Pakistan's Host Families on Brink of Their Own Displacement, World Vision Warns

*Culture of hospitality pushed to its limits as communities provide refuge for hundreds of thousands fleeing violence *Hosts selling assets and sharing everything they have, risking extreme poverty and their own displacement *A host villager agonizes, "It will be easier to die than to ask the displaced to leave." - May 30, 2009 - World Vision US

Youth for Human Rights International World Tour 2009

In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is again circling the globe, now on its sixth annual World Tour. The exciting World Tour 2009 includes Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Columbia, Jordan, Mexico,... - May 23, 2009 - Youth for Human Rights Tampa Bay

Salem Vegan Society to Donate Vegan Turkey for Salem Mission's Thanksgiving

With the turkey production in the US at a 167-percent increase in 2007, Salem Vegan Society Director Marc Delaney views the donation of Tofurky, a vegan alternative-turkey product, to the 4th annual Salem Vegan Food Drive this June, as an opportunity to lend vegan charity to homeless shelter residents at the Salem Mission - May 22, 2009 - Salem Vegan Society

Health System Fixes Needed for Success of Pandemic Vaccines in Poor Countries, Aid Group Says

Systems to immunize, monitor and treat still lacking in many developing countries. World Health Assembly must push anew for primary health care, better living conditions. - May 21, 2009 - World Vision US

Influx of Last Survivors of Sri Lankan Conflict Could Overwhelm Stretched Aid Agencies, World Vision Warns

Displacement camps in northern Sri Lanka could be overwhelmed by a new surge of internally displaced people unless new funds are found quickly, according to aid agency World Vision. “At the end of April, there were already ten camps that were housing between two and five times their... - May 20, 2009 - World Vision US

Displaced Pakistanis Hit Twice: Fear Grows, Funding Staggers

· Most fled to impoverished host communities where resources stretched to breaking point · Families had to abandon crops just weeks before harvest; livestock, homes also lost · Even as crisis grows, aid agency concerned its current funding won’t meet needs - May 16, 2009 - World Vision US

Youth Collect Petition Signatures to Make Human Rights a Reality

Youth For Human Rights International conducted the annual International Human Rights Petition Signathon to create grassroots support for mandating that human rights, specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, be taught to every child in school. On December 10, 1948 the General... - May 15, 2009 - Youth for Human Rights Tampa Bay

One Year After Myanmar Cyclone, Upcoming Farming Season Critical for Recovery

World Vision reaches nearly 350,000 survivors in Myanmar with aid and assistance, but says much still needs to be accomplished. New elevated, concrete schools will serve as community shelters in future emergencies. - May 02, 2009 - World Vision US

Swine Flu: a Spread Southward Could be Disaster for Weak Public Health Systems

* World Vision Preparing for Possible Global Spread, Educating Staff Worldwide * Health threat underscores need for community health strengthening in poor countries - April 30, 2009 - World Vision US

Church Issues Guidelines on Swine Flu

In light of the declared health emergency, the church is modifying several religious practices to prevent transmission of swine flu at its services. - April 30, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

World Vision India and Odyssey Jointly Conduct the Big Read

World Vision India, a child-focused, Christian relief and development organization, in association with Odyssey, a premier leisure store chain, organized a book-reading session, as part of the Global Campaign for Education’s Big Read initiative. - April 26, 2009 - World Vision India

Reaching Out to Micronesians

Church working with Micronesian Government to protect the rights of Micronesian Nationals living in the US. - April 25, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Thousands Flee Conflict in Sri Lanka; World Vision Increasing Response

Needs of children are paramount as resources are stretched with influx of displaced - April 22, 2009 - World Vision US

Mothers Who Make a Difference 2009 Fourth Annual List

Love Our Children USA announced today the Fourth Annual “Mothers Who Make A Difference List.” What is the most difficult job in the world? Parenting! As Mother’s Day nears on Sunday, May 10th, and at a time when violence against children affects over 3 million children in our... - April 17, 2009 - Love Our Children USA

