Recent Headlines
Within Publishing Radio Show Welcomes Ted Nasmith This Sunday, March 21st on
Internationally renowned artist Ted Nasmith on Radio Show Sunday March 21st at 2PM ET. - March 19, 2010 - The One Ring Inc.
Bestselling Children’s Book Makes Digital Debut; Free Animated Video of The Animal Boogie Available at
Starting today, children and families can sing along with creatures of the Indian jungle in a free animated video of The Animal Boogie at One of Barefoot Books’ bestselling books, with more than a million copies sold, The Animal Boogie... - March 19, 2010 - Barefoot Books
“People’s History” Expands to Florida with Local Author's New Release
A local Florida author Adam Wasserman has brought Florida history to life with his recent release, A People’s History of Florida 1513-1876: How Africans, Seminoles, Women, and Lower Class Whites Shaped the Sunshine State, which narrates Florida history through the words, experiences, ideas,... - March 19, 2010 - Adam Wasserman
Suspense Magazine to Induct Mario Puzo in Hall of Fame for May 2010
Mario Puzo will become the third member of the Suspense Magazine Hall of Fame in May 2010. This is the highest honor Suspense Magazine gives to authors. - March 19, 2010 - Suspense Publishing
Sociologist Offers a Fresh Take on the Battle of the Sexes
“The battle of the sexes is over,” according to Maria Shriver in a Forbes Woman article (by Heidi Brown, October 16, 2009). Does anyone really believe that? Kelso Books announces a new novel by sociologist Margaret Davis that tackles the subject in a unique way. Set in San Francisco in... - March 18, 2010 - Kelso Books
EPpy™ Awards Entry Deadline Extended
The entry period for the 15th Annual EPpy™ Awards, which honor the best Web sites presented by media-affiliated companies, has been extended to midnight Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Entries are accepted online only at the EPpy™ Awards Web site, The 2010 edition of the... - March 18, 2010 - Duncan McIntosh Co Inc Features Coach Patty James and In Quest of the Deeper Self by T.C. Gopalakrishanan shares its featured book and author, with spiritual mentor Patty James and reflections on a deeper self from author T.C. Gopalakrishanan. - March 18, 2010 -
New Jersey's Kids' Guide Expands Online Coverage
New Jersey parents can now browse the Kids' Guide online at and find even more categories from the popular print edition. New online categories include sports, recreation, enrichment, health, parent resources, child care, and marketplace, along with the all new 2010 Camp and... - March 18, 2010 - Kids Guide New Jersey
Award Winning Media Sales Professional Joins Bass Angler’s Guide Magazine
Chris Karlowsky named Advertising Sales Director for the Bass Anglers' Guide magazine. - March 18, 2010 - Bass Angler's Guide
Jump-Start Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Knowledge Management Using Pre-Defined Taxonomy Metadata
Layer2, the SharePoint Experts from Hamburg (Germany) announced a strategic partnership with WAND, Inc. - one of the leading providers of enterprise taxonomies - to offer pre-defined Taxonomy Metadata for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. The data is ready to use as managed metadata in the SharePoint Term Store and can help to jump-start Knowledge Management (KM) projects in Intranets and Employee Portals based on Microsoft SharePoint technology. - March 18, 2010 - Layer 2 GmbH
Trafford Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for February 2010
Health-Related Books Take Three of the Top Five Slots. - March 18, 2010 - Trafford Publishing
The “Supermodel Diet” Book Premiere & Fashion Show Presented by MODE Lifestyle Magazine
