and #7 on the Bestseller chart... - February 10, 2020 - Jennifer Juan

Cassie Pigg & Aja Sexton Announce the Release of Their Podcast, "Wrecked Mamas"

This is not your typical mom podcast. Cassie & Aja are shedding new light on modern motherhood. - February 10, 2020 - Mom Stuff, LLC

New Amazon Prime Video Special: "RV's And Cats" with Comedian Sarah J. Halstead Will Make Your Year

New Amazon Prime Video Special: "RV's And Cats" with Comedian Sarah J. Halstead Will Make Your Year

Emmy Award winning Director: Jeff Greenstein (of Will and Grace, Mom, Friends and more) directs "RV's & Cats." - February 08, 2020 - Sarah J. Halstead

New Series of Guides Offer Inspiration and Advice for All Authors and Writers

Two writers with over 35 years of combined experience share invaluable advice for authors and writers of all levels. - February 08, 2020 - Cendrine Marrouat

Alternative View Continues Its Awesome Foray Into the Mind of a 70+ Hit Songwriter Jerry Foster

As it tends to do An Alternative View with the host (Rev) Deb Bishop delivers some tasty tidbits as well as great energy and entertainment from the second half of the interview with Jerry Foster, a member of the country music hall of fame among other things. Jerry shares more of his life and his wisdom while also telling us all how amazing the music industry was. - February 08, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

Canidium Receives SAP® North America Partner Excellence Award 2020 for Customer Experience

Canidium today announced it is the recipient of an SAP® North America Award for Partner Excellence 2020 for Customer Experience. Awards were presented by SAP to the top-performing SAP partners in the North America region that have made outstanding contributions to driving our customers’ digital transformation. - February 07, 2020 - Canidium

Dangerous in Cancun ... Bryan Dangerous' Comedy Juggling Show

Bryan Dangerous is an award winning comedy juggler. He is performing for a limited time at several resorts in the Cancun Mexico area for the month of February 2020. - February 06, 2020 - Bryan Dangerous Comedy Juggler

Melson to Assist Gloves and Doves Boxing Team in Israel

Retired boxer and Army Public Affairs Officer Maj. Boyd Melson will lend a helping hand to the Gloves and Doves Boxing Team. - February 05, 2020 - Boyd Melson

The C15 Collaborative Art Space Soft Open on First Friday: An Exciting New Downtown Partnership Between the Yards Collective and Scott Zorn of Grove Street Management

The C15 Collaborative Art Space is located in the heart of downtown, 15 Charlotte Street. This space will offer spacious studios, an intimate gallery, and opportunities for private event rentals near some of the best Rochester action. This space will function as a sister site to The Yards and allow... - February 04, 2020 - The Yards Collective

Cassie Pigg is Changing the Conversation Around Maternal Mental Health

Cassie Pigg is Changing the Conversation Around Maternal Mental Health

"Mommy's Got a Tramp Stamp" is busting onto the scene and shaking up the way moms talk about their emotions after giving birth. This book aims to normalize postpartum depression in new mothers. - February 03, 2020 - Mom Stuff, LLC

So You Think God Turned His Back on Us? Read "Why Can't We Trust God?" - a New Book by Award Winning Author Thomas Wise

So You Think God Turned His Back on Us? Read "Why Can't We Trust God?" - a New Book by Award Winning Author Thomas Wise

"Well, at the time my wife and I were suffering financially due to her loss of a good job. We wondered how we would pay our bills but chose to continue to trust in God as we paid our tithe and held our breath, hoping my income would cover our bills each month. We prayed for relief but never... - February 02, 2020 - Author Thomas P. Wise

"The Book of Moncoto" Released as the Old Year Ends and the New Year Begins

Dr. Mosetta Penick Phillips-Cermak greets the New Year with the release of Her first middle-grade fantasy. - February 02, 2020 - Dr. Mosett Penick Phillips-Cermak

An Alternative View Interviews Hit Songwriter Jerry Foster

Whether you are a music person, just curious, or an entrepreneur this latest interview will excite you. Jerry Foster, with over 70 hit songs to his name tells stories about the way it was and also what has happened to the music business today. - January 31, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

Indie Rights Releases Kitschy Action/Comedy Boris and the Bomb Now on Amazon Prime Video

Indie Rights has released the kickstarter funded directing debut of USC Film School alum and CNN collaborator, David P. Kronmiller. Kronmiller wrote and produced the film with partner Jennifer Emily McLean through their company FishEyedLensy. The film is now available on Amazon Prime. - January 31, 2020 - Jennifer McLean

P.I. Tales Publishing Launches a New Collection of Modern Detectives

Modern detectives. Classic Style. Welcome to the world of P.I. Tales... - January 29, 2020 - P.I. Tales

The Transformational Channel is Proud to Present “The SHAPESHIFT Radio Podcast” a Brand New, Entertaining Show Specifically Designed to Help Business Grow Online

Designed to answer the questions every business owner, CEO and/or entrepreneur might have when it comes to success, The SHAPESHIFT Radio Podcast is on the air to serve you. - January 25, 2020 - Deborah Bishop & The Factory Broadcast Network

World Renowned Gong Master Karyn Diane Performs at Embracing Your Journey Expo January 26

The premier performance of the 2020 Clear Vision Concert - “Unleash the Master Within” sound bath concert by world renowned gong master Karyn Diane – “StormClearer Unleashed” opens at 11:30 am January 26, 2020 at the Embracing Your Journey Expo at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix. - January 24, 2020 - Purple Lotus Productions

The International Songwriters Day Song Contest is Looking for Songs That Inspire

The International Songwriters Day Song Contest offers songwriters prizes to help jumpstart their careers. - January 21, 2020 -

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