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Within Religious Organizations
An Ohio Farm Boy Becomes an Airforce Pilot with the Help of a Friend
This week, the Scientology Information Center highlights a stunning video of an unlikely friendship that set a young man on his career path. This video is part of an extended celebration of the International Day of Friendship. - October 22, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Inspired by Religion Media Expert
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - October 17, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
Among Stars, A Minority Girl is Treated with Equality
The Scientology Information Center announces its next video highlighting life and friendship, inviting the community to drop by during its extended celebration of the International Day of Friendship. The Center is in the heart of downtown Clearwater, newly branded “The District” where outdoor restaurant seating and live music is offered. - October 15, 2020 - Church of Scientology
From a Storm of Chaos, a Young Man Finds His Way and Overcomes Personal Challenges
The Scientology Information Center invites the community to drop by for a brief visit during its extended celebration of the International Day of Friendship. The Center is in the heart of downtown Clearwater, newly branded “The District” where outdoor restaurant seating and live music is offered. - October 08, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Simple, Sacred Living is the Theme of Online Retreat by Niantic Community Church
How to Live Simply is an online retreat opportunity created in response to COVID-19 by Niantic Community Church. The program is an invitation to a more meaningful life, a more soulful life, as participants let go of what no longer serves them, and integrate spiritual practices into daily life. It is presented by Community Minister, Patty Chaffee. - October 03, 2020 - Niantic Community Church
United Methodist Communities Promotes Two Leaders
United Methodist Communities proudly announces the promotion of 2 of their leaders. Deborah Walsh has been promoted to corporate director of homecare services and oversees HomeWorks and Pamela Garofolo as the corporate director of tapestries. - September 30, 2020 - United Methodist Communities
Inspiring Words from a Caring Friend Puts a Young Man on a Better Path
The Scientology Information Center highlights unique videos about friendship during its open-house in honor of the International Friendship Day. - September 29, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Longest Serving West Point Chaplain Dies at 84
The Rev. Dr. Richard P. Camp, Jr., longest serving Chaplain at the United States Military Academy at West Point, dies in his Sarasota home after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease. He was 84 years old. - September 28, 2020 - Chaplain Camp Christian Charities
Celebrate the Importance of Friendships During the Pandemic at the Scientology Information Center
Through the month of October the Scientology Information Center extends its hospitality to friends in honor of the International Friendship Day. - September 25, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Small Christian College Designed to Preserve America Celebrates 20th Anniversary
Over the past two decades, PHC has developed a reputation as one of the truly elite Christian institutions of higher education in the country. - September 24, 2020 - Patrick Henry College
Clermont Residents Book, "My Personal Desert Storm: Eating Crow and Humble Pie," Voted as Top 10 Finalist for Global Award
Marcus Johnson up against ten other finalist winners for prestigious 2020 Author Elite Award. - September 21, 2020 - Marcus Johnson
Nashville Religion Communicators Council to Hear from Religion Media Expert
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - September 19, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
Celebrate the International Day of Peace by Expanding Your Cultural Literacy
In honor of the International Day of Peace, the Scientology Information Center invites the community to visit the Center to learn more about the beliefs and practices of Scientology. - September 19, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Lancaster Theological Seminary Hires the Reverend Diane A. Bogues as Director of Admissions & Financial Aid
Lancaster Theological Seminary, a 195-year-old graduate school of theology associated with the United Church of Christ, hires the Rev. Diane A. Bogues of Chicago to be director of admissions and financial aid. - September 18, 2020 - Lancaster Theological Seminary
"We Are All Corinthians" - A Weekly Devotional by Stephen Gosling Will be Published on 09/15/2020 by HIS Publishing Group
"We Are All Corinthians" is a weekly devotional. Following the essential background material, each week contains scripture, the author’s commentary on the scripture, and the devotional. The intent is for the reader to contemplate the devotional during the week. The number of times the reader returns to the devotional will depend on the reader, the devotional, and the Spirit’s urging. The reader is encouraged to read through the book, to understand the devotionals in their appropriate context. - September 15, 2020 - Stephen Gosling
LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports on the Need for Bringing the Love and the Compassion of Christ Back Into American Healthcare
It's time that a safe, compassionate, fair pathway to healthcare visitation was created in American healthcare so the love and the compassion can be given to those who are suffering dearly each day. - September 13, 2020 - LaTribuna Christian Publishing
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Learns About Room in the Inn During COVID-19
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - September 12, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
Social-Distancing vs. Emotional Distancing, How to Stay Connected During the Pandemic
Millions worldwide are experiencing loneliness during the pandemic. To help, the Scientology Information Center invites visitors to learn tools to beat the social distancing blues, primary among them, communication. - September 12, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Faithflows Inc., a US-Based Christian Non-Profit Organization, Celebrates Success of COVID-19 Relief Mission and Outreach Program in Africa
Faithflows Inc., a Christian non-profit organization based in the United States, announced the successful completion of their much anticipated COVID-19 relief outreach mission in Africa. The mission, termed the PPE Drive, happened during the last weekend of August in five cities in Nigeria and Ghana. Faithflows community members in Abuja, Lagos, Cross River, Nigeria and Accra, Ghana presented Personal Protection Equipments (PPEs), provisions and cash donations to seven care facilities. - September 11, 2020 - Faithflows Inc.
