Mystery of Biblical Symbolism Unveiled, eBook by Stanislaw Kapuscinski

For thousands of years, more than 3300 words in the Bible remained untranslated. Find out what Moses, Jesus and the prophets really said to the people of their time. - March 08, 2009 - inhousepress

Nightengale Press Announces Book Launch for FourEver Friends, a Novel by Erica Miner

Nightengale Press Announces Book Launch for FourEver Friends, a Novel by Erica Miner

Studio City Book Launch for this coming of age novel which transcends time to satisfy the Boomers’ yearning for the Sixties and curiosity of Generations X, Generation Jones, and Generation Y about how growing up really was back in the good old days. - March 07, 2009 - Nightengale Press, A Nightengale Media LLC Company

Xlibris to Promote Self-Published Books with Publishers Weekly

Xlibris links up with the highly respected Publishers Weekly to promote self-published titles. - March 07, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

New Research Sheds Light on Chiropractic and ADHD

Recent research reporting on improvement in a 3 ½ year old boy undergoing chiropractic care reveals that chiropractic may play an important role in managing children with ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders. - March 07, 2009 - J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - Chiropractic

Introducing The Journal of Anomolous Sciences, a New Journal of the Anomalous and Unknown

Nexus World Publications introduced its premier issue of The Journal of Anomalous Sciences, a new bi-monthly electronic magazine, filled with beautiful graphic artwork and stunning photography. The journal’s intention is to present the anomalous sciences in a showcase that will present the facts about new and wonderful discoveries in a format that will not only entertain the reader, but captivate and inform them on the latest discoveries and theories; in depth and thought provoking detail. - March 07, 2009 - Nexus World Publications

CPU Medical Management Systems and Gateway EDI Enter Partnership

CPU Medical Management Systems, a leading provider of healthcare information software to medical billing services and physician organizations, recently partnered with Gateway EDI, one of the nation's fastest growing health care electronic data interchange (EDI) providers. Gateway EDI's incomparable... - March 07, 2009 - CPU Medical Management Sytems, Inc.

Breaking the Time Barrier: Inventor Introduces a Revolution in Software Design

If efficiency and effectiveness are key words in your business, then change your paradigm about software engineering and put time on your side. Inventor and programming expert Gordon E. Morrison has simplified software development for advanced engineers. Breaking the Time Barrier, his new book... - March 07, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Some Books Talk About the Miracle of Pure Awareness; This Book Actually Takes You There

Nearly everyone can be transported to a moment in time when they were completely awed—by the beauty of a glorious sunset or the delicious feel of the cool sea on a hot day—moments of sacred beauty and awareness. Outskirts Press author Neil Crenshaw knows that we all have a longing to... - March 07, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Author’s New Thriller Examines America’s Secret Nuclear Past

Nuclear secrets, a government cover-up and an environmental activist’s mysterious death await readers in Betrayal, an intriguing thriller with a high-tech twist from Outskirts Press author Norman Chance. Carrie Graham is an environmental activist investigating a high rate of cancer in a... - March 07, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Project Reporter Digest 2009 Launched

ASAPP Media Pvt Ltd announces the launch of Project Reporter Digest 2009, a special edition providing 1200 project information from India. - March 07, 2009 - Asapp Media Pvt Ltd

Train for Ironman with the New Edition of Going Long from VeloPress

VeloPress has updated Going Long, the most comprehensive guide to racing Ironman-distance triathlons ever written, in time for triathletes to begin training for late-season Ironman races. - March 06, 2009 - VeloPress

Book Author Publishes Scriptural Model on Suffering

A self-published author presents and defines four classes of suffering as a model purely based on Scriptures in ‘Suffering - A Biblical Study’ published by Xlibris. - March 06, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Book Publisher Marion Street Press Sold to Acorn Guild Press

