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Alexandra Delis-Abrams, Ph.D’s New Book, “Endangered Species Have Feelings Too: An Educational Coloring Book for All Ages”
Fulton Books author Alexandra Delis-Abrams, Ph.D, a pioneer in the ever-changing field of psychology, has completed her most recent book, “Endangered Species Have Feelings Too: An Educational Coloring Book for All Ages”: an inspiring and informative work that teaches children to be... - January 20, 2023 - Fulton Books
Author Dr. Ted Beam’s New Book, "The Day God Created Grace," is an Engaging Tale to Help Introduce Young Readers to the Story of Adam and Eve and God's Unending Love
Recent release “The Day God Created Grace,” from Covenant Books author Dr. Ted Beam, is a scholarly and thought-provoking analysis of the impact that the story of Adam and Eve has for modern Christians. Through his writings, Dr. Beam aims to help young readers come to know of God's love and open their hearts and minds to his infinite grace and wisdom. - January 20, 2023 - Covenant Books
Author Wallace C. Moore's New Audiobook, "Hoof Prints on the Canadian," Follows the Lives of African Americans in the American West and Their Captivating Stories
Recent audiobook release “Hoof Prints on the Canadian,” from Audiobook Network author Wallace C. Moore, is an exhilarating assortment of short stories that detail what life was like for African Americans in the Old West. Each tale explores how each of Moore's characters are not defined by the color of their skin, but by their actions when they're put to the ultimate test of courage. - January 20, 2023 - Audiobook Network
Author Adewoye B. A.’s New Book, "Insight Biology," is a Series of Practice Questions Designed to Prepare Students for Theory of Practical Examinations in Biology
Recent release “Insight Biology: Theory of Practical for SSCE-GCE-NECO Candidates,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Adewoye B. A., is a helpful tool for students of biology to practice their knowledge gained throughout their studies and to see if they are capable of practical applications of such information. - January 20, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Rick Barnett’s New Book, "AWAKENING: The Great Falling Away," is a Compelling Work That Calls Blinded Souls and Former Christians Back to the Righteous Path of Christ
Recent release “AWAKENING: The Great Falling Away,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Rick Barnett, is a rousing call to arms for Christians. In a nation so heavily divided, Barnett preaches on how important the fear of God is. With personal stories of his own awakening, Rick Barnett provides readers with a gripping testimony to faith. - January 20, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Mike Melvin’s New Book, "Inspirations from My Mother," is a Faith-Based Memoir That Centers Around the Author's Pursuit of His Dreams That His Mother Helped to Cultivate
Fulton Books author Mike Melvin, a proud grandfather who holds a doctor of business administration in supply chain management and logistics from Liberty University and was previously a teacher of physics, math, and chemistry in Cameroon, has completed his most recent book, “Inspirations from... - January 20, 2023 - Fulton Books
Gerald Reno’s New Book, "The Keepers," Follows One Man's Quest to Better People's Lives Through His Work While Hoping to Reunite with His Lost Childhood Friend
Fulton Books author Gerald Reno, a native of Texas who worked at Fermible Accelerator Laboratory and Johnson County Community College where he was an associate professor, has completed his most recent book, “The Keepers”: a riveting story that follows one man’s journey to solve... - January 20, 2023 - Fulton Books
Author Jason J. Andrew, MA, LPC-S’s New Book "Relationship Sanity: Cut the Crap That Makes Relationships Fail" Explores How to Reflect if One is Truly Ready for Marriage
Recent release “Relationship Sanity: Cut the Crap that Makes Relationships Fail,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Jason J. Andrew, MA, LPC-S, is a powerful and thought-provoking read designed to help readers better understand if they are ready for the commitment of marriage, why they want to get married, and to help them prepare for any obstacles when considering matrimony. - January 19, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Sherry Bryant’s New Book, "Legacy of Love," Encourages Readers to Open Their Hearts and Minds to the Lord in a Series of Poems by the Author Inspired by God
Recent release “Legacy of Love,” from Covenant Books author Sherry Bryant, is a profound assemblage of poems and ruminations directly from the author's heart that explore her continued thoughts on the blessings that one can find despite one's struggles in life if they continue to grow in the light and teachings of God. - January 19, 2023 - Covenant Books