Amid Pandemic, Chabad to Offer Outdoor High Holiday Service in Jacksonville
With Years of Experience Organizing Outdoor Shofar Services, Chabad Has Adapted its Model for the Jewish New Year of 5781 with COVID-19. - September 11, 2020 - Chabad Lubavitch of Southside, Inc.
Nashville Religion Communicators Council to Learn about the Room in the Inn
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - September 05, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York Welcomes Rev. Dr. Greg Stovell, Pastor/Head of Staff
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York and its Pastoral Nominating Committee are pleased to welcome the Rev. Dr. Greg Stovell as its new Pastor/Head of Staff effective September 1, 2020. Dr. Stovell is originally from Mexico City, and split his formative years between London and... - September 02, 2020 - First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
The Church of Scientology Shares Tools to Provide Better Learning Experiences for Students
To provide assistance for students of all ages resuming either at home or in person schooling, the Church of Scientology announces the free online course, “The Technology of Study” providing the basics of learning by teaching the barriers to study and their remedies. - September 01, 2020 - Church of Scientology
The Scientology Information Center Offers Complimentary Hand Sanitizer to Students Returning to School
For the remainder of August and through the month of September, the Scientology Information Center is providing families with children returning to school complimentary bottles of hand sanitizer to assist the students to stay well throughout this period. - September 01, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Albemarle, NC Resident, Jody Almond’s Book, "Going All In-Finding Success Through Surrender," Nominated and Selected as a Top 10 Finalist for Global Award
Almond selected among hundreds of authors worldwide as a top ten finalists for prestigious 2020 Author Elite Award. - August 29, 2020 - Soulution Ministries
Roberta Voloshin Promoted to VP of Marketing and Communications at UMC
UMC, a Senior Organization in New Jersey is Delighted to Announce That Roberta Voloshin Has Been Promoted to the Post of VP of Marketing and Communications. - August 26, 2020 - United Methodist Communities
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Announces Virtual Learning Session with Room in the Inn
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - August 15, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
The Scientology Information Center Shares Insight About the Mind in Commemoration of Dianetics’ 70th Anniversary
From now until the end of August, the Scientology Information Center is hosting hourly showings of the How to Use Dianetics DVD. The video provides a concept-by-concept presentation of the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, constituting a visual guide to the human mind. Containing all the discoveries and procedures laid out step-by-step for total understanding. The showings start on the hour at 2pm. - August 15, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Hears the Facts on Human Trafficking
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - August 12, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports on the Need for a Safe Pathway to Visitation in American Healthcare
Providing a safe, fair, compassionate pathway to American healthcare visitation is the right thing to do and it is the compassionate thing to do. - August 12, 2020 - LaTribuna Christian Publishing
The Scientology Information Center Provides a Unique Learning Experience in Downtown Clearwater
For those looking to learn more about their community, the Scientology Information Center invites the Clearwater community to peruse its vast audio-visual library offering insight into multiple facets of Scientology as a new summer, "thing to do." All are welcome. - August 06, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Nashville Religion Communicators Council to Hear from Free For Life International
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - August 01, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
The Scientology Information Center Celebrates Its Anniversary by Providing Assistance to the Community
July 15th, 2020 marked the 5th anniversary of the opening of the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater and its anniversary provides a new opportunity to assist residents during these difficult times. - July 29, 2020 - Church of Scientology
The Scientology Information Center Provides Masks to Assist Downtown Visitors
With the Pinellas County ordinance making masks indoors mandatory, the Scientology Information Center is reminding downtown visitors that it is offering complimentary masks for anyone who may need one. The Information Center is located on the 500 Block of Cleveland street is located on the corner of Cleveland Street and N. Fort Harrison Avenue. - July 23, 2020 - Church of Scientology