Marion Street Press of Oak Park, Ill., has been sold to Acorn Guild Press of Portland, Ore. Marion Street specializes in books for writers and journalists. - March 06, 2009 - Anvil Publishers

South Coast Bayern U10 Girls Take Runner-Up in the CSL/US Club California Cup Finals

SC Bayern G98 Girls Finish Second in San Bernardino, CA Club Soccer Tournament. - March 06, 2009 - South Coast Bayern Futbol Club

Punch Me Funny Seeking Hilarious Teens in Los Angeles to be Comedians/Host

This press release is telling about Punch Television Network's new TV show Punch Me Funny. It tells what the show is about, who its targeting, and who it is looking for. They will be holding auditions, looking for young comedians to perform comedy and also for someone to host the show. Please distribute this press release, so that people can know what is happening, and have an opportunity to audition. - March 06, 2009 - Punch TV Studios

Research Shows Chiropractic Can Help with Difficult Births

Recent research reporting on a woman experiencing a difficult birth reveals that chiropractic may play an important role in helping pregnant women having difficulty during the birthing process. - March 06, 2009 - J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - Chiropractic

Design Revolutions Media Get Boys Interested in Reading - Go Interactive on Them

Dean’s Diggers is a captivating, colorful board book for children. The book features look and find, lift the flaps, an alphabet page and a magnetic puzzle. - March 05, 2009 - Design Revolutions Media, LLC

Club Soccer: South Coast Bayern Girls U9 Soccer Team Wins CSL/US Club California Cup

SC Bayern U9 Girls Soccer Win Again at Cal Cup in San Bernardino, CA – Third Straight Tournament Title. - March 05, 2009 - South Coast Bayern Futbol Club

Leading Self Publishing Company Discounts Publishing Packages in Declined Economy

Even a sour economy should not prevent writers from fulfilling their dreams. In fact, during times like this, dreams matter the most and a 10% discount means a savings of over $100 with some packages. - March 05, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc. Helps Self-Published Authors Sell Books Fast

Site users can market self-published books for less than one dollar per month and find unique gifts. - March 05, 2009 - jexbo

Tourism Radio Scores a Goal as They Kick Off with the Dreamfields Project

On the 21st of March, Tourism Radio will be amongst the various sponsors proudly attending a DreamEvent to celebrate the spirit of soccer and present a school with a personalised DreamBag. DreamEvents are a part of the Dreamfields Project, a non profit organisation which was launched in 2007 to... - March 05, 2009 - Tourism Radio

Global Wood Fiber Prices in the 4Q/08 Experienced the Largest Drop in Over 20 Years, According to the Wood Resource Quarterly

The WRQ Global Average Wood Fiber Price Indices recorded their sharpest quarterly decline since their inception in 1988, as wood fiber consumption by struggling pulp and paper industries decreased worldwide in the 4Q/08. - March 04, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

VeloPress Publishes Bicycling for Women in Time for Spring

Bicycling for Women is an essential resource for women who want to learn more about cycling in time for the spring riding season. - March 04, 2009 - VeloPress

Juliette Brindak, Pete Cashmore, Michael Davis, Nathaniel Stevens: Young, Hot and Successful Web Millionaires Talk to Exec Digital in Its March Issue, mixing business and luxury living for even the most discerning executive, announces 99 percent increase in visitors in one month as it gets ready to release the March issue of its flagship product, Exec Digital Magazine - March 04, 2009 - Exec Digital

ThumbPeople Rolls Out Its Own “Family Bailout Plan”

ThumbPeople, Inc., a company committed to building up individuals and families through the use of positive and encouraging words is upping its efforts in light of today’s challenging economy and increasingly negative news media by rolling out its ThumbPeople Family Bailout Plan. The... - March 04, 2009 - ThumbPeople, Inc.

Indie Developers Get Public Exposure & Cash Prizes with Launch of

2BeeGames Announces Publishing Contest to Get the Buzz Out on Independent Game Developers. Zoo Games, Inc. announces an exciting new partnership that highlights the innovative new video games being created by independent developers worldwide, and gives their amazing concepts the visibility to... - March 03, 2009 - Zoo Games, Inc.

