Rev. Dr. A. Louise Bonaparte’s Newly Released "The Forbidden Platform: Women in Ministry" is a Compelling Discussion of Female Leadership

Rev. Dr. A. Louise Bonaparte’s Newly Released "The Forbidden Platform: Women in Ministry" is a Compelling Discussion of Female Leadership

“The Forbidden Platform: Women in Ministry,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Rev. Dr. A. Louise Bonaparte, is a powerful message of encouragement to any woman who feels drawn to serving God through ministry appointment. - February 23, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

F. E. Greene Jr.’s Newly Released "Sermons on the Mountain" is an Engaging Collection of Personal Testimonies Regarding God’s Hand Upon One Man’s Life

F. E. Greene Jr.’s Newly Released "Sermons on the Mountain" is an Engaging Collection of Personal Testimonies Regarding God’s Hand Upon One Man’s Life

“Sermons on the Mountain,” from Christian Faith Publishing author F. E. Greene Jr., is an inspiring selection of brief but impactful messages of faith from an average man’s experiences in spreading the word of God. - February 23, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Mark Jacobs’s Newly Released "ANNA: A Story of Faith, Trust, and Purpose" is a Captivating Journey of Faith and an Unexpected Group of Newfound Friends

Mark Jacobs’s Newly Released "ANNA: A Story of Faith, Trust, and Purpose" is a Captivating Journey of Faith and an Unexpected Group of Newfound Friends

“ANNA: A Story of Faith, Trust, and Purpose,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Mark Jacobs, is an exciting series of unexpected missions for a young man on a path of fateful meetings, twists of fate, and profound realization. - February 23, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Dr. Tania Wiseman’s Newly Released "Treasures and Truths" is an Inspiring Exploration of Key Lessons Found Within Scripture and How to Apply It to One’s Life

Dr. Tania Wiseman’s Newly Released "Treasures and Truths" is an Inspiring Exploration of Key Lessons Found Within Scripture and How to Apply It to One’s Life

“Treasures and Truths,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Dr. Tania Wiseman, provides readers with a reassuring and encouraging message of the rejuvenation of faith and comfort that can be found within God’s word. - February 23, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Dean Robertson’s Newly Released "Sex Was God’s Idea" is an Eye-Opening Examination of Key Scripture Related to Marriage and Sex

Dean Robertson’s Newly Released "Sex Was God’s Idea" is an Eye-Opening Examination of Key Scripture Related to Marriage and Sex

“Sex Was God’s Idea: An Honest Look at Biblical Sexuality And the Rightful Role of Women,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Dean Robertson, is an articulate study of an often disputed component of God’s teachings that will challenge readers in their long-held beliefs. - February 23, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Lindsey Cortese’s Newly Released "I’m so Extra" is a Helpful Narrative That Aids Young Readers in Learning About Life with Down Syndrome

Lindsey Cortese’s Newly Released "I’m so Extra" is a Helpful Narrative That Aids Young Readers in Learning About Life with Down Syndrome

“I’m So Extra,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Lindsey Cortese, is an uplifting and easy-to-read story that explores the many things people have in common, even amongst the differences that make one unique. - February 23, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Donna Mills’s New Book, "God Chose Me," is a Recovering Addict’s Inspirational Life Story Describing How She Was Called to Faith and Overcame Her Adversities

Donna Mills’s New Book, "God Chose Me," is a Recovering Addict’s Inspirational Life Story Describing How She Was Called to Faith and Overcame Her Adversities

Fulton Books author Donna Mills, a gifted writer who was compelled by the Holy Spirit to share her story, has completed her most recent book, “God Chose Me”: an encouraging and gripping autobiography about the author’s relationship with God. “The journey to finding God is... - February 23, 2023 - Fulton Books

Timothy V. Tousey’s New Book, "Greed: A True Story of Malice and Murder," Follows Two Lawyers Who Would Stop at Nothing to Get Their Hands on a Wealthy Family's Estate