The Church of Scientology Shares Tips Assisting Safety When Returning Home from Essential Activities
With the rising numbers of Floridians testing positive to COVID-19, the Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization reminds the community of their on-line resources to assist everyone to stay well; including downloadable booklets. - July 23, 2020 - Church of Scientology
Grace Church "Mask-A-Thon" Drive-Thru with a Purpose
Grace Church hosted a “Mask-A-Thon: Drive-Thru With A Purpose” in the parking lot of their main campus, 1006 Williamstown Drive, on Saturday, July 18 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. With the school year approaching, and social distancing measures still in place due to COVID-19, many... - July 20, 2020 - Grace Church
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Returns to Virtual Meetings
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - July 18, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
UMC Unveils the Road Forward
Plan outlines transition to “new normal” amid COVID-19 pandemic. - July 16, 2020 - United Methodist Communities
Extreme Sanitation at the Scientology Information Center Provides a Safe Learning Experience
The Scientology Information Center Manager welcomes guests to a clean and sanitary space, keeping the well-being and health of the community as a top priority. - July 16, 2020 - Church of Scientology
New Book by Manish Towers LLC on Releasing Manliness Through the Universal Laws
New book on discovering how to overcome male stereotypes and realizing Love, Joy, and Happiness. - June 30, 2020 - Manish Towers LLC
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Plans Next Daybreak Discussion
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - June 28, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports on Civil Rights Violations in American Healthcare and What Patients and Family Members Can do About It
Latribuna Christian Publishing CEO Chaplain Paul Vescio explains what families and patients can do if they are being denied visitation in American healthcare. - June 28, 2020 - LaTribuna Christian Publishing
An Afternoon of Music at the Scientology Information Center
On Saturday June 20th the Scientology Information Center hosted a socially-distanced concert at the Historic Clearwater Building in downtown Clearwater. - June 26, 2020 - Church of Scientology
LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports on the Necessity of Having Chaplains in Healthcare Providers
LaTribuna Christian Publishing is very pleased to announce Chaplain Paul was mentioned in a recent story about very important healthcare issues. The article was published by the Arizona Republic and featured on Below is the link to that story written by Reporter Brianna Frank. - June 19, 2020 - LaTribuna Christian Publishing
AOCC Elects a New Metropolitan Archbishop - Cyril Mark
A synod meeting May 20, 2020 by Archbishop Mar Dawad Vicar General of AOCC, initiated the Metropolitan election; Archbishop Cyril Mark was elected and the only nominee. Vicar General ascertained readiness. AOCC is now the descendant of ECOCW, the blood descendant of the American Orthodox Catholic Church charted in 1927, Metropolitan Platon Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh, Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church NA. - June 18, 2020 - St. Agape Orthodox Church
Nashville Religion Communicators Council Tours Dismas House
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications. - June 18, 2020 - Religion Communicators Council
United Methodist Communities Announces Strategic Partnership with VirtuSense and Netsmart to Implement $909K “Game-Changer” Telehealth Grant
New Jersey-based senior living provider United Methodist Communities (UMC) announced strategic partnerships with tech providers VirtuSense and Netsmart to implement telehealth strategies to fight coronavirus. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently awarded UMC the $909,560 grant to... - June 12, 2020 - United Methodist Communities
Masks and Gloves Provide an Extra Layer of Safety to the Clearwater Community
The Scientology Information Center is sharing masks, gloves and travel-sized hand sanitizer with visitors and neighbors (while supplies last). - June 12, 2020 - Church of Scientology
March for Change, a Peaceful Protest Against Racial Injustice
Impact Church, Impact Christian Academy, and Arlington 20/20 will be hosting, March for Change on Friday, June 12, 2020 at 1pm. This peaceful protest against racial injustice in our nation will be approximately two miles starting from 8985 Lone Star Rd., ending at the JSO Subsstation at Regency... - June 12, 2020 - Impact Church
ILEP and NNN Launch Stigma Guides Website to Reduce Stigma and Improve Mental Wellbeing in NTDs
The International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations and the Neglected Tropical Diseases NGO Network will officially launch a new website on 11 June 2020 to bring about a better understanding on what stigma is, what can be done to reduce it and mitigate its impact. - June 08, 2020 - Stigma Guides