Fighting for Peace Helps Christians Confront Conflict with Character

Dr. Dennis D. Morgan encourages readers to see conflict as an invitation from God to strengthen relational closeness in Fighting for Peace, the new book being released in April from Watertree Press. - March 03, 2009 - Watertree Press LLC

YogaFit® and Take5Moment™ Deliver Yoga to the Desk Worker to Relieve Workplace Stress

Partnership unites Yoga and Technology to bring movement, meditation and balance to stressed-out employees in just five minutes. Beth Shaw and top YogaFit instructors deliver short Take5Yoga™ videos by Take5Moment that focus on releasing tension and energizing workers in order to increase productivity and improve the health of the deskbound. - March 03, 2009 - Take5Moment

Is a Messiah in America's Future?

The release announces the release of American Messiah, a novel with the power to expand horizons. - March 03, 2009 - North Star Publications

John Lyndon Green Analyzes Jesus’ Statements in His Self Published Book

How Jesus made the gates of Heaven available to everyone is analyzed in the self-published book, Entering Into Heaven. - March 03, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

"Natural Water Source Enhancement" New Spring Development Manual. A Step by Step Guide to Cleaner and More Abundant Water.

Aztec Publishers is pleased to announce the recent publication and release of “Natural Water Source Enhancement” Spring Development. This manual covers in great detail how any natural water source can be enhanced to produce abundantly more water. Details include finding water sources... - March 02, 2009 - Aztec Publishers

Editors Only March 2009 Issue Now Available

Announcing the release of the March 2009 issue of Editors Only, a monthly newsletter for editors that shares valuable insider tips from prominent editors in the industry. - March 01, 2009 - Editors Only

The Student Prophet: Initiation Rites Combines Classic Adventure with an Ecumenical Message for a Powerful Novel That Will Engage Readers and Keep Them Wanting More

Author James Nicholas Logue’s new novel, The Student Prophet: Initiation Rites, offers readers of all ages a timely universal story of faith, endurance, hope and friendship that will leave them both encouraged and inspired. For Jeff Fitzpatrick, a teenage boy from Ann Arbor, Mich., the... - February 28, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Knockout Magazine Announces Phil Hellmuth to Play in Knockout Poker Tour Hosted by Vegas Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

KNOCKOUT® Magazine and The Vegas Hard Rock Hotel & Casino announced today poker legend Phil Hellmuth, known as the “Poker Brat,” has agreed to play in the upcoming Texas hold’em Knockout Poker Tournament. - February 28, 2009 - Knockout Magazine

Launch of New Social Network,

Award-winning author and host of “The Dedan Tolbert Show”, Dedan Tolbert has launched the new social network for positive, like minded professionals, Dedan’s Place has many of the interactive features of other popular social networks, such as the ability to blog,... - February 28, 2009 - The Dedan Tolbert Show

Grandmother and Granddaughter Collaborate on New Children’s Book

Outskirts Press author Michele Hauser has a very special bond with Karina Nance, her illustrator. The nine-year-old artist happens to be Hauser’s granddaughter, and together “Grammy” and Karina have produced a delightful chapter book for elementary school children called The... - February 28, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Breaking the Time Barrier: Inventor Introduces a Revolution in Software Design

If efficiency and effectiveness are key words in your business, then change your paradigm about software engineering and put time on your side. Inventor and programming expert Gordon E. Morrison has simplified software development for advanced engineers. Breaking the Time Barrier, his new book... - February 28, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Self Publishing Authors Get a Boost on Amazon with New Search Inside Submission Service

Amazon’s “Search Inside the Book” feature allows potential book buyers to peruse the front cover, back cover, table of contents and featured excerpts of the book, just as if they were shopping in a brick-and-mortar bookstore. Up until now, submitting a book to Search Inside has... - February 28, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Sky Angel Faith & Family Television Adds Ondas de Amor Channel to TV Lineup