Author Crystal Lynn Rodriguez’s New Book, "Enoch's Music Notes," is a Compelling Children’s Story About a Turtle with a Broken Shell
Recent release “Enoch's Music Notes,” from Covenant Books author Crystal Lynn Rodriguez, is a meaningful children’s story that introduces Enoch the Turtle, who learns he may have a broken shell for the rest of his life. - January 19, 2023 - Covenant Books
Author Belinda Dudley’s New Book, "The Journey of My Cancer," Explores How the Lord Granted the Author Inner Courage and Hope When Faced with a Terrifying Diagnosis
Recent release “The Journey of My Cancer: How Many Ways Can I Say Thank You, Lord?” from Covenant Books author Belinda Dudley, is a deeply personal faith-based memoir detailing the author's fight against breast cancer, and how her path to recovery was changed forever when she placed her trust in God to see her and her family through. - January 19, 2023 - Covenant Books
Author Suzanne Moore’s New Book, "The Adventures of Simon the Seagull and His Magical Friends: Book 2," is the Exciting Continuation of This Charming Series
Recent release “The Adventures of Simon the Seagull and His Magical Friends: Book 2,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Suzanne Moore, is a delightful children’s story that continues the memorable adventures of Simon and his friends. - January 19, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Martin Orlando’s New Book, "The Maze of Anything," Follows Young Johnny as He Reveals Truths of the Universe While Finding His Own Place Among the World
Recent release “The Maze of Anything,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Martin Orlando, is a spellbinding journey through the mysteries of life that follows a man named Johnny and family's trials and struggles as they navigate the ever-changing world around them. Thought-provoking and character-driven, Orlando challenges readers to reflect and discover something new within Johnny's journey. - January 19, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Mark H. Dumm’s New Book "Lawyering Into A Pandemic" is the Story of Two Legal Professionals Finding Romance While Trying to do Their Jobs During a Global Pandemic
Recent release “Lawyering Into A Pandemic,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Mark H. Dumm, is the story of two legal professionals, one ambitious and the other disillusioned, finding a way forward together in this bleak time. - January 19, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Kevin Hartley’s New Book, "REVELATION: Understanding the Age," Takes a Look at the New Testament's Final Book and the True Meaning Behind Its Text in a Modern Age
Recent release “REVELATION: Understanding the Age,” from Covenant Books author Kevin Hartley, is an eye-opening look at the Book of Revelation and its long-debated meaning that has been the source of debate for centuries. Drawing on his Doctorate of Theology and his background as a pastor, Hartley provides a new take that keeps Christ firmly at its center. - January 19, 2023 - Covenant Books
Author September Knight’s New Book, "The Little Maple Leaf," is a Story of Love and Loss of the Place You Once Called Home
Recent release “The Little Maple Leaf,” from Newman Springs Publishing author September Knight, is the story of a maple leaf experiencing the transition of life through the fall. - January 19, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
A.E. Lee’s New Book, "Always," is a Profound Tale of a Young Boy Whose Mother Provides Him Comfort After a Distressing Moment Leaves Him Rattled & in Need of Reassurance
Fulton Books author A.E. Lee, a proud mother of two and a beloved sixth-grade teacher in Fairfax County, Virginia, has completed her most recent book, “Always”: a beautiful tale of a mother’s encouraging words to her son following an incident that leaves him anxious and... - January 19, 2023 - Fulton Books
"The Duck Book" by Kenneth Kuenster Now Available from Histria Books
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "The Duck Book," written and illustrated by Kenneth Kuenster. The book is published by Histria Kids, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works for children that both educate and entertain. "The Duck Book" is a... - January 19, 2023 - Histria Books
"Living Dangerously" by Donald Tate, Available Now from Histria Books
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of the paperback and eBook editions of "Living Dangerously" by Donald Tate. This exciting Vietnam-era tale is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding original works of... - January 19, 2023 - Histria Books
National Lacrosse League Announces League-Wide Activation for "Every Child Matters" Initiative