The much anticipated “Supermodel Diet” book premiere is getting ready to hit the USA. The World Premiere will be held at Miami’s newest hot spot- Mia at Biscayne - March 18, 2010 - MODE Lifestyle Magazine
MODE Lifestyle Magazine's Cocktails for a Cause Networking Event
A professional networking event hosted by MODE Lifestyle Magazine is coming to one of Brickell’s, most exclusive lookout point, Club 50 in the Viceroy. A potion of the proceeds will go to benefiting a local charity. - March 18, 2010 - MODE Lifestyle Magazine
Official U.S. Launch Party of MODE Lifestyle Magazine & Fashion Show
The South Florida Magazine Launch event of the year is finally upon us, The Official U.S. Launch Party for MODE Lifestyle Magazine - March 18, 2010 - MODE Lifestyle Magazine
"The Funeral Preplanning Guide" eBook Helps Consumers Save Money on Funerals
Valley of Life’s newest eBook demystifies the funeral preplanning process and explains how to create a personalized memorial service on a tight budget. - March 17, 2010 - Valley of Life
Enterprising Women Announces the Class of 2010
Monica Smiley, publisher and CEO of Enterprising Women magazine (, has announced the winners of the 2010 Enterprising Women of the Year Awards, an annual tribute to North America’s top women entrepreneurs. The award finalists and winners will be recognized during a... - March 17, 2010 - Enterprising Women
Raw and Gritty Images of African-American Men Get a Spotlight
Author Tia Stewart’s, new book, “Colors of a Man, Tribute to African-American Men”Sweeps Readers Views Literary 2009 Awards with raw and gritty images of African-American Men. Poet and Novelist, Tia Stewart continues to receive rave reviews and accolades for “Colors of a... - March 17, 2010 - Colors of a Man Press
Goliath’s Head Revisits a Profound Time in Jewish History Through the Eyes of a Ukrainian Jew
New Novel Set in Early-Twentieth-Century Russia Recounts the Violence and Oppression of the Pogroms and Brings to Life the Gut-Wrenching Choices One Young Man Must Make to Save Those He Loves. - March 17, 2010 - B. Bennett Press
Learn How to Self-Publish and Sell Books Online with jexbo Author Series
Jill Exler interviews self-published authors each week at - March 17, 2010 - jexbo
Self-Publishing Authors to Appear in the New York Review of Books with New Marketing Option
Outskirts Press today announced a new co-op marketing opportunity for its authors in the New York Review of Books. Outskirts Press authors can now secure premium promotional space in “the country’s most successful intellectual journal” as touted by the New York Times. - March 17, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
AuthorHouse Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for February 2010
Inspiring Collection of Organ Donation Stories Tops the List - March 17, 2010 - AuthorHouse
International I Can Do It!® Conference Brings Empowerment and Inspiration to San Diego in May 2010
Presented by Hay House, I Can Do It!® Conference Features 27 of Today’s Most Motivating Personal Growth Authors. - March 17, 2010 - Hay House
Black, NeoSoul, Jazz Spoken Word by Tia Stewart, Poet and Novelist
Virginia author, Tia Stewart, offers a microspic look into the souls of men and women in her new poetry book, Colors of a Man, Tribute to African-American Men. Her new spoken word CD, is "both jazz and neosoul like Jill Scott with some hip-hop" say her producer, Sean "Wopp" Watson. - March 17, 2010 - Colors of a Man Press
The Quill Guild Announces Swimming With Wings, the Debut Novel from American Author Lee Libro
