"The Last Rights" Latest Novel from UK Author Geoff Cook is Published

She witnessed the greatest robbery and criminal conspiracy of all time. Now, seventy years later, she has to be silenced before the truth can be exposed. - February 01, 2022 - Rotercracker Copyrights

The Beanstalk: Jamal & the Beanstalk is Available for Pre-Order

Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order. The Beanstalk: Jamal & the Beanstalk is being released by Higher Ground Books & Media in both novel and graphic novel form. Both versions are available for Kindle and for pre-order in the HGBM Shop. You can also purchase the two versions... - January 26, 2022 - Higher Ground Books & Media

Children’s Dysgraphia Book Free for 2022 National Handwriting Day

Writing Right: A Story About Dysgraphia, an illustrated children’s book from Watertree Press, is being given away in digital form for free on Sunday, January 23, 2022 in honor of National Handwriting Day. Writing Right provides an empathetic look at Noah, a third-grade boy with dysgraphia, a... - January 20, 2022 - Watertree Press LLC

Author Ilan Sheinfeld is the Recipient of the 2021 Brenner Prize for Literature

Author Ilan Sheinfeld is the Recipient of the 2021 Brenner Prize for Literature

Author Ilan Sheinfeld is the recipient of the 2021 Brenner Prize for Literature for his book The Jewish Monk, published by Kinneret Zmora, edited by Noa Menhaim. The announcement was made today by the Hebrew Writers Association in Israel, which is charged with awarding the prize, one of the most... - January 11, 2022 - Ilan Sheinfeld Public Relations and Shufra for Fine Literature publishing

American Lawyer, Twelve Attorneys Who Have Transformed the United States

American Lawyer, Twelve Attorneys Who Have Transformed the United States

American Lawyer features twelve attorneys who transformed American legal history. They include Abraham Lincoln, Gardiner Greene Hubbard, Robert Jackson, Russell Baker, Thurgood Marshall, Joseph Flom, Joe Jamail, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Johnny Cochran, Larry Sonsini, Catharine MacKinnon and David McCraw. - January 05, 2022 - Twelve Tables Press

"Bits & Pieces" by Rebecca Whited is Available for Pre-Order from Higher Ground Books & Media

Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order. Bits & Pieces is an accumulation of experiences, lessons and visions that God has given the author over the past three years. The book is a raw insight into her life, for all to see, in order to grow stronger in her relationship with Christ. - December 31, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

Glagoslav Publications Published a Novel by the Acclaimed Czech Writer Jiří Kratochvil

Summary: Can something that exists merely as a literary text, say a story, come about in real life? Can reality, to put it another way, steal something from literature, the same way literature steals from reality? Such is the question that Libor Hrach, the author of The Adventures of the Wise... - December 18, 2021 - Glagoslav Publications

Glagoslav Publications Releases a Collection of Plays by the "Fourth Bard" of Polish Romanticism, Cyprian Norwid

Summary: "Perhaps some day I’ll disappear forever," muses the master-builder Psymmachus in Cyprian Kamil Norwid’s Cleopatra and Caesar, "Becoming one with my work…" Today, exactly two hundred years from the poet’s birth, it is difficult not to hear... - December 17, 2021 - Glagoslav Publications

Author Amanda Esch-Cormier Pens New Children’s Picture Book

Author Amanda Esch-Cormier Pens New Children’s Picture Book

A mother, with hopes and dreams of her own, avows that none compares to the love of bringing a child into the world. In this tender affirmation of love, a mother invites her adored child to explore their own dreams in their wild and beautiful life. Author Amanda Esch-Cormier’s soulful text combined with serene painterly illustrations, evokes the endless and tender love of a mother and child in her beautiful new picture book Wild and Beautiful. - December 14, 2021 - Amanda Esch-Cormier

A New Book from The Oaklea Press Debunks Simulation Theory Put Forth by Nick Bostrom and Embraced by Elon Musk

