ThinkFree to Showcase Next-generation Web 2.0 Technology

Online office suite pioneer will preview software designed to speed widespread adoption of the online office. - September 20, 2006 - ThinkFree, Corp.

Commence Corporation Profiles Lean Change Management Plan

According to Larry Caretsky, President of Commence Corporation (, “By implementing a formalized sales process, distributors and manufacturers are fundamentally changing the way people do their jobs on a daily basis. There will be natural resistance.” Caretsky... - September 20, 2006 - Commence

Warehouse Control System Profiled in Quality Digest

QC Software is the leading provider of Tier 1 warehouse control systems to the warehousing and distribution industries. Since 1996, QC Software, utilizing state of the art technology combined with extensive research, development, and rigorous testing, has developed the QC Enterprise suite of... - September 20, 2006 - Queen City Software, Inc.

Pentek’s Digital Receiver Board with High-Speed A/D and Installed FPGA Dual-Channel Digital Downconverter Eliminates FPGA Development Tasks

High-speed A/D with 12-bit sample rate at 215 MHz. GateFlow wideband digital downconverter FPGA IP Core. Preconfigured combination software radio subsystem, fully tested. Powerful data-acquisition front end for DSP and recording systems. Four sets of user-programmable FIR coefficients for custom filtering. Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions. - September 20, 2006 - Pentek, Inc.

AccuRev Extends SCM for Issue-based Engineering Management with Mercury Quality Center

Partners with Industry Leader to Extend Multivendor Application Lifecycle Management Offering - September 20, 2006 - AccuRev, Inc.

AccuRev Announces AccuRev 4.5 for Multivendor Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

Adds and Extends Capabilities for both Parallel and Component-based Development Projects and Geographically Distributed Development Teams. - September 20, 2006 - AccuRev, Inc.

AVnex Ltd. Released Free Versions of Music Morpher on CNET

Today, AVnex Ltd. has held a conference to publicize the newest free versions of their music editing software called Music Morpher. Music Morpher Gold 3.0 and Music Morpher 3.0 can be securely downloaded on CNET... - September 19, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

Visionary Medical Systems Will be Presenting their Uniquely Tailored Solutions for Rural Health Centers at the Health Information Technology

A Rural Provider’s Roadmap to Quality Conference, September 21 - 23, 2006 in Kansas City, MO. - September 19, 2006 - Visionary Medical Systems, Inc.

XClinical MARVIN at CDISC Interchange Conference in Bethesda, MD, September 25-29

At the upcoming CDISC Interchange Conference in Bethesda, MD, September 25 through 29, XClinical will present a first-in-class real-life implementation of a full end-to-end CDISC-based clinical trial data flow. The process includes automated CRF design and e-CRF set-up, online data capture and... - September 19, 2006 - Provantec

Veratad Technologies, LLC Announces Michigan State Liquor Control Commission Approval of its Age and Identity Verification Services for Michigan Licensed Direct Shippers

Veratad Technologies, LLC, a world class provider of Age and Identity Verification Services announced today that the State of Michigan Liquor Control Commission has approved Veratad’s AgeMatch Online Age Verification Solution for the direct shipment of wine. The Michigan State Liquor... - September 19, 2006 - Veratad Technologies, LLC

Solix Technologies Names Julie Lockner Vice President of Sales Operations

Industry veteran joins Solix Technologies from EMC Corporation. - September 19, 2006 - Solix Technologies

The Ohio Association of Community Health Centers (OACHC) has Chosen Visionary/USMD as One of the Best EMR Systems Currently Available for Community Health Centers

The OACHC has recommended Visionary Medical Systems /USMD as one of the best EMR, health center friendly systems available today. - September 18, 2006 - Visionary Medical Systems, Inc.

Music Morpher Gold Captures a Music Live Show Soundtrack

Don’t let their music lovers be waited any longer, Music Morpher Center has developed a new tutorial which provides some guidelines for users to easily capture their favorite music soundtrack from an online radio station show or a VCD. This tutorial page is set up due to the request of... - September 18, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

SyberWorks Announces a New "Success Story" Podcast Series

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces a new ‘Success Story’ Podcast Series’, available in the SyberWorks Media Center. - September 18, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Magnum Technologies Release Industry's First Live Dependency Map (TM)

Instantly Alerts both IT and Business Staff when Business Critical IT Incidents Occur. New graphical view helps both IT and business personnel throughout an organization to understand, with a glance at the Magnum Technologies’ Live Dependency Map, whether Service Level Objectives (SLO’s) are being compromised and business operations are being impacted. - September 18, 2006 - Magnum Technologies

Magnum Technologies Releases Availability Manager Dashboard for IT Managers

Information Technology Groups Now Know how their Operational Level Agreements (OLA’s) Impact Corporate Service Level Agreement’s (SLA’s). Two of ITIL’s key monitoring requirements: Operational Level Agreement’s (OLA’s), essential to technology groups, and Service Level Agreements (SLA’s), critical to CIO’s, can now – prior to any other Business Service Management (BSM) software – both be viewed via the comprehensive ADVANTAGE 3.0 BSM software from Magnum Technologies. - September 18, 2006 - Magnum Technologies