Children of All Nations Reaches Beyond Borders to Make a Worldwide Difference

New Adoption and Outreach Agency Works to Raise Awareness and Offer Aid to Children in Need. - April 09, 2009 - Children of All Nations

Obama’s Promise to Increase U.S. Aid for Agricultural Development a Victory for the Poor, Says World Vision

"This is truly a victory for the poor," said Robert Zachritz, World Vision’s director for advocacy and government relations in the U.S. "The cost of the President's proposal on global hunger is one-tenth of one percent of the economic stimulus plans passed over the last year in... - April 04, 2009 - World Vision US

In Challenging Times … Jamba Juice is Up to the Challenge

Raising Money and Awareness for the Safety of America’s Children During April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month - a Partnership with Love Our Children USA - March 26, 2009 - Love Our Children USA

Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda Establishes Partnerships with Ugandan Ministry of Health, Uganda CARES, FINCA International and RHSP

Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda Establishes Partnerships with Ugandan Ministry of Health, Uganda CARES, FINCA International and RHSP

Dr. Carlos Elguero Joins Engeye Health Clinic's Board of Directors - March 16, 2009 - Engeye

Free the Children Founder Visits Local School District

Dare to Be supports Free The Children through their Me to We clothing line. Free The Children's founder Craig Kielburger spoke to over a thousand students in the Kelowna BC School District about being the change. - March 16, 2009 - Dare to Be Communications

Annual Gala to Raise Money for HeartShare

HeartShare's Annual Spring Gala and Auction is an exciting evening with celebrities, awards and a silent auction. - March 15, 2009 - HeartShare Human Services of NY

Invisible Children Releases New Film in Preparation for World Event

Invisible Children, a media-based organization dedicated to ending Africa’s longest-running war has released their latest and most controversial film to date, ‘The Rescue of Joseph Kony’s Child Soldiers’, in a radical bid to mobilize the international community to seek... - March 12, 2009 - Invisible Children

National Love Our Children Day Goes on the Road with Soap Stars

This year National Love Our Children Day goes on the road. The event will take place at Villa Roma Resort in Sullivan County, NY at its SoapStock Weekend featuring Jacob Young and Chrishell Strause (All My Children), Billy Magnussen (As TheWorld Turns), Kim Zimmer, Robert Newman and Caitlin... - March 09, 2009 - Love Our Children USA

Church to Offer Health Care Benefits

Full heath care and dental plan to launch June 1, 2009. The North American Old Catholic Church, in its continued efforts to support its current clergy and attract new clergy and seminarians will offer comprehensive health care benefits to its clergy, seminarians, and lay staff beginning June 1,... - March 08, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Eastern Congo: U.N . Must Prioritize Protection, Not Combat, Warns World Vision

As U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon visits eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwandan troops prepare to leave the country, aid agency World Vision urges the U.N. peacekeeping force, MONUC, to recommit to protecting civilians above all else. Debate over MONUC's role in the joint offensive... - March 01, 2009 - World Vision US

Five Things "Slumdog Millionaire" Didn't Tell You

World Vision says children in India face more obstacles than film depicts "Don’t just be entertained; do something" "More than 26 million children, or the populations of greater Los Angeles and Chicago combined, live in India’s slums," said Jayakumar Christian,... - February 20, 2009 - World Vision US

Out4Immigration Hopeful About Reintroduction of Uniting American Families Act (UAFA)

Bills in House and Senate Call for End to Immigration Discrimination against Same-Sex Binational Couples in United States. - February 14, 2009 - Out4Immigration

Psychosocial Help for Traumatized Children is Urgent Priority for World Vision in Gaza

Child-friendly programs intervene to reach children and their mothers. - February 07, 2009 - World Vision US

Spring is Coming -- So is HeartShare's Gala

HeartShare Human Services of New York announces the honorees for its annual Gala. - January 18, 2009 - HeartShare Human Services of NY