A New Book from The Oaklea Press Debunks Simulation Theory Put Forth by Nick Bostrom and Embraced by Elon Musk

A new book that will be free to download from Amazon, December 10, 11, and 12, uses the results of quantum physics experiments and research conducted at the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia to refute the theory put forth by Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom that we may be living in a computer simulation. - December 10, 2021 - The Oaklea Press

Journey of My Mother’s Son Podcast Host Releases Second Book

Journey of My Mother’s Son Podcast Host Releases Second Book

Author and podcast host, Dan Clouser has re-released his book, The Beauty of a Diamond, Through the Eyes of a Coach with ten additional chapters. - December 08, 2021 - The Journey of My Mother's Son

The Discipline Therapy Podcast, Hosted by E.L Discipline and Sujey Sotomayor, Shares Their Story of Rapid Success, with Andrea Johnson Books Publishing

The Discipline Therapy Podcast, Hosted by E.L Discipline and Sujey Sotomayor, Shares Their Story of Rapid Success, with Andrea Johnson Books Publishing

E.L Discipline, the co-host of the fast rising show: The Discipline Therapy Podcast, discusses his journey as a successful podcaster and plans for the future, in the show's first press release, with Andrea Johnson Books Publishing. - December 03, 2021 - Andrea Johnson Books Publishing

Higher Ground Books & Media Presents Efficiency and Organization by Ruzanna Krdilyan Hernandez, Ed.D

Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order. Life is very short. In order to get the most out of our lived experience, we have to experience a lot in a short period of time. To experience and live life to the fullest, we have to manage our time well - we have to be efficient with every... - December 01, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

My Cookbook Passion, a Groundbreaking & Unique Cookbook, Just Released

My Cookbook Passion, a Groundbreaking & Unique Cookbook, Just Released

"My Cookbook Passion" (272 pages, Gaudium Publishing) showcases Culinary History and Recipe Adventure Exploring the 3,000 cookbook collection of food and kitchen influencer, Pamela Kure Grogan, president of Cookbook Passion. - November 29, 2021 - Cookbook Passion

New from Higher Ground Books & Media: "Little Jenna Jafferty in Life Lessons" by Terra Kern

Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order, "Little Jenna Jafferty in Life Lessons," by Terra Kern. In Little Jenna Jafferty in Changes, Challenges and Chuckles, Jenna experienced a lot of changes taking place in her life. But when you're just a little girl, the more you grow up,... - November 26, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

Higher Ground Books & Media Presents, "Rudy the Maintenance Man," by Kerry Olitzky

Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order, "Rudy the Maintenance Man," by Kerry Olitzky. More than just a maintenance man, Rudy is an integral part of the synagogue family. He fixes things and comforts people. But when he gets hurt, he is unable to put up his Christmas tree and... - November 25, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

"Square Up" Receives Distinguished Favorite in The NYC Big Book Awards

"Square Up" Receives Distinguished Favorite in The NYC Big Book Awards

The NYC Big Book Award recognized "Square Up: 50,000 Miles in Search of a Way Home" by Lisa Dailey (published by Sidekick Press) in the category of Travelogue as a distinguished favorite. - November 20, 2021 - Sidekick Press

Archimedes' Printing Shoppe's New Books Just in Time for the Holidays

Archimedes' Printing Shoppe's New Books Just in Time for the Holidays

Two books. Two true stories. Two very different audiences. Melt into the pages of the gorgeously illustrated children's book, "A Wabi-Sabi World," where perfection is joyously found in imperfection, then tuck in the kiddos and dive into the adult parody, "For the Love of A**holes," a can't-we-all-just-get-along ode to the jerks in your life. - November 19, 2021 - Archimedes' Printing Shoppe & Sundry Goodes

David Blaze Launches New Superhero Book for Kids

David Blaze Launches New Superhero Book for Kids

"Select Your Superpower" is an interactive adventure for middle graders. Children can become faster, stronger, invisible and can teleport, walk through walls, freeze time and even shape-shift into a marvelous creature. It’s all up to them! - November 19, 2021 - David Blaze