Emergency Notification Systems Provider AtHoc Awarded with Contract by US Navy to Provide Network-centric Alerting System Reaching up to 400,000 Personnel in Four Regions

AtHoc IWSAlerts Emergency Notification System Helps to Fulfill the Navy’s Anti-terrorism Force Protection (ATFP) Alerting System Needs to Rapidly Signal Personnel about Emergencies and Provide Critical Instructions - September 18, 2006 - AtHoc Emergency Notification

The Undelete Data Recovery Software Releases The Undelete 3.1.1

The Undelete is an effective, easy-to-use, powerful data recovery software. - September 17, 2006 - The Undelete - Data Recovery Softwere

Allegro Mobile Solutions Announces New Process Manager

Allegro Mobile Solutions announced the appointment of Vanessa Winter to the position of Process Manager. Winter brings a deep knowledge of navigating large IT projects, and a reputation for instilling synergies in complicated environments. Mrs. Winter has been collaborating with Allegro since... - September 16, 2006 - Allegro Mobile Solutions

Screaming Bee Provides Voice Changing Game Resources for Battlefield 2

An online resource provides Battlefield 2 players with useful information on voice changing. The educational page shows gamers how to easily integrate MorphVOX with the online game. - September 16, 2006 - Screaming Bee Inc

Audio4fun Provides New Music Morpher Gold 4.0 Details – Avnex Ltd announced today that the new version of Music Morpher Gold is not ready to debut soon but they did provide some useful information. Get update news from Audio4fun Developer Team at According to Terry, Head of Audio4fun Lab, the... - September 15, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

QC Software Leads the Distribution Sector with QC Toolkit

QC Software is the leading provider of Tier 1 warehouse control systems to the warehousing and distribution industries. Since 1996, QC Software, utilizing state of the art technology combined with extensive research, development, and rigorous testing, has developed the QC Enterprise suite of... - September 15, 2006 - Queen City Software, Inc.

Lean Industrial CRM Takes Hold

Elimination of waste is the hallmark of an effective lean initiative. The single greatest area of waste that remains in the manufacturing operation is in Sales and Marketing. For this reason there is a strong increase in Industry specific CRM technology anticipated over the next eighteen months. - September 15, 2006 - Commence

In the Chair is the Best Australian Made Product

Online music education software, In the Chair, wins the Best Australian Made Product of 2006 at the Australian Music Association Awards for Excellence - September 15, 2006 - In the Chair

Micro Shred Offers the Best Protection Against Identity Theft

Acroprint announces the launch of Questa Brands™, LLC, a division of Acroprint Time Recorder Company. Questa Brands features CopperHead™ Micro Cut document shredders, which offer superior privacy and protection for your sensitive business and personal information with their industry-leading micro shred size. With their sleek good looks, affordable price and exceptionally quiet operation, CopperHead shredders are suitable for small office and home office needs. - September 14, 2006 - Acroprint Time Recorder Company

Linknetics, a Leader in Creating Networks that Increase Website Traffic

Linknetics, a leader in creating networks that increase website traffic, is announcing a special for its grand opening: a free membership offer for one business website. - September 14, 2006 - Linknetics

Live Support: a Great Effort of Audio4fun Support Team

Audio4fun have just run their live support system to better and promptly serve their customers’ problems related to products and services. - September 14, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

SyberWorks Announces a New Article Available in its Media Center: “Polio and e-Learning Build vs. Buy Decisions”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces a new article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Polio and e-Learning Build vs. Buy Decisions.” Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states,... - September 14, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Lean Sales & Marketing: the New Value Proposition for Manufacturers

Having eliminated much of the waste in the manufacturing and distribution process, continued process improvement dictates that other areas of operational inefficiencies be corrected. The greatest area of deficiency in the manufacturing enterprise is in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)... - September 14, 2006 - Commence

PWI Assists ZI Solutions in Fresh Development Initiative

PWI, Inc., a leader in globally distributed software development services today announced a new development effort for Verus Claims Services LLC. - September 14, 2006 - PWI, Inc.

Vidco to Open New Residential Marketplace in Network Video Security

Vidco Security Systems LLP acknowledging the new security threat which Key Bumping brings to the residential market has developed a custom solution for Homeowners, Apartment Complexes, Renters, and Vacation Home Owners or Real Estate Investors. - September 14, 2006 - Vidco Security Systems

Liferro Creators Report Rise in Inquiries Regarding Its Concierge Software Component

Liferro reports significant inquiry rise in its Concierge component. - September 13, 2006 - Liferro

AV Voice Changer Software Gold Turns Your PC to a Home Recording Studio

Acknowledging the potential need for a professional recorder of many users, (a.k.a. Avnex Ltd.) decided to upgrade its AV Voice Changer Software Gold with the aim: The Gold Edition turns your PC to a home recording studio. AV Voice Changer Software Gold... - September 13, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

ManiacTools Releases mp3Tag 5.8

Music file tag editor and batch processor with extended features. - September 13, 2006 - ManiacTools