Amazon’s CreateSpace has published "Swimming With Wings" by Lee Libro, the author’s debut novel. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Literary Fiction and New Age Fiction categories is available retail via online via and Barnes & Noble (, CreateSpace and in eBook format from Amazon Kindle. Wholesale purchases can be made through Ingram, Baker’s & Taylor and The Quill Guild. Webpages were launched simultaneously with the book’s publication. - March 16, 2010 - The Quill Guild
Legacy Press Book Ranks in Top 5% of Sales at Amazon, Inc.(, recognized as the world largest online retailer, has ranked Legacy Press’ ( book, God and Me!, Ages 6-9 in the top 5% of their sales rankings for all books. - March 16, 2010 - Rainbow Publishers
Squiggly Line Media Releases Its First Children’s Book – This is Dot
Squiggly Line Media releases “This is Dot,” a unique children’s picture book for pre-readers and early readers about the colorful life of a simple, black dot. - March 16, 2010 - Squiggly Line Media
Jobaya Tests VOD Service for iPhone and iPad
Cloud-Based Service Takes on Apple, Aims at Cross-Platform Video Distribution Through Web Apps. - March 15, 2010 - Jobaya
Atlanta Gears Up to "Welcome To Hustleville Showcase 5"
Georgia’s craving for real music will finally be satiated by The G3 Agency's “Welcome To Hustleville Showcase 5”, an urban music showcase to provide a platform for talented music artists, labels, and producers to network in a venue of live entertainment. “Welcome To... - March 15, 2010 - The G3 Agency
Melon Mobile Slashes Price of Flagship App Advanced Call Manager for S60
Today the mobile applications developer Melon Mobile (formerly WebGate) reduced the price of its most popular product, Advanced Call Manager for S60 (ACM), by 60%. Read more about ACM here: - March 15, 2010 - Melon Mobile
AuthorHouse Introduces New Premium Nonfiction Publishing Packages
AuthorHouse, the leading provider of self-publishing, marketing, and bookselling services for authors around the globe, has unveiled a pair of premium nonfiction book publishing packages featuring advanced marketing and promotional offerings. The Cornerstone Nonfiction Publishing Package blends... - March 15, 2010 - AuthorHouse
Secrets to Subject to Financing Explained
Financing Homes Subject to the Existing Financing Can be the Missing Piece of the Puzzle for Real Estate Investors in this Market. - March 15, 2010 - Get Real REI
iUniverse Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for February 2010
Twilight-Inspired Cookbook Surges to Fourth on the List. - March 15, 2010 - iUniverse
Still Motion Media and MobiStories Win Gold Medal from Mom’s Choice Awards
MobiStories, digital books and ebooks for kids entered three books as a representative sample of their library collection and won the first place award for “Best in Family Friendly Products.” - March 15, 2010 - Still Motion Media
Wonder Woman Debuts as Newest Super Hero in Children’s Book Series
Capstone imprint Stone Arch Books, children's fiction publisher, announces the addition of Wonder Woman to its best-selling DC Super Heroes chapter-book series, based on DC Comic’s iconic characters. The first female super hero appears in four new titles from the publisher which are available... - March 14, 2010 - Capstone
HMS Joins Oracle Partner Network at Gold Level
HMS Software combines its long standing technical relationship with both Oracle and Primavera. - March 13, 2010 - HMS Software
Chambers of Hope Publishing, Ltd., A Denver Based Start Up Business, is Asking U.S. Residents for Help
Chambers of Hope Publishing, Ltd. wants to put 50 people to work in every major city throughout the United States, and they want to do it by helping people. However, they need help from U.S. residents to reach their goals, which will not only help families going through painful events, but will... - March 12, 2010 - Chambers of Hope Publishing, Ltd.