SeaWolf Press Updates Catalog of 350 Titles in Time for Holiday Season

SeaWolf Press has updated their extensive catalog of over 350 titles of classic literature, most of them with original illustrations and covers. Just in time for buying gifts during the holidays. - November 10, 2021 - MiraVista Press

Glagoslav Publications is to Publish a 1938 Murder Mystery, "The Night Reporter," by a Renowned Ukrainian Writer, Yuri Vynnychuk

Summary: The events of the novel The Night Reporter take place in Lviv in 1938. Journalist Marko Krylovych, nicknamed the “night reporter” for his nightly coverage of the life of the city’s underbelly, takes on the investigation of the murder of a candidate for president of the... - November 06, 2021 - Glagoslav Publications

San Diego Authors Shine in New Anthology

San Diego Authors Shine in New Anthology

The San Diego Writers and Editors Guild has launched its tenth anthology, featuring fifty-three stories and six poems from local authors. - November 05, 2021 - San Diego Writers and Editors Guild

New Book from Publish Your Purpose: "The Power Of Marrsing" by Angella Watkis Francis

In her new book, "The Power Of Marrsing" (Publish Your Purpose, 2021, ISBN 978-1-951591-48-9), author Angella Watkis Francis shares her wisdom and insight on marriage and relationships, to help readers discover a more fulfilling life. The book is available for sale on November 10,... - November 05, 2021 - Publish Your Purpose

Opal Academy Launches a Children's Book About Empathy

Manuela Ocampo (Magú), wrote "A Book About Empathy," to help children “feel with” others, act with compassion and support prevention of bullying from an early age. - November 03, 2021 - Opal Academy

Higher Ground Books & Media Releases "I Am Hanukkah: A Mindfulness Journey," by Ron Isaacs

Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order, I Am Hanukkah: A Mindfulness Journey by Ron Isaacs. This Hanukkah story was inspired by Peter Yarrow’s Hanukkah Song “Light One Candle” with the chorus “don’t let the lights go out.” “I Am Hanukkah”... - November 02, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

Glagoslav Publications Releases a Bilingual Collection of a Contemporary Polish Poet, Jan Polkowski Voices

Summary: In December 1970, amid a harsh winter and an even harsher economic situation, the ruling communist regime in Poland chose to drastically raise prices on basic foodstuffs. Just before the Christmas holidays, for example, the price of fish, a staple of the traditional Christmas Eve meal,... - October 31, 2021 - Glagoslav Publications

The Classic Guide to Writing for Money, "How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit," Returns in a New Edition Updated for the Media Market of the 2020s

The Classic Guide to Writing for Money, "How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit," Returns in a New Edition Updated for the Media Market of the 2020s

Legendary copywriter Bob Bly - who became a self-made millionaire as a freelance copywriter - shares his secrets to writing success in his new book, "How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit: Your Guide to Writing and Publishing Books, E-Books, Articles, Special Reports,... - October 27, 2021 - Linden Publishing

Book Publicity Services Announces Book Signing Event for Katerina Canyon at Oh Hello Again Bookstore in Seattle, WA

Katerina Canyon, an Award-Winning Poet & Best Selling Author, will be at Oh Hello Again bookstore for a poetry reading and book signing. - October 27, 2021 - Book Publicity Services

The Re-Attribution of the British Renaissance Corpus

The first accurate quantitative re-attribution of all central texts of the British Renaissance. - October 26, 2021 - Anaphora Literary Press

Higher Ground Books & Media Releases "Quavers' Wish" by Sarah Brady

Now available on Kindle and for paperback pre-order. In "Quavers’ Wish," a shy duckling named Quavers is born without a right wing. Not having a right wing, Quavers struggles to keep up with the other ducklings. Quavers soon wishes he can be like the other ducklings with wings. One... - October 24, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