Every NLL Team Participating in Three-Week Awareness Campaign in January-February. - January 19, 2023 - National Lacrosse League
#1 Executive Coach Dr. Marshall Goldsmith Urges All CEOs to Read “Ignite Culture” Before It’s Too Late
Goldsmith writes the Foreword and praises new book by Silicon Valley leader Margaret Graziano, which offers strategies to engage and inspire employees in a time of unprecedented workplace discontent. - January 18, 2023 - Bublish
John Whitford Communications Expanding Starlink Installation Reach to Arizona
John Whitford Communications is expanding their reach of communications expertise into Mohave County, Arizona. The JW Group has completed acquisition of Quickdraw Networks Kingman Arizona business. Quickdraw Networks is a Mohave County Starlink Installation company. - January 18, 2023 - John Whitford Communications
Joel Riojas’s New Book, "The Green Wizard," is a Spellbinding Journey Following a Lowly Traveler as He Discovers His Unlikely, and Magical, True Purpose
Fulton Books author Joel Riojas, an army veteran with a passion for writing, has completed his most recent book, “The Green Wizard”: a gripping and enchanting odyssey about finding the magic within oneself. “Brownie Kickfinger believed that he was meant for nothing,” writes... - January 18, 2023 - Fulton Books
Carla Adams’s New Book, "So Much Goes Into Who I Am," is a Powerful Autobiographical Account of the Author's Life with Alopecia and How She Came to Love Her Baldness
Fulton Books author Carla Adams, a loving grandmother who was born with alopecia areata, has completed her most recent book, “So Much Goes Into Who I Am: Living with Alopecia I Wore Wigs”: a profound memoir that follows the author’s boldness to accept herself in a world that... - January 18, 2023 - Fulton Books
John Kudlas’s New Book, "A Hayes River Odyssey: Canoe Journey to York Factory," Follows Six Venturers as They Set Off on the Canoeing Adventure of a Lifetime
Fulton Books author John Kudlas, a biology and ecology educator and adventurer, has completed his most recent book, “A Hayes River Odyssey: Canoe Journey to York Factory”: a captivating and gripping true story that chronicles the author’s canoeing adventure that he embarked upon... - January 18, 2023 - Fulton Books
John Lavi’s New Book, "The Tip of the Spear," Follows an Ex-FBI Special Agent as He Hunts Down Two Dangerous Killers, While Struggling Against His Own Inner Demons
Fulton Books author John Lavi, a scriptwriter, video producer, and former university film professor, has completed his most recent book, “The Tip of the Spear”: a captivating thrill ride of conspiracy and murder that takes readers down a dark and suspenseful path of... - January 18, 2023 - Fulton Books
Gary "Mike" Lough’s New Book, "I'll be the Judge," is an Amusing Collection of True Stories from a Retired Magistrate Judge’s Thirty-Seven Years of Experience
Recent release “I'll Be the Judge,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Gary "Mike" Lough, is a comedic compilation of true excuses from the author’s time spent working in law enforcement. From far-reaching to outright incredulous, these stories highlight the imagination of those avoiding the law. - January 18, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Bonnie Burgess Neely’s New Book, "Real Ventures," Follows a Collection of Stories That Recount the Author and Her Family's Adventures While Traveling by RV
Recent release “Real Ventures: Did We Really Do That?” from Newman Springs Publishing author Bonnie Burgess Neely, is a spellbinding collection of stories from the author's many RV trips with her family throughout the years. A fascinating look into the various locales visited by Neely with a blend of humor creates the perfect escape for readers of all ages who yearn to travel. - January 18, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Dana P. McCloud’s New Book, "Ruck Up with God!" Serves as a Reminder That All People Carry Heavy Loads on Their Backs, But They do Not Need to do so Alone
Recent release “Ruck Up with God!” from Covenant Books author Dana P. McCloud, SGT (Ret.), is a tool for anyone experiencing trauma, particularly soldiers to help them find joy in life, free from the memories that haunt them. - January 18, 2023 - Covenant Books
Author Russ Seel’s New Book, "The Longest Half Inch," is a Faith-Based Read Encouraging Believers to See All God Wants of Them in Their Lives
Recent release “The Longest Half Inch,” from Covenant Books author Russ Seel, is a spiritual read reminding Christians that God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of them and that there is more to life than their earthly lives. - January 18, 2023 - Covenant Books