Kaizen Blitz for Industrial CRM

Kaizen blitz procedures quickly identify the best opportunity for lean efficiency and productivity. The most glaring omission of these kaizen blitz efforts has been in the sales and marketing elements of the manufacturing enterprise. According to manufacturing journalist Thomas R. Cutler in a... - September 13, 2006 - Commence

Industry Demands Hands-On Training to Address Shortage of Manufacturing Skills

Control Station Expands Partnership with BIN95 to Strengthen Skills of Domestic Manufacturers - September 13, 2006 - Control Station, Inc.

uCertify Offers Limited Period Discount on IT Certification Practice Tests

uCertify, a trusted name in IT certification exams preparation and training solutions, today announced a limited period discount offer on its entire range of products. The company is now offering up to 70% discount on its Practice Tests meant for the preparation of all leading IT certification... - September 13, 2006 - uCertify

Mobistar First to Launch Interactive Communication via Bluetooth with JCDecaux

Activate Bluetooth on your mobile and receive the Christina Aguilera True Tone free of charge. - September 13, 2006 - Alterwave

Free Tech Support Now Helps You Breathe Axigen in

AXIGEN, the professional messaging solutions vendor, announced today its new Technical Support Program. Designed to help system administrators worldwide, the program includes as a special offer the ground-breaking concept of FIRsT Support, which comes to underline once more the company’s... - September 13, 2006 - AXIGEN

Virtual Conference to Feature President from RAM Technologies

The Healthcare and Life Sciences division of IBM has announced that Mr. Robert A. Tulio, founder and President of RAM Technologies, will present a session on new technologies for healthcare administration entitled “Consumer-Directed Healthcare and the Implications for Claims Management” as part of the IBM HCLS Virtual Conference. - September 13, 2006 - RAM Technologies, Inc.

Eyeball Networks and Jabber, Inc. Deliver Presence-Enabled VoIP Solution Based on SIP and XMPP

Turnkey, Feature-rich Solution Includes Firewall, Proxy, and NAT Traversal for Guaranteed Call Completion. - September 13, 2006 - Eyeball Networks

MeetingZone Implements JCS Technologies' Collaboration Addin for Microsoft(R) Outlook(R)

The Collaboration Addin provides an off the shelf solution for Conference Service Providers looking for a method to quickly, easily, and cost effectively increase referral sales, improve market visibility, and improve customer satisfaction. The tool creates an effective sales channel using the CSP's customers to reach a receptive audience of conference users. - September 12, 2006 - JCS Technologies, Inc.

Successful Ringtone Contest at – At the press conference held today at AVnex Ltd. Headquarters, Louise A., Audio4fun Community Manager, revealed to them the Ringtone Contest has been a success up to now. For more information, please view She added, “The... - September 12, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

Interactive 3D Online is Back

The dotcom crash in killed online interactive 3D, even before it really caught on. TurnTool now launches version 3 of the TurnToolBox to take the lead after a two year core rewrite process. It gives the designer the opportunity showcase his designs online in 3 seconds, gives the architect the opportunity to make interactive online walkthroughs in 3 minutes, and gives guy in the basement the opportunity to make an entire online 3D platform game in just 3 hours. - September 12, 2006 - TurnTool ApS

LAN Force Executes Strategic Objective by Banking on Blancco’s Erasure Technology

Finnish IT company, LAN Force, has partnered with Blancco in a move to offer clients secure electronic data destruction as part of its systems management solutions. - September 12, 2006 - Blancco Ltd.

Podcast Your Voice From Personal Blog With Voice Changer Software. – Audio4Fun (a.k.a. Avnex Ltd.) confirmed that AV Voice Changer Software ( can blow a fresh wind to the new online trend in late 2006: Personal Blog by creating and podcasting different voices. Last week, an incredible number of... - September 11, 2006 - AVSoft Corp.

International Food Safety & Quality Network (IFSQN) Looks Beyond Overall Equipment Effectiveness with Technology Group International

IFSQN, International Food Safety & Quality Network’s contributing editor Thomas R. Cutler profiled the significant technology variables for Food Manufacturers and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) at Whether viewing... - September 11, 2006 - Technology Group International, Ltd.

Industrial CRM Leader Commence Profiled in

In, manufacturing journalist Thomas R. Cutler notes, “Some ERP vendors offer industry specific CRM solutions; many do not. Bolt-on generic CRM solutions are frequently sold as the panacea; few are.” Commence offers industrial companies complete “Freedom of... - September 11, 2006 - Commence

QinetiQ Selects RTI's Real-Time Middleware for Strategic Test and Evaluation Network

Following a detailed evaluation of available commercial middleware products, QinetiQ, a leading defense and security technology company, has chosen RTI Data Distribution Service to provide a real-time data-distribution infrastructure for its test and evaluation systems. These systems form part of... - September 11, 2006 - Real-Time Innovations

New Image Licenses by

On Sept. 8, 2006, FP has published several new enhancements to make it easier for business customers to buy and license their purchases. These new features are licensing types for: "Royalty-Free, Small Business Extension, "Rights-Managed, Editorial" (print media use)... - September 09, 2006 -

Press Releases 45,451 - 45,500 of 46,631