New from Higher Ground Books & Media: "Daddy Goes to Treatment" by Brittany Patrick

Now available on Kindle and for paperback pre-order. Addiction has always been something people don’t like to talk about, but it is a universal problem that needs everyone's attention. In "Daddy Goes to Treatment" by Brittany Patrick, the author focuses on telling the story of a boy... - October 20, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

Top Of The Line Publishing, LLC Presents F.I.L.E. (Formerly Incarcerated Living Effectively) Magazine

Top Of The Line Publishing, LLC Presents F.I.L.E. (Formerly Incarcerated Living Effectively) Magazine

F.I.L.E. magazine features in-depth interview and personal stories about men and women overcoming challenges after incarceration. - October 14, 2021 - Top Of The Line Publishing

Silvettica Press Brings a New Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller to YA Audiences with "Bewilderness"

Silvettica Press Brings a New Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller to YA Audiences with "Bewilderness"

Mind-bending shadows in another world stalk sixteen-year-old Ambrielle, who escapes them through a water spring and is transported to the realm of Anatharia. There, she encounters a host of new alien life and is thrust into an adventure that takes her across multiple worlds, all while avoiding The Shadows and trying to find her way home to Earth. - October 12, 2021 - Silvettica Press

Near-Future Neuroaesthetics Novel, Written by Recent Portland Art Museum Docent President, Released by White Wave Books

Title: "Sensored Souls: The Secret Life of a Mind-Hacking Neuroscientist"; Author: Jen L. Hanson; Release date: 5th Oct 2021. ISBN: 978-1-7368150-2-1 (258 pages). - October 06, 2021 - White Wave Books

Higher Ground Books & Media Presents "Shakespeare & Sports" by Will O’Toole

Now Available for Pre-Order. Shakespeare & Sports by Will O’Toole. Author and Illustrator, Will O'Toole brings you this collection of Shakespearean connections to everyday life. Enjoy this fun collection of classic verse and modern illustration. Will O’Toole is a beloved husband,... - September 29, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

A Runt-of-the-Litter Pup Becomes a Tae Kwon Do Master, Helping Other Down-and-Out Dogs Find Their Power Within in This Inspiring Debut Middle-Grade Series Title

A Runt-of-the-Litter Pup Becomes a Tae Kwon Do Master, Helping Other Down-and-Out Dogs Find Their Power Within in This Inspiring Debut Middle-Grade Series Title

"Tae Kwon Dog - The Power Within"; A wonderful story of perseverance and determination is the backdrop to this new series spotlighting the peaceful yet powerful Korean martial art. - September 28, 2021 - Tae Kwon Dog Books

Publisher Thrilling Tales Releases Its First Literary Journal, "Litbop, Art and Literature in the Groove"

Publisher Thrilling Tales Releases Its First Literary Journal, "Litbop, Art and Literature in the Groove"

Indie book publisher Thrilling Tales offers a new take on the literary journal. Its inaugural issue of “Litbop: Art and Literature in the Groove” showcases art and photography as well as fiction and poetry. It’s diverse list of contributors includes well-known authors Christine... - September 28, 2021 - Thrilling Tales

Glagoslav Publications Releases the First Book-Length Biography of Sergei Tretyakov, a Leading Intellectual, Playwright, and Cultural Theorist of Soviet Russia

Summary: Sergei Tretyakov is one of those artists and intellectuals from the first half of the twentieth century whose name is known, but whose achievements are barely recognized. He seems curiously elusive. Who exactly was he? What did he do? A victim of Stalin’s Great Terror, declared an... - September 25, 2021 - Glagoslav Publications

San Diego Author Wins Third National Book Award

Martin Roy Hill's Novel, "The Fourth Rising," Garners Third Literary Honor - September 20, 2021 - 32-32 North

5310 Publishing Releases the Contemporary Romance "Faithfully Addicted" Worldwide

"Faithfully Addicted," a romance by Darren Finney about a man who doesn’t believe in love, published this week by 5310 Publishing. This book is available online wherever books are sold. - September 18, 2021 - 5310 Publishing

COVID-19 and Mental Health: the Skills We’ve Been Taught Aren’t Helping Us When Times Are Tough. Happiness Expert Evan Sutter’s New Book, "Awake" Aims to Change That.