Church Expands National Staff

Top level staff to work on growth, expansion and stability The North American Old Catholic Church, in its continued efforts to reach the un-churched and those marginalized by other church bodies, announced today a dramatic expansion of their national office staff. “The strategic staff... - January 09, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Church Launches New Journal - The Gabriel

A quarterly Journal focusing on Independent Sacramental Spirituality. The Gabriel- A Journal of Independent Sacramental Spirituality was released today through the Old Catholic Publishing Group, the publishing house of the North American Old Catholic Church. The Gabriel is a journal that will be... - January 08, 2009 - North American Old Catholic Church

Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda Implements Scholars Program to Aid Ugandan Students

Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda Implements Scholars Program to Aid Ugandan Students

Engeye Scholars Program Established by Theresa Weinman and Elaine Pers Hickey. - January 07, 2009 - Engeye

New Human Rights Educational Film Launched at the Concert for Human Rights in Brussels

“60 years after, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights cannot be just a luxury neither a mere auspice,” denounce President of LAW Legal Aid Worldwide. - December 26, 2008 - European Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance

Black and Missing, Inc. Celebrates the Life of Tamika Huston

Today, on what would be her 29th birthday, Black and Missing, Inc. is remembering the life of Tamika Huston who disappeared in May 2004 from Spartanburg, South Carolina and was ultimately found murdered. Huston’s family tried to get national attention for her disappearance, but received very... - December 12, 2008 - Black and Missing Foundation, Inc.

Care House of Oakland County Receives Grant from Verizon Wireless

Funds to implement “Stewards of Children” program. - November 23, 2008 - CARE House of Oakland County

Scientists Worldwide to Speak Out on Population Problem

The Global Population Speak Out aims to break down the barrier to public discussion of the population-environment link. - November 21, 2008 - Global Population Speak Out

President-Elect Barack Obama Signals Hope for Same-Sex Binational Couples Fighting Immigration Discrimination in the United States

Out4Immigration Cites Obama Campaign Promises of Support for Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) and LGBT Equality; Appointment of Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff. - November 08, 2008 - Out4Immigration

California's Passage of Proposition 8 Setback for Same-Sex Binational Couples

Out4Immigration Says Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage Underscores Need for Passage of Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) to Grant Same-Sex Binational Couples Equal Immigration Rights. - November 08, 2008 - Out4Immigration

Black and Missing, Inc Organizes Search in Hagerstown, MD for Missing College Student, Michelle McMullen

Black and Missing, Inc. (BAM), the family and a team of volunteers will conduct a recovery search for missing college student, Michelle McMullen. McMullen, a 27-year-old student from Harrisburg, Pa., has been missing since Sept. 28, 2008 when she left her hometown to return to Grambling State... - November 08, 2008 - Black and Missing Foundation, Inc.

Death of 11-Year Old Alexandria Boy Brings International Attention to Discipline in Egypt Schools

A mathematics teacher in Alexandria is being detained on manslaughter charges in Egypt after allegedly beating an 11 year old student to death for not completing his homework. The teacher claimed that he only intended to discipline the boy, but the incident brings to international attention the... - November 02, 2008 - Coptic Orphans

Engeye Health Clinic and Union College Partnership Sends Two Union College Graduates to Uganda

Engeye Health Clinic and Union College Partnership Sends Two Union College Graduates to Uganda

Becky Broadwin and Stephen Po-Chedley Will Spend Eight Months Working at the Engeye Health Clinic in Ddegeya Village, Uganda. - October 15, 2008 - Engeye

Local Brisbane Volunteers to be Recognized at Women’s Group Luncheon

Soroptimist International Brisbane City, a women's service group, is holding a luncheon timed to coincide with United Nations Day to thank volunteers in its community. Richard Cowley is guest speaker on the theme of Peace. Ticket purchases welcome. - October 07, 2008 - Soroptimist International Brisbane City

