Electro Standards Introduces a 2-Position Secure Switch with Keylock Operation, No Power Required

The Model 8268 provides secure switching from A to B ports via Keylock Actuator with no power required. - December 23, 2020 - Electro Standards Laboratories

TVSTelevisionNetwork.com to Add Twelve Post Cable Networks on WatchYour.TV Platform, Powered by Tulix, in 2021

TVS will now have 48 TVS MicroChannels.com on the WatchYour.TV platform in 2021, up from the current 36 ad supported, free to view, 24/7 post cable networks. - December 23, 2020 - TVS Television Network

New Book by Libby Belle: "The Juicy Parts"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of short stories, "The Juicy Parts." - December 22, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Primrose" by Jade M. Hamilton

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Primrose," a young adult fantasy by Jade M. Hamilton. - December 21, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Tales of Joy" by Tia Ann Jain

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Tales of Joy," a children’s short story book written and illustrated by Tia Ann Jain. - December 21, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

New Book Timothy Ryan Day: "Big Sky"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the novel, "Big Sky." - December 20, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Halo Publishing International Publishes "Private Money Lending: Learn How to Consistently Generate a Passive Income Stream"

For more than a decade, income investors have been subjected to a distressing low-interest-rate environment artificially created by the Federal Reserve in an attempt to sustain the continued growth of the stock market and support the real state recovery efforts. While this strategy has been... - December 20, 2020 - Halo Publishing International

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Recaps the Year, Plans 2021

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - December 19, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council

"Animal Homes" is an Outstanding Science Trade Book

Mary Holland’s Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series receives second award from the Children’s Book Council and National Science Teachers Association. - December 19, 2020 - Arbordale Publishing

TVSMusicNetwork.com Adds Midnight Refrain Jazz and Blues TV Series on WatchYour.TV, Powered by Tulix

Legendary Jazz and Blues stars appear in performance videos on the 24/7streaming ad supported free to view post cable network. - December 19, 2020 - TVS Television Network

Rewire Security Launches Telematics Platform and App for Fleets

Rewire Security's new telematics software offers businesses that operate a vehicle fleet the necessary tools to streamline their operations. - December 19, 2020 - Rewire Security

SQUAN Appoints Rob Feiler as New President and Chief Operating Officer

Feiler will provide strategic leadership as the company continues its growth efforts. - December 19, 2020 - SQUAN

Industry Leader in DDoS Protection Solutions Approves Vitex 40G Transceivers

Vitex LLC, a leading provider of fiber optic transceivers announced today that its’ 40G LR4 PSM transceivers were tested and qualified for deployment by an industry leader in Distributed -Denial-of-Service (DDoS) protection solutions. The company's products are used by most large enterprises... - December 18, 2020 - Vitex LLC

Ecosmob Announced Custom MVNO Solution to Support Customer Engagement and Innovation

Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) is a company that provides mobile phone services across the globe. - December 18, 2020 - FreeSWITCH service provider division of Ecosmob

Survey: 73% of Americans Support Biden's Plan to Forgive $10,000 in Student Loan Debt

Student loan forgiveness has become a hot-button political issue over the last few months. President-Elect Biden has proposed canceling $10,000 in student loan debt, while others want more. The College Investor surveyed 2,000 Americans, including those who don't have loans, to see how much they support canceling student loan debt. - December 17, 2020 - The College Investor

First Black-Owned Script Consultant Agency CEO Set to Host Live Virtual Screenwriting Workshop

First Black-Owned Script Consultant Agency CEO Set to Host Live Virtual Screenwriting Workshop

Shannan E. Johnson launched The Professional Pen to Develop Hollywood's Emerging Screenwriters and is Now Launching Her Next Screenplay Crash Course - "WhoTF Has Time For Film School?" - December 17, 2020 - The Professional Pen

Fall 2020 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Fall 2020 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Announcing the Fall 2020 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards - December 17, 2020 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

ISMG’s CyberEdBoard Global Community Launches CyberEdBoard Talks Series with Guest Speaker, Art Coviello

Information Security Media Group’s CyberEdBoard global community launched its new CyberEdBoard Talks series December 8, 2020 exclusively for executive community members. Former RSA CEO and chairman of the board, Art Coviello was joined by ISMG’s senior vice president of editorial, Tom... - December 17, 2020 - Information Security Media Group

Jenn T. Grace SABA Book Awards 2020 Audience Vote Top 3 Winner

Hartford, CT-based author and CEO of Publish Your Purpose Press Jenn T. Grace was longlisted for the SABA 2020 Book Awards in the category of Author Non-Fiction, and placed in the SABA Book Awards 2020 Audience Vote Top 3. - December 17, 2020 - Publish Your Purpose