COVID-19, Afghanistan, climate change - we are facing an existential crisis and people everywhere are struggling. Are the skills we’ve been told to cultivate making things any easier? The straight A’s, the prestigious university, and the athletic performances are not providing enough of... - September 16, 2021 - Hapzly

Faith Talk Radio Host + Pastoral Counselor, Dr. Angela Chester Makes Top 30 Inspiring Women to Look Out For in 2021

Her work assisting Millennial + Gen X women lands Dr. Angela Butts Chester on the NYC Journal's Top 30 list. - September 11, 2021 - DR ANGELA CHESTER | PASSIONEER Magazine

New from Higher Ground Books & Media and Karen Scarberry

Now Available for Pre-Order. "Gabby the Guardian Angel" by Karen Scarberry. From the back cover: "As a child, did you ever feel that there was something under your bed? Some sort of monster or boogeyman? I'll bet you didn't know that God had assigned an Angel or being from His... - September 11, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

New Project to Map the Lost Churches of the City of London

The newly launched Lost London Churches Project aims to promote interest in the ancient church buildings and parishes of the City of London through collectable cards, books, maps and explorers walks. - September 10, 2021 - Lost London Churches Project

Young Adult Romance "The Complexities of Love" Wins Book Cover of the Month Award

Author M.A. Quigley got awarded with a golden badge of Book Cover of the Month for her debut romance, The Complexities of Love, published by 5310 Publishing. - September 10, 2021 - 5310 Publishing

Just in Time for Back-to-School, Eifrig Publishing Helps Kids Process What They Have Lost and Learned During the Pandemic with a New Book, "The Extraordinary Pause"

Just in Time for Back-to-School, Eifrig Publishing Helps Kids Process What They Have Lost and Learned During the Pandemic with a New Book, "The Extraordinary Pause"

"The Extraordinary Pause": Through a tender story paired with beautiful illustrations, this new title from Eifrig Publishing helps parents and teachers guide kids through all the new ways we learned to relate to one another when the world was turned upside down. - September 07, 2021 - Eifrig Publishing

New from Brenda W. McIntyre and Higher Ground Books & Media

Now Available for Pre-Order. Finding Purpose in the Pain: Devotions for Victims of Parental Alienation by Brenda W. McIntyre. Parental Alienation is a growing problem in which children are brainwashed by one parent in a deliberate attempt to destroy their relationship with the other parent. - September 03, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

The Oaklea Press Publishes New Book, “The Witch of Amesbury, Matriarch of an Advertising Dynasty” by a Former Principal of The Martin Agency

The Oaklea Press Publishes New Book, “The Witch of Amesbury, Matriarch of an Advertising Dynasty” by a Former Principal of The Martin Agency

Stephen Hawley Martin, a former principal of the firm that created the GEICO Gecko and the slogan, “Virginia is for Lovers,” writes a new book that claims having a witch in the family may have contributed to the firm’s success. The Kindle edition will be free to download from Amazon on September 2 and 3. - September 02, 2021 - The Oaklea Press

"Destiny" Remembers the Armenian Diaspora: Horrific, But True. Sad, But Inspiring.

Amidst daily firefights on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, a new historical fiction highlights the fortitude of the Armenian people during the waning years of the Ottoman Empire, following the author's own family story. - August 26, 2021 - Quiet Thunder Publishing

New Book Release From Fireship Press - “A White Star in a Red Sky”

Two young women flying for their countries will form a lasting bond of friendship forged in the crucible of war. - August 26, 2021 - Fireship Press

Press Releases 10,151 - 10,200 of 20,175