Timothy V. Tousey’s New Book, "Greed: A True Story of Malice and Murder," Follows Two Lawyers Who Would Stop at Nothing to Get Their Hands on a Wealthy Family's Estate

Fulton Books author Timothy V. Tousey, who earned his bachelor’s degree in English literature from the University of Wisconsin at Platteville, and currently resides in Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife, two dogs, and cat, has completed his most recent book, “Greed: A True Story of... - February 23, 2023 - Fulton Books

Samantha Wilson’s New Book, "The Girl Who Was Abused," is a Powerful Tale of a Young Girl Who is Abused Over Time by the One Person Who Should be Protecting Her

Samantha Wilson’s New Book, "The Girl Who Was Abused," is a Powerful Tale of a Young Girl Who is Abused Over Time by the One Person Who Should be Protecting Her

Fulton Books author Samantha Wilson, who loves cats, listening to music, gymnastics, dancing, martial arts, and swimming, has completed her most recent book, “The Girl Who Was Abused”: a stirring tale of a young girl named Amanda who faces constant mistreatment and emotional abuse from... - February 23, 2023 - Fulton Books

Lexie Scriber’s New Book, "1,2,3… It's Mr. Lee!" is a Heartwarming Children’s Story About a Beloved Substitute Teacher with a True Passion for Education

Lexie Scriber’s New Book, "1,2,3… It's Mr. Lee!" is a Heartwarming Children’s Story About a Beloved Substitute Teacher with a True Passion for Education

Recent release “1,2,3… It's Mr. Lee!” from Newman Springs Publishing author Lexie Scriber, is an adorable children’s book about a classroom being surprised with their favorite substitute teacher, Mr. Lee. He takes the students on a lively journey of learning, and they discover that school isn’t so bad when Mr. Lee is there. - February 23, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing

Jeremy Hutchinson, J.D.’s Book, "The Ghost of Bald Head Island," is a Reunion That Starts Fun Until a Murder Takes Place, Throwing Suspicion and Doubt Over the Weekend

Jeremy Hutchinson, J.D.’s Book, "The Ghost of Bald Head Island," is a Reunion That Starts Fun Until a Murder Takes Place, Throwing Suspicion and Doubt Over the Weekend

Recent release “The Ghost of Bald Head Island,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Jeremy Hutchinson, J.D., is a tale of a friendly reunion, celebrated over a long buried secret that is coming back to the surface. - February 23, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing

Introducing the Senior Tech Zone: a Website Resource to Help Seniors and Others with Personal Technology

Introducing the Senior Tech Zone: a Website Resource to Help Seniors and Others with Personal Technology

"We need to remember that the purpose of learning all of this tech stuff is so we can use it to do other things." - Gary Bryant, Founder, - February 23, 2023 -

Romanian Crucible: "The Trial of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu," Now Available from Histria Books

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of Romanian Crucible: The Trial of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, edited by Gheorghe Buzatu and Kurt W. Treptow. The book is published by the Center for Romanian Studies, an independent academic research institute, based in the United States, whose mission... - February 23, 2023 - Histria Books

San Antonio Military Couple Launches New Book with Trilogy Christian Publishing Today - "How to Build a Successful Marriage"

San Antonio Military Couple Launches New Book with Trilogy Christian Publishing Today - "How to Build a Successful Marriage"

San Antonio residents and military couple Angelo and TJ Haygood secured their first book contract with Trilogy Christian Publishing, "How to Build a Successful Marriage." The book officially launched today, Wednesday, February 22, 2023. - February 22, 2023 - Build a Successful Marriage

Weirdos in the Wild, a Paranormal and Metaphysical Podcast, Releases Its First Two Episodes

Weirdos in the Wild, a Paranormal and Metaphysical Podcast, Releases Its First Two Episodes

Weirdos in the Wild, a paranormal and metaphysical podcast, releases its first two episodes today. Co-Hosts AJ Oxley and Lynn Tincher, two everyday weirdos from Louisville, Kentucky, are excited to announce the official release of Weirdos in the Wild, a paranormal and metaphysical podcast. The... - February 22, 2023 - Weirdos in the Wild