Alison M. Allain’s New Book, "The Rainbow Code," is an Insightful Deep Dive Into the Color Spectrum and the Meaning of Colors as Interpreted Through God’s Teachings
Recent release “The Rainbow Code: The Universal Language of Color Spectrum (Through the Lens of Scripture),” from Newman Springs Publishing author Alison M. Allain, is an engaging look at the meaning of colors through the Bible’s teachings. Using excerpts from Scripture as well as her knowledge of chromatics, Allain’s book is a unique and refreshing way to study the color spectrum. - January 18, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Steven Hunt’s New Book, "We Survived Tomorrow," is an Enthralling Look at What is Needed for Survival Should the Modern World and Its Laws One Day Collapse
Recent release “We Survived Tomorrow,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Steven Hunt, is a riveting tale that centers around Steven, who has become part of a secret group that trained for the possibility of having to survive on one's own following a cataclysmic global event. When that day finally arrives, the small group will do what they must to navigate the dangers of their new world together. - January 18, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Author Kenneth P. Marion’s New Book, "Leaving West 83rd Street," is a Collection of Stories About the Author's Early Years and the Ways His Community Influenced His Life
Recent release “Leaving West 83rd Street: Much of My Life in Short Essays,” from Newman Springs Publishing author Kenneth P. Marion, is a series of short stories of the author's upbringing and adolescence. An honest and deeply personal tale, readers will discover a community full of people from all walks of life and how it helped to shape the author's views of the world in his later life. - January 18, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
David Crowley’s Book, "The Christmas Prayer," an Engaging Story of a Woman Whose Dreams Help a Friend as He Tries to Solve a Recently Discovered Hundred-Year-Old Mystery
Recent release “The Christmas Prayer,” from Newman Springs Publishing author David Crowley, is a fascinating story that follows a young woman named Susan who begins having vivid dreams after meeting a stranger named Michael. Once she discovers her dreams are linked to Michael's research into his family farm's past, Susan helps him as he tries to piece together a recently discovered mysterious disappearance. - January 18, 2023 - Newman Springs Publishing
Wyman Green’s New Book, "Black Rose," is a Sci-Fi Fantasy That Follows a Teen Who Must Navigate the Branching Choices in His Life, Each One Accompanied by a Great Cost
Fulton Books author Wyman Green, a native of Fontana, California, and lifelong writer who enjoys traveling and spending time with her family and friends, has completed his most recent book, “Black Rose”: a gripping tale that centers around one teen’s choices, and the consequences... - January 18, 2023 - Fulton Books
Author Barbara Hatlaban’s New Book, "The Circle," is an Intriguing Novel About a Troubled Marriage with a Valuable Lesson at Its Core
Recent release “The Circle,” from Covenant Books author Barbara Hatlaban, is a fascinating novel that takes readers inside a troubled marriage, offering thought-provoking truths at its core. - January 18, 2023 - Covenant Books
Female Filmmakers Are Finalists in “Yes We Cannes” Filmmaking Challenge
The 48 Hour Film Project (48HFP), the world's oldest and largest timed filmmaking competition, announced the finalists of their “Yes We Cannes” (YWC) Film Challenge on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, with local production group Footlight Studios being among the finalists. Footlight Studios... - January 18, 2023 - Footlight Studios
W.D.O.P.E. Dopetrackz Radio - Music Submission Service
Dopetrackz Radio today announced - Music Submissions for Artists - a new service for Featured Weekly Artist is a promotion campaign where Artist music content will be placed in the Featured Artist Section on Top of the Home Page for 7 days then moved to the New Music Section after. - January 18, 2023 - Dopetrackz Radio
Author Kelly Smith’s New Audiobook, "Top 10 Profit Killers for Plastic Surgeons and Medical Spas," is a Step-by-Step Guide to Help Listeners Scale Their Medical Practice
Recent audiobook release “Top 10 Profit Killers for Plastic Surgeons and Medical Spas: And How to Avoid or Fix Them!” from Audiobook Network author Kelly Smith, is a skillful guide to helping aesthetic practices get sales and improve profits in the medical spa industry. - January 17, 2023 - Audiobook Network
HoduSoft Exhibits at ITEXPO 2023 as Gold Sponsor for Its UC Product Suite
HoduSoft, one of the market leaders in the Unified Communications (UC) software industry, has announced its participation in the ITEXPO 2023. - January 17, 2023 - Hodusoft Pvt. Ltd.