Softline & Softline AG Join Forces to Grow Internationally

Softline, a leading global IT solutions and services provider operating in more than 50+ countries, has acquired a share of 63,38 percent of Softline AG, an international IT consulting company focusing on Software Asset Management (SAM) and IT Asset Management (ITAM), Cloud and Future Datacenter, Information- and IT-Security, as well as Digital Workplace. - December 17, 2020 - Softline Group

Softline Confirmed 99.982% Availability of Cloud Services

Uptime Institute has yet again certified the data centers hosting Softline cloud as Tier 3. - December 17, 2020 - Softline Group

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "A Most Convenient Lie" by Robert McCall

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of A Most Convenient Lie – a climate change thriller by Robert McCall. - December 16, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Phoebe’s Feline Lowdown on Lockdown" by Sarah Veness

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Phoebe’s Feline Lowdown on Lockdown – a rescue cat's journal by Sarah Veness. - December 16, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

TVS Hollywood History Network.com Adds Movies and TV Shows That Depict Major Events of the 20th Century

Movies and TV Shows depicting WWI, WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam War, The Cold War, Racial Injustice, and the End of Colonialism highlight the Winter Schedule on the 24/7 streaming ad supported free to view post cable network from TVS Television Network.Com service on WatchYour.TV. - December 16, 2020 - TVS Television Network

Misfits Gaming Group Becomes First Esports Organization to Partner with ESPAT TV’s Creative Collective

Misfits Gaming joins ESPAT TV’s Creative Collective for Streaming Services & Distribution. - December 16, 2020 - ESPAT TV

Free on December 15 and 16, a New Book Poses a Challenge to Scientists and the Promise of Fame to One Who Delivers

Free on December 15 and 16, a New Book Poses a Challenge to Scientists and the Promise of Fame to One Who Delivers

An award-winning author posits a theory of everything, cites a number of scientific findings to support it, and challenges scientists to examine it - saying that if one of them can work the math to prove it, his or her work will be published and publicized by The Oaklea Press. The Kindle edition will be free to download December 15 and 16. - December 15, 2020 - The Oaklea Press

New Non-Profit, MKE a Scene, Generates Holiday-Themed Album with 14 Milwaukee Bands

14 Milwaukee Bands partner to make Holiday Album, donations from website support efforts to bring awareness to mental health issues in our youth. - December 15, 2020 - MKE a Scene

Local Filmmaker Collaborates with Singer/Composer for NID

Filmmaker, Lou Douros and musician, Moira Smiley worked together to promote Nevada Irrigation District’s commitment to the community. - December 15, 2020 - North Yuke

Naveego Closes 2020 with Strong Growth Across Financial Services Healthcare & Insurance as Demand for New Era of Distributed Data Accuracy Solutions Gain Market Momentum

Naveego Complete Data Accuracy Platform delivers self-service data integration with built-in master data management providing customers with a single version of the truth across all data sources to harness the power of data for analytics on day one of deployment. - December 14, 2020 - Naveego

"Moral Courage" Documentary Film Series Reveals Previously Unknown Stories of Rescues of Jewish Fugitives in Holocaust

Six interview-based stories of heroism by Rescuers of Jewish fugitives during the Holocaust are available, with study guides, for teachers of Holocaust studies in schools and universities. - December 14, 2020 - Foundation for Moral Courage

Telehouse America NYIIX Peering Exchange Exceeds 1 Tbps Peak Traffic

Telehouse America NYIIX Peering Exchange Exceeds 1 Tbps Peak Traffic

Telehouse America NYIIX has achieved a tremendous milestone by exceeding 1 tera bits per second (TBPS) in peak traffic. - December 14, 2020 - Telehouse America

Book Publicity Services Announces New Book on Aging "On with the Butter"

Award winning author Heidi Herman’s latest book "On with the Butter!" helps seniors and elderly to Spread More Living onto Everyday Life – even during a pandemic. - December 14, 2020 - Book Publicity Services

New Book by Nick Padron: "Souls In Exile"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of short stories, "Souls In Exile." - December 14, 2020 - Adelaide Books

New Book by Jeffrey Kass: "The Rona Diaries"

Adelaide Books announces the release of the collection of short stories, "The Rona Diaries." - December 14, 2020 - Adelaide Books

Breaking News Hits TV Video News Fast

TVVideoNews.com, the only website to provide breaking news on demand in one place on the web from all the mainstream news outlets, provides breaking news fast online, sometimes just minutes after it occurs. - December 13, 2020 - TVVideoNews.com

TRECIG’S CIO to Speak at ISACA Asia CACS 2020 Virtual Conference

TRECIG LLC is proud to announce their Chief Information Officer and Cybersecurity Expert, Jim West, will present his security paper, “Beyond the CIA Triad,” at the 2020 ISACA Asia CACS Virtual Conference December 10-12. His presentation will correlate how the nine security principles... - December 12, 2020 - TRECIG