Launch of Directory with Focus on SEO and Video Marketing
After two years of research the developer of the modern directory yellow-videos created a new tool for marketing departments combining the chances of modern videomarketing and SEO. It enables companies and organizations to promote their services with low or even zero budgets. - March 12, 2010 - Schumacher Media
Renowned Philippine Women's Advocate Katrina Legarda to Speak at Illustrado Women of Substance Event
Katrina Legarda, a prominent Philippine-based lawyer known for her strong advocacy on women's rights, has confirmed her attendance to the upcoming Women of Substance 2010, an annual gathering under the patronage of the Embassy of the Philippines in the UAE, honoring Filipina achievers in the Gulf. Dubai-based Filipino lifestyle publication Illustrado Magazine announced that Legarda will be the special guest speaker at the March 27th event at the Jumeirah Emirates Towers. - March 12, 2010 - Illustrado Communications FZ-LLC
The Employer Healthcare Congress Will be Sponsoring Up to 200 Employers
The Employer Healthcare Congress will be sponsoring up to 200 employers to attend the upcoming Congress on September 20th-22nd, 2010. The Employer Healthcare Congress,, will feature 4 individual conferences that will be happening at the same time - the Corporate... - March 12, 2010 - Self Funding Magazine
Have a Vampire Weekend with a Good Book: Music Producer JackDazey Releases New Book of Seductive Essays
After an appearance in Law and Order episode: Children of the Lost Blood, music producer/visionary and now author JackDazey awakens his charismatic seductive persona in his new release of romantic collective works in a true diary titled - Dying For Her Love, in which he states "it is my return from the death of my heart to unite with my true love." - March 11, 2010 - Jack Dazey
Self-Publishing Authors Strut Their Stuff with Unique Custom Shoes Designed with Their Cover Art, Offered by Outskirts Press
“A pair of shoes can change your life. Just ask Cinderella.” So the saying goes. So too with these full color art deco, book cover designed shoes that are sure to prompt questions and get authors talking about their latest publications. - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Author Issues Wake-up Call: Swine Flu Latest Example
Outskirts Press author Robert James Karpie announces the release of his second book, Social Security: Immaculate Deception—A National Disgrace. The novel is about four old men in a nursing home who, sick of the neglect and abuse, conspire to overthrow the system. Robert Karpie is issuing a... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Two-Handed People, New Book Tells Tale of Murder—and Revenge—on the Reservation, Presented by Outskirts Press
When a group of drunken men enter a Native American reservation and open fire, killing a tribe of innocent people, the repercussions of their heinous act follow them. Lillie M. Lankford announces the release of her new book, The Two-Handed People—Murder on the Reservation, published by... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Four Rare Cornell Woolrich Novellas, Unavailable for Decades, Are Published
Suspense master Cornell Woolrich (1903-1968) is best known for his novella “Rear Window,” the basis of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1950s film. The most riveting of his other novellas have now been collected in a single volume entitled Four Novellas of Fear (A. J. Cornell Publications). - March 11, 2010 - A. J. Cornell Publications, LLC
Children’s Book Empowers Kids, Benefits Child Advocates
Richard Penacale’s new book for children, just released by Outskirts Press, is deceptively lighthearted and fun. The Luckiest Frog is colorfully illustrated and upbeat, and it’s delightful reading for preschoolers and their parents—but its underlying message is far more serious:... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Artificial Barriers to Global Peace and Abundance Can be Dismantled States Author of World Unity, Published by Outskirts Press
Author and former United Nations worker Haile Gebre Egziabher explains how a world joined by a common governing framework with God at its center will lead to a peaceful brotherhood of all men in his book World Unity, published by leading self-publishing company Outskirts Press. Culled from his... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jack Schauer’s Second Novel, The Trials of Sisyphus, Published by Outskirts Press
In The Trials of Sisyphus, published by Outskirts Press, author Jack Schauer offers two harmonic works of fictional self-examination, Confessions of a Narcissist and Face the Tiger, as a means of defining modern man. Each “memoir” plays off against the other as a jailed ex-Governor and... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Artist Colleen Doran Chat on
Author and acclaimed artist Colleen Doran on Radio Show Sunday March 14th at 2PM ET Colleen’s published works number in the hundreds with clients such as The Walt Disney Company, Marvel Entertainment, DC Comics, Image Comics, Lucasfilm, Dark Horse Comics, Harper Collins,... - March 11, 2010 - The One Ring Inc.
Michele Hauser Releases Second in Her Crystal Palace Fairy Series, Rebellion in Fairyland, Published by Outskirts Press
Charmingly illustrated by the author’s ten year old granddaughter, Karina, Rebellion in Fairyland, published by Outskirts Press and the second in Michele Hauser’s Crystal Palace series, is now available both for children’s pleasure and for middle grade teachers looking for an... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Mystery, Monsters and Magic in New Juvenile Fiction, The Sentry, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Sentry, by Michael S. Lopez, the author’s most recent book. The 5 x 8, 382 page paperback in the juvenile fiction/readers/beginner category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - March 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.