Author John Loring’s New Book, "Bigtops to Billboards," Tells the True Story of Colonel Burr Robbins and How He Fulfilled His Dream by Beginning the Burr Robins Circus

Author John Loring’s New Book, "Bigtops to Billboards," Tells the True Story of Colonel Burr Robbins and How He Fulfilled His Dream by Beginning the Burr Robins Circus

Recent release “Bigtops to Billboards,” from Page Publishing author John Loring, follows the life and times of the author's great-grandfather who, after serving in the Civil War, set off to start his own circus. Through his smart networking and business tactics, Colonel Burr Robbins created the third largest circus in American history, while transforming local towns with his iconic giant posters. - February 22, 2023 - Page Publishing

Author Alma Felix’s New Book, "My Life Living with Crohn's Disease and after Colon Transplant Surgery," Details the Author's Management of Her Crohn's Disease

Author Alma Felix’s New Book, "My Life Living with Crohn's Disease and after Colon Transplant Surgery," Details the Author's Management of Her Crohn's Disease

Recent release “My Life Living with Crohn's Disease and after Colon Transplant Surgery,” from Page Publishing author Alma Felix, is an eye-opening story that chronicles the author's journey to learning to manage her condition. Felix shares her tips for managing symptoms that have developed over years of living with the disease and aims to connect with her many readers who share her diagnosis. - February 22, 2023 - Page Publishing

James Phillips’s Newly Released "A Book of Poems" is a Testament to the Profound Love Shared Over the Course of Fifty-Plus Years of Marriage

James Phillips’s Newly Released "A Book of Poems" is a Testament to the Profound Love Shared Over the Course of Fifty-Plus Years of Marriage

“A Book of Poems,” from Christian Faith Publishing author James Phillips, is an emotionally charged collection of poetry that examines the author’s reflections on a life of love, faith, and commitment. - February 22, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Sean N. Hornback’s New Book "Benevolence: Good Intentions Are Not Always as They Appear" Centers Around a Man Named Klaus, Who Finds Himself on the Run with His Only Son

Sean N. Hornback’s New Book "Benevolence: Good Intentions Are Not Always as They Appear" Centers Around a Man Named Klaus, Who Finds Himself on the Run with His Only Son

Fulton Books author Sean N. Hornback, a loving father to his young son, has completed his most recent book, “Benevolence: Good Intentions Are Not Always as They Appear”: a gripping tale of a father and husband who discovers his wife’s true nature, and vows to do everything he can... - February 22, 2023 - Fulton Books

Author B. A. Nieveen’s New Book, “Adventures in Superfund,” is the Story of Several Communities’ Battles with an Immoral and Deeply Misguided Law

Author B. A. Nieveen’s New Book, “Adventures in Superfund,” is the Story of Several Communities’ Battles with an Immoral and Deeply Misguided Law

Recent release “Adventures in Superfund,” from Covenant Books author B. A. Nieveenm, is a history of what the city Midvale went through under the hands of the US EPA and its sidekick, the Utah DEQ. - February 22, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author Kathy Kite’s New Book, "Super Nova 2: Evil Temptations," is the Gripping Story of a Young Woman with Dual Identities Who Will Stop at Nothing to Reclaim Her Man

Author Kathy Kite’s New Book, "Super Nova 2: Evil Temptations," is the Gripping Story of a Young Woman with Dual Identities Who Will Stop at Nothing to Reclaim Her Man

Recent release “Super Nova 2: Evil Temptations,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Kathy Kite, is a stunning and riveting tale that centers around Tashia, a new assumed identity that she uses to deceive those around her and attempt to win back her man by any means necessary. To accomplish this, Tashia will stop at nothing and take down whoever stands in her way, whether it be friend or foe. - February 22, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing

Carol Hoger’s Newly Released "Hiding Behind The Thumb: A Diet Survival Book" is a Humorous and Encouraging Discussion of the Challenges of Losing Weight

Carol Hoger’s Newly Released "Hiding Behind The Thumb: A Diet Survival Book" is a Humorous and Encouraging Discussion of the Challenges of Losing Weight

“Hiding Behind The Thumb: A Diet Survival Book,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Carol Hoger, is a creative and compassionate discussion of challenges and complex emotions that accompany the weight loss journey. - February 22, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Adella Mears’s Newly Released "Phonetic Workbook: Consonant Blends" is an Engaging Resource for Early Readers to Practice and Perfect Key Literacy Skills

Adella Mears’s Newly Released "Phonetic Workbook: Consonant Blends" is an Engaging Resource for Early Readers to Practice and Perfect Key Literacy Skills

“Phonetic Workbook: Consonant Blends,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Adella Mears, is an encouraging opportunity that will help young readers begin to build confidence, play, and learn. - February 22, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Pierre N. McDonnaugh’s New Book, “Beauty for Ashes: The Virtuous Side of Failure,” is a Profound Exploration of How Failure Can Be a Positive Step in One's Path Forward

Pierre N. McDonnaugh’s New Book, “Beauty for Ashes: The Virtuous Side of Failure,” is a Profound Exploration of How Failure Can Be a Positive Step in One's Path Forward

Fulton Books author Pierre N. McDonnaugh, a licensed attorney who holds a DPS in economics and international management from the Pace University Lubin School of Business, an LLM in law and government from the American University Washington College of Law, and is a graduate of Howard University... - February 22, 2023 - Fulton Books

Author Rachel Larcom, MSN, FNP-BC, CCRN’s new book “Surviving the ICU" Provides Nurses of All Experience Levels the Insider Knowledge of Working as a Critical Care Nurse

Author Rachel Larcom, MSN, FNP-BC, CCRN’s new book “Surviving the ICU" Provides Nurses of All Experience Levels the Insider Knowledge of Working as a Critical Care Nurse

Recent release “Surviving the ICU: A Toolkit for the Critical Care Nurse,” from Covenant Books author Rachel Larcom, MSN, FNP-BC, CCRN, is a vital companion for nurses working in the ICU who may be feeling overwhelmed. Larcom provides useful tactics to ensure readers are able to care for their patients accurately and quickly while being prepared for nearly any kind of emergency. - February 22, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author Mt. Tee’s New Book, "I Prayed for Love-My True Love: Two Books in One," is an Exploration of the Impact That Losing a Deep Love Continues to Have on the Author

Author Mt. Tee’s New Book, "I Prayed for Love-My True Love: Two Books in One," is an Exploration of the Impact That Losing a Deep Love Continues to Have on the Author

Recent release “I Prayed for Love-My True Love: Two Books in One,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Mt. Tee, is an enthralling series of poems that reflect upon a love that slipped through the author's fingers, despite his best efforts to do all he could to save it. Each passage reveals how a love like the author's can be life changing, even if it's not meant to last. - February 22, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing

Author Curtis Ercanbrack's New Audiobook, "Billy and Mister Crowe," Brings to Life a Simpler Time, Reminding Readers of the Morals That America Once Stood for

Recent audiobook release “Billy and Mister Crowe,” from Audiobook Network author Curtis Ercanbrack, is a fascinating story that takes place during the Great Depression and centers around twelve-year old Billy, who is sent to live on his aunt and uncle's farm in a small rural town in Ohio. Along the way, he meets a special man who forever changes his life and what is truly important to him. - February 22, 2023 - Audiobook Network

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Kevin" by S.M. Flanagan

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Kevin" by S.M. Flanagan. - February 22, 2023 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Get In Touch: With Your MAS Market: Marketing, Advertising, Selling," a Guide for Small Businesses by Peter Bull MBE

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Get In Touch: With Your MAS Market" by Peter Bull MBE. - February 22, 2023 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Tangier’s Outcast: A Young Woman’s Struggle for Survival" by Fatna Adair

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Tangier’s Outcast" by Fatna Adair. - February 22, 2023 - Michael Terence Publishing

1&Done Initiative Organized by Former Reagan Advisors to Help Launch Post-Trump GOP Era with Satire, Reviews & Reminders of Reagan Principles

1&Done Initiative Organized by Former Reagan Advisors to Help Launch Post-Trump GOP Era with Satire, Reviews & Reminders of Reagan Principles

Former Reagan White House aides have launched “1&Done,” a civic education program to revive civil discourse and renew common-sense conservative leadership by reminding Americans of Ronald Reagan's integrity, competence, and civility as the standard for the next class of GOP leaders. Trump's lingering political businesses enables the "instruction of opposites" to highlight what great leadership is and what it is not. - February 21, 2023 - 1&Done

Author Hunter Harris's New Audiobook, "The Time is Now: Directing You Toward Realization," is a Powerful Tool to Help Listeners on Their Journey to Self-Improvement

Recent audiobook release “The Time is Now: Directing You Toward Realization,” from Audiobook Network author Hunter Harris, is an enlightening memoir that details how the author improved his life and reveals the steps necessary for listeners to do the same. Harris shares his story in the hopes of helping his listeners achieve the happiness and success they deserve in their lives. - February 21, 2023 - Audiobook Network

Author Nwachineke Francis's New Audiobook, "The Sockets of Life," is a Thought-Provoking Work That Encourages Listeners to Unlock Their True Potential

Recent audiobook release “The Sockets of Life,” from Audiobook Network author Nwachineke Francis, aims to reveal life's inalienable and indispensable qualities that can enhance, shape, and produce the desired energy and abilities that will give listeners divine charisma to run their race successfully to the end, end that will culminate in eternal bliss—hence the title, “The Sockets of Life.” - February 21, 2023 - Audiobook Network

Author Robert Enoch’s New Book, "Tomás y Sus Perros," is a Spellbinding Story Inspired by the Era of the Old West of a Boy and His Grandfather Who Run a Ranch Together

Author Robert Enoch’s New Book, "Tomás y Sus Perros," is a Spellbinding Story Inspired by the Era of the Old West of a Boy and His Grandfather Who Run a Ranch Together

Recent release “Tomás y Sus Perros,” from Page Publishing author Robert Enoch, is a captivating and heartwarming Spanish-language story that follows a young boy named Tomás, who lives on a ranch with his grandfather. Together, along with their dogs, the two work together to overcome life's trials and struggles that accompany old west living. - February 21, 2023 - Page Publishing

Author Reinair White’s New Book, "The No Money Down System Investor," is a Powerful Tool for Those Seeking to Invest in Real Estate But Requiring Help in Crafting a Plan

Author Reinair White’s New Book, "The No Money Down System Investor," is a Powerful Tool for Those Seeking to Invest in Real Estate But Requiring Help in Crafting a Plan

Recent release “The No Money Down System Investor,” from Page Publishing author Reinair White, is a riveting tool to help readers devise a plan of action to enter into the real estate field and gain meaningful returns on their property investments. Drawing on his own professional experiences, White delivers an extensive dive into navigating the real estate game and actually achieving one's goals. - February 21, 2023 - Page Publishing

Kathy Krechting’s Newly Released "Praise Parade" is a Charming Story of an Imaginative Sunday School Class’s Efforts to Celebrate Jesus

Kathy Krechting’s Newly Released "Praise Parade" is a Charming Story of an Imaginative Sunday School Class’s Efforts to Celebrate Jesus

“Praise Parade,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Kathy Krechting, is a helpful resource for young readers beginning to learn about key teachings from the Bible and how to share the good news of Christ with others. - February 21, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Miguel Moreno’s Newly Released "Enseñanzas y estudios por tema del Nuevo Testamento" is an Articulate Argument for the Need to Understand the New Testament

Miguel Moreno’s Newly Released "Enseñanzas y estudios por tema del Nuevo Testamento" is an Articulate Argument for the Need to Understand the New Testament

“Enseñanzas y estudios por tema del Nuevo Testamento,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Miguel Moreno, is a thoughtful exploration of the New Testament that motivates readers to develop a close relationship with God. - February 21, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Richard S. Johnson’s Newly Released "Impossible Beginnings: A Love Story" is an Enjoyable Tale of Unexpected Meetings and a Growing Fondness

Richard S. Johnson’s Newly Released "Impossible Beginnings: A Love Story" is an Enjoyable Tale of Unexpected Meetings and a Growing Fondness

“Impossible Beginnings: A Love Story,” from Christian Faith Publishing author Richard S. Johnson, is a charming fiction that follows the burgeoning love story of a man challenged with learning to cope with the recent death of his beloved wife and a woman on an unforeseen journey of faith. - February 21, 2023 - Christian Faith Publishing

Author Bea Rollins’s New Book, "The Real-Life Adventures of Bobbie Sue and Her Sisters," is Based on the Real-Life Adventures of the Author’s First-Grade School Year

Author Bea Rollins’s New Book, "The Real-Life Adventures of Bobbie Sue and Her Sisters," is Based on the Real-Life Adventures of the Author’s First-Grade School Year

Recent release “The Real-Life Adventures of Bobbie Sue and Her Sisters,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Bea Rollins, introduces Bobbie Sue, who takes on a school bully, learns to conquer fears, and stands up for herself. - February 21, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing

Author Michael Ramalho’s New Book, "The Adventures of Pajama Mike: And the Mysterious House of Mirrors," Follows a Superhero Who Works to Save a Group of Trapped Children

Author Michael Ramalho’s New Book, "The Adventures of Pajama Mike: And the Mysterious House of Mirrors," Follows a Superhero Who Works to Save a Group of Trapped Children

Recent release “The Adventures of Pajama Mike: And the Mysterious House of Mirrors,” from Covenant Books author Michael Ramalho is a thrilling story that centers around a unique superhero who is tasked with saving six children that have become trapped. Unable to free them on his own, Pajama Mike helps them all work together in order to escape their mirror prisons and return home. - February 21, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author D.A. Daugherty's New Audiobook, "The Gunman’s Ride," is a Thrilling Work of High Fantasy That Follows a Lone Gunman Manipulated Into Opening the Gates of Hell

Recent audiobook release “The Gunman’s Ride,” from Audiobook Network author D.A. Daugherty, follows the story of Jack Spade, a lone gunman in a western-style world, as he opens a magically sealed box and is manipulated into starting the apocalypse. - February 21, 2023 - Audiobook Network

Author Ron Nicholas's New Audiobook, "My Evil Twin: Why Good People do Bad Things," is Part-Biography and Part-Christian Living, Detailing the Author’s Life Struggles

Recent audiobook release “My Evil Twin: Why Good People Do Bad Things,” from Audiobook Network author Ron Nicholas, is a stunning account of the author’s struggles with addiction, arrest, and how his life was turned around while he was imprisoned. - February 21, 2023 - Audiobook Network

Author Bob Johnson's New Audiobook, "Deism: A Revolution in Religion, A Revolution in You," is an Illuminating Work That Offers Useful Information for All Listeners

Recent audiobook release “Deism: A Revolution in Religion, A Revolution in You,” from Audiobook Network author Bob Johnson, introduces listeners to Deism, the belief in God based on reason and nature, and the rejection of irrational ideas and beliefs. - February 21, 2023 - Audiobook Network

Author Lyonald Marston’s New Book, "God’s Way," is a Spiritual Work That Encourages All Devoted Readers to Live According to God’s Will and Infinite Wisdom

Author Lyonald Marston’s New Book, "God’s Way," is a Spiritual Work That Encourages All Devoted Readers to Live According to God’s Will and Infinite Wisdom

Recent release “God’s Way,” from Covenant Books author Lyonald Marston, promotes the author’s belief that people should strive to do things in “God’s Way,” always following in His path. - February 21, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author Michelle Richard’s New Book, "Daisy's Garden: Daisy and Buttercup," Follows a Daisy Who Must Learn to be Kind to a New Flower That Moves Into Her Garden

Author Michelle Richard’s New Book, "Daisy's Garden: Daisy and Buttercup," Follows a Daisy Who Must Learn to be Kind to a New Flower That Moves Into Her Garden

Recent release “Daisy's Garden: Daisy and Buttercup,” from Covenant Books author Michelle Richard, is an enthralling tale that centers around a charming daisy who enjoys undivided attention from her gardener. But when a new flower is planted nearby and ends up stealing the gardener's attention, Daisy will be forced to learn about friendship and sharing in order to get along with Buttercup. - February 21, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author Josh Ciolkosz’s New Book, "Against All Odds," is a Heartfelt Story of Faith in the Face of Life's Most Difficult Moments as the Author's Son Battles Brain Cancer

Author Josh Ciolkosz’s New Book, "Against All Odds," is a Heartfelt Story of Faith in the Face of Life's Most Difficult Moments as the Author's Son Battles Brain Cancer

Recent release “Against All Odds,” from Covenant Books author Josh Ciolkosz, follows the author's family as their infant son receives a devastating diagnosis of brain cancer. Through every hospital stay and treatment, the Ciolkosz family grows stronger in their faith that God will carry them through as their son shows courage and strength in the face of unimaginable odds. - February 21, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author Rick Corum’s New Book, "Psalms, Psalms, Psalms," is the Third in a Series of Daily Devotional Books That Place Scripture at the Center of Every Day

Author Rick Corum’s New Book, "Psalms, Psalms, Psalms," is the Third in a Series of Daily Devotional Books That Place Scripture at the Center of Every Day

Recent release “Psalms, Psalms, Psalms,” from Covenant Books author Rick Corum, is the third of his series of daily devotional books that serve as help to drive out the distractions of the world and place the focus on God. - February 21, 2023 - Covenant Books

Author Madison Esther Panti’s New Book, "Conquering Through It All," is a Riveting Novel That Introduces Several Couples Who Face Obstacles Together

Author Madison Esther Panti’s New Book, "Conquering Through It All," is a Riveting Novel That Introduces Several Couples Who Face Obstacles Together

Recent release “Conquering Through It All,” from Covenant Books author Madison Esther Panti, is a must-read fiction experience about three different couples, each facing life’s challenges when suddenly, they face the walls of Jericho tumbling down. - February 21, 2023 - Covenant Books

Chung Lip, MPH, CHES, BS, BSN, RN’s New Book, “HERS," Details the Author's Childhood Growing Up in Cambodia and the Sacrifices His Mother Made for Him and His Siblings

Chung Lip, MPH, CHES, BS, BSN, RN’s New Book, “HERS," Details the Author's Childhood Growing Up in Cambodia and the Sacrifices His Mother Made for Him and His Siblings

Fulton Books author Chung Lip, MPH, CHES, BS, BSN, RN, who is originally from Cambodia and graduated from Columbia University with a master of public health, majoring in population and family health with a focus in infectious disease epidemiology, has completed his most recent book,... - February 21, 2023 - Fulton Books

Author Michael Hayden’s New Book, "Planet Myopia," Follows a Scientist Who Must Fight Back Against a New Fascist Government or be Complicit and Help in Their Plans

Author Michael Hayden’s New Book, "Planet Myopia," Follows a Scientist Who Must Fight Back Against a New Fascist Government or be Complicit and Help in Their Plans

Recent release “Planet Myopia,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Michael Hayden, is a riveting tale set in a dystopian future where the United States has been replaced with a dictatorship and scientists are conscripted to perfect the new government's hypersonic arsenal. Chris, one of these scientists, must choose to stand up against tyranny, or follow orders and succumb to the new regime. - February 21, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing

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