Florida Vocalist, Lisette Diaz, Launches Her First Book with a Fun Virtual Party

Puerto Rican vocalist, Lisette Diaz, launches her first book, "La Vieja Ramonita," a bilingual tell of Ramonita, an elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease whose spirit is lifted with the help of a special friend. - December 12, 2020 - El Club de las Diosas

AcoustAlert Integrates Perle Ethernet Extenders Into Perimeter Detection System

Keeping unauthorized intruders from entering a business location is a critical part of protecting corporate assets. In many cases, fencing or walls are adequate deterrents. Other times, more sophisticated intrusion detection systems, such as security cameras, thermal energy detectors, and sensor... - December 12, 2020 - Perle Systems

Softline Wins "Technology Excellence Partner of the Year Data Center" Award at Cisco Partner Summit 2020

Softline picked up the Technology Excellence Partner of the Year Data Center award at the annual conference Cisco Partner Summit Digital 2020 EMEAR (Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Russia). - December 12, 2020 - Softline Group

Run Wild Retreats Launches Private Retreat Program

Run Clubs and Training Groups Can Exclusively Book Running + Wellness Retreats - December 11, 2020 - Run Wild Retreats + Wellness

SONO Music Group Announces the New Single from New York Night Market, Shadows & Stones

SONO Music Group announces the fourth single from New York Night Market, a young and promising Californian duo. On December 11, New York Night Market is set to release the fourth single of their self-titled, debut EP, which is anticipated to release in the early months of 2021. - December 10, 2020 - SONO Music

TVS Mystery Network Adds Thriller, Evil Touch and One Step Beyond Classic TV Shows to Program Schedule on WatchYour.TV, Powered by Tulix

The 24/7 streaming free to view ad supported post cable network is one of 36 TVSMicroChannels.com on the service. - December 10, 2020 - TVS Television Network

Designer Jon Sibal (JONSIBAL Design Works) Talks "Cars and Comics" with the Hard Parking Podcast

Designer Jon Sibal (JONSIBAL Design Works) Talks "Cars and Comics" with the Hard Parking Podcast

A man who leads two professional lives, Jon Sibal of JONSIBAL Design Works talks on the Hard Parking Podcast about his life designing cars from basic photoshop to advanced 3D render and modeling and then walks listeners through the comic book design process after spending years as a professional Inker within the comic book industry working on titles stemming from X-Men, Iron Man, Super Man, Batman and all things in between. This is a "can't miss" interview and discussion about humility. - December 09, 2020 - Hard Parking Media LLC

SQUAN Expands with Acquisition of ElecComm Electric & Communications Line Construction Company

Electric and Communications Line Construction Company to Complement SQUAN’s Plans to Enhance and Scale its Geographic Reach to New England. - December 09, 2020 - SQUAN

New Survey: 75% of Americans Are Familiar with Investing Apps, & Most Prefer a Monthly Fee Model

More Americans than ever are investing on their phones and leveraging new commission-free investing tools. But, how widespread is the adoption and how do consumers feel about these products and tools? The College Investor looks at the changing landscape of investing and how investors want to pay to trade stocks. - December 08, 2020 - The College Investor

iTech Adds a Seamless Claim Status Inquiry Feature to Its expEDIum Product Suite

iTech Adds a Seamless Claim Status Inquiry Feature to Its expEDIum Product Suite

iTech has introduced a "Seamless Claim Status Inquiry" feature in its expEDIum Medical Billing (eMB) product to make seamless inquiries from the original claims submitted through eMB. - December 08, 2020 - expEDIum

Naveego Recognized as a Top 30 Most Reputable Company of the Year by The Silicon Review

Naveego Selected as a Top 30 Company Based on its Innovative Approach to Solving the Data Quality and MDM Dilemma - December 08, 2020 - Naveego

The He & I Band Shares Their Recovery Story

The He & I Band Shares Their Recovery Story

He & I Band’s debut with BentBeat Productions focuses on a list of real-life subjects revolving around substance recovery, love and loss, and their faith with their 16-song album, This is Life. - December 08, 2020 - BentBeat Productions

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Flea Who Lived on a Pea" by Vickie Denholm

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Flea Who Lived on a Pea" - a children’s book written by Vickie Denholm and illustrated by Daisy Denholm. - December 08, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Dark One: The Revenge is Never Silent" by Jos Fieldhouse

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Dark One: The Revenge is Never Silent" by Jos Fieldhouse. - December 08, 2020 - Michael Terence Publishing

Press Releases 13,451 - 13,500 of 59,808