My Life, My Choice:  People with Disabilities, Seniors, and Homecare Workers Fight for Consumer Workforce Council

My Life, My Choice: People with Disabilities, Seniors, and Homecare Workers Fight for Consumer Workforce Council

Stakeholders in Pennsylvania’s Long Term Care System Work for More and Better Home Care Options. They tell Governor Rendell: Establish the Consumer Workforce Council Now. - October 03, 2008 - My Life, My Choice: PA Seniors for Homecare

Forbes Billionaire Naguib Sawiris, Pioneering Philanthropist Ola Ghabbour Honored by Egyptian Diaspora at New York Event

Naguib Sawiris, international entrepreneur from the Middle East who recently was the first private investor to enter North Korea, and Ola Ghabbour, wife of the steel magnate and the catalyst behind the recent building of the first state-of-the-art children’s cancer hospital in the Middle East, are being honored by leaders from the Egyptian diaspora at a NY event on October 18th. - October 02, 2008 - Coptic Orphans’s ‘Sponsor a Birth’ Program Aids Maternal and Newborn Health in the Dominican Republic’s ‘Sponsor a Birth’ Program Aids Maternal and Newborn Health in the Dominican Republic

Every year over 10 million mothers and children die throughout the developing world. Yet providing simple, effective, low-cost health services could prevent over half of these deaths. To address these issues, Infante Sano has designed a program that partners with existing hospitals to provide specific training courses and provide the necessary medical equipment for health care workers to do their jobs. - October 01, 2008 - Infante Sano Inc.

Celebrities Join Love Our Children USA to STOMP Out Bullying

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg proclaims October 5-11, 2008 Love Our Children USA's National Bullying Prevention Awareness Week. Love Our Children USA announced today the launch of its national campaign STOMP Out Bullying. - October 01, 2008 - Love Our Children USA

Life Links - "Save a Life: Know the Early Warning Signs of a Stroke"

Life Links Director and spokesperson Barbara H. Marynowski announced a life-saving informational article which was just posted on the organization’s website to help the public recognize the signs of stroke. “The two goals of this latest post (located at... - September 20, 2008 - Life Links

Humanity First to Aid Hurricane Ike Victims

Sunday saw great devastation in Texas and other southern parts of the country when Hurricane Ike made landfall. Sweeping first through the Caribbean and claiming 80 lives, the category 2 storm proceeded into the Gulf, submerging Galveston followed by mainland Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. With... - September 17, 2008 - Humanity First

AAFR: Skyrocketing Senior Citizen Bankruptcies "A National Disgrace"

Bankruptcies among senior citizens are soaring, due largely to health-related issues. As a result, many seniors are being forced to spend the rest of their lives in poverty. AAFR, the American Association of Future Retirees, has branded the trend "a national disgrace" and called upon legislators to deal decisively with its root causes. - September 16, 2008 - American Association of Future Retirees

New Jersey Students Decide to Support International Literacy by Sending School and Basic Health Supplies to Africa

New Jersey Students Decide to Support International Literacy by Sending School and Basic Health Supplies to Africa

Kindergarten children in Kenya’s Kibera slum will soon know that they are seen as special by Gill St. Bernard’s students when they receive their backpacks. Kibera is the largest slum in East Africa and was hard hit by the political unrest after Kenya's elections at the beginning of the year. Alexis Grieco and Hayley Diverio decided to partner with the Global Literacy Project, Inc. (GLP) to provide the basics a child needs to complete a year or more in primary school. - September 10, 2008 - Global Literacy Project, Inc.

The Ophelia Project Begins Pilot Project Addressing Cyberbullying

The Ophelia Project will launch a pilot project that addresses cyberbullying at three Erie County schools during September. This pilot project, developed by cyberbullying consultant Erika Dauber and Ophelia staff, will raise awareness about cyberbullying and provide teachers and students with... - August 30, 2008 - The Ophelia Project

Press Releases 651 - 700 of 841