Miami-based Hispanic TV channel, which is an outreach of Oscar Aguero Ministry, now available to nationwide audience. - February 28, 2009 - Sky Angel

It's a Paw-Ty in a Box

Lisa Pallardy, President of BarkTalk ( introduces the “Paw-ty In A Box” – all the supplies you'll need to throw an unforgettable, tail-wagging party for your dog, including invitations, thank you cards, pawprint balloons, pawprint party hats, and all natural dog... - February 27, 2009 -

Wood Pellet Producers Are Increasingly Competing with Pulp Manufacturers for Wood Fiber, Reports WRQ

The global wood pellet industry has developed remarkably fast, evolving from being practically non-existent 15 years ago to being an important wood fiber consumer which is increasingly competing with pulp and wood-panel industry for wood raw-material. - February 27, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

Wheatmark Wins Two 2009 SASIE Awards

Pioneering self-publishing company honored for creativity and innovation - February 27, 2009 - Wheatmark Publishing

Nanotechnology Accelerates Electric Vehicles Markets, Reaching 32.7 Million Autos Shipped by 2015

Worldwide nanotechnology thin film lithium-ion batteries are poised to achieve significant growth as units become more able to achieve deliver of power to electric vehicles efficiently. Less expensive lithium-ion batteries allow leveraging economies of scale and proliferation of devices into a wide range of applications. - February 27, 2009 - Publications

American Nurse Today Article Focuses on Heart Failure, the Most Common Medicare Diagnosis-Related Group

As part of “Heart Month,” American Nurse Today has published the continuing education (CE) program, “Managing acute deompensated heart failure,” by Maria Held, MSN, CNS, and Marjorie Sturtz, MSN, CNP. Nurses who successfully complete the program receive 1.8 contact hours/.5 pharmacology hours of CE credit. - February 27, 2009 - HealthCom Media

UK Record-Breaking Slimmer to Run the Chicago Marathon

UK super slimmer, Charlie Walduck, is looking for sponsorship support to enable him to run the Chicago Marathon for charity. Companies will benefit from advertising and media exposure. - February 27, 2009 - tonto books ltd

MASSAGE Magazine Launches New Web Apps for Blackberry and iPhone

MASSAGE Magazine continues to extend its cross-platform reach by rolling out new, completely optimized Web applications for Blackberry and iPhone users. - February 27, 2009 - The Doyle Group

South Coast Bayern U10 and U11 Girls Advance to Championship Weekend of CSL/US Club California Cup

SC Bayern U10 and U11 Girls Showcase Tough Defense to Move On in Cal Cup - February 27, 2009 - South Coast Bayern Futbol Club

South Coast Bayern U9 Girls Headed to Semi-Finals in The CSL/US Club California Cup

SC Bayern U9 Girls Go Undefeated in Pool Play and Advance at The Cal Cup in San Bernardino, CA. - February 27, 2009 - South Coast Bayern Futbol Club

Pulpmills in Western Canada Had the Lowest Wood Costs in North America in the 4Q 2008, Reports WRI

The forest industry continues to struggle in Canada with many forest companies making the difficult decisions to close plants permanently, thus laying off thousands of people in pulpmills, OSB mills and sawmills throughout the country, reports the North American Wood Fiber Review. In addition to... - February 26, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

Local Counseling Center Hosts Book Launch for Blind Author

Friends and colleagues of Professional Counselor Carmella Broome are helping her celebrate the publication of her first book. The launch party for Carmella's Quest: Taking on College Sight Unseen will be held on Saturday, March 21, from 3 pm to 5 pm at the Irmo offices of Crossroads Counseling Center. - February 26, 2009 - Red Letter Press

Press Releases 27,301 - 27,350 of 31,674