Recent Headlines
Text AI Event Leader 42Chat Adds 3 to Its Sales Team
42Chat, the market leader in text AI chatbots for live events, has made three additions to its sales team. Ray Baum, Colin Tokosch and Mike Flynn have joined the company to help further fuel the company’s growth as the event industry begins its recovery from the COVID-19 lockdowns. Ray Baum... - June 09, 2020 - 42Chat
Red5 Pro’s Real Time Streaming Platform and Videon’s VersaStreamer 4K Encoder Enable a 200ms Real Time Latency End to End Workflow Solution
Videon worked with Red5 Pro to provide a WebRTC workflow using Red5 Pro Real Time Streaming platform in conjunction with their VersaStreamer 4K Encoder resulting in a 200ms end to end latency. This workflow answers the rapidly growing need for high-quality streaming that benefits from real-time latency. - May 30, 2020 - Videon Central, Inc.
42Chat Releases HealthShield, Text-Based Screening for Businesses to Reopen Quickly and Safely During COVID-19 Pandemic
42Chat, an award-winning provider of Text-based AI chatbot solutions, has announced the release of HealthShield, to help America’s businesses safely reopen after the coronavirus lockdowns. With HealthShield businesses can remotely capture CDC-compliant information for anyone entering their... - May 27, 2020 - 42Chat
Sytel Launches Global Compliance to Protect Consumers and Contact Centers
Sytel is delighted to launch Global Compliance, available immediately, enabling contact centers to manage consumer opt-outs and other