Maltawell Holdings, Inc. Publishes Ukraine War Policy Brief and White Paper
Maltawell Holdings, Inc. released a policy brief and 36-page white paper containing its study and analysis of the war's impact on Ukraine's evacuated international students from Africa. - January 17, 2023 - Maltawell Holdings, Inc.
Singer-songwriter/Producer Tejai Moore Signs Management with Two Queens Media
Singer-songwriter/producer Tejai Moore is the latest multi-talented creator to sign with Two Queens Media. With the release of his latest single "Letter to God" on January 1st, the laid-back, smooth and charismatic singer is praising God in advance for the opportunities that lay... - January 17, 2023 - Two Queens Media
American Idol and Potluck Podcast Host Cancels Show Due to Contracting COVID
Potluck Podcast host, Steven Grabo, the founder and creator of The Misplaced Comedy Group, contracted the COVID virus last week cancelling their award winning show. - January 16, 2023 - Misplaced Comedy
Author Jeremy Hill’s New Book, "The Adventures of Tobey the Tiger and Bubba the Bear: Tobey and Bubba Go to the Zoo," is a Story About Two Friends Going to the Zoo
Recent release “The Adventures of Tobey the Tiger and Bubba the Bear: Tobey and Bubba Go to the Zoo,” from Covenant Books author Jeremy Hill, is a delightful tale about two best friends and their trip to the zoo. - January 16, 2023 - Covenant Books
New Health and Wellness Magazine Launches to Provide Expert Insights and Trends in the Industry
Wellness South Florida is a printed magazine about South Florida's Best Doctors, Longevity Clinics, Fitness Centers, etc. It covers topics like anti-aging treatments, cosmetic procedures, and overall health. As the premiere resource for promoting related businesses from the Keys to Palm Beach, it's a great way to diversify marketing efforts in print. - January 16, 2023 - Michael Anthony Alberta
William Manion’s New Book, "Timmy and Tonie Play Outside," Centers Around Two Friends Who Set Off to Discover the Wonders and Excitement Waiting for Them in the Outdoors
Fulton Books author William Manion, a proud grandfather of nine and avid outdoorsman who enjoys any activity that takes place outside from hunting to canoeing and skiing, has completed his most recent book, “Timmy and Tonie Play Outside”: a thrilling adventure that follows two friends... - January 14, 2023 - Fulton Books
Nashville Religion Communicators Encouraged to Enter and Win DeRose Hinkhouse Awards
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - January 14, 2023 - Religion Communicators Council
CRO Cyber Rights Organization Counteracts Cyber Crime with Artificial Intelligence
"It currently takes more than a hundred days to remove intimate content that violates a person's dignity," explains Master Mind of CRO Cyber Rights Organization and Ceo of Reputationup, Andrea Baggio, "without adding that the legal framework for intervening in these cases, changes from country to country and takes time to secure the digital life of an individual who survived a cybercrime. With CRO it will no longer be like this." - January 14, 2023 - Cyber Rights Organization
Author Nyasunday Both War's New Audiobook, "The Boy and the Rabbit," Teaches Children How to be Kind to All the People and Animals in Their Lives
Recent audiobook release “The Boy and the Rabbit,” from Audiobook Network author Nyasunday Both War, is a charming children’s story that encourages kindness toward people and animals. - January 13, 2023 - Audiobook Network
Martina Igwe’s New Book, "Calm Your Storms and Move Your Mountains," is a Beacon of Hope That Uses Scripture to Inspire and Uplift Readers Through God’s Teachings
Fulton Books author Martina Igwe, a lifelong avid reader and gifted writer, has completed her most recent book, “Calm Your Storms and Move Your Mountains”: an encouraging and heartening work about strengthening oneself image and relationship with God. “This book teaches you how... - January 13, 2023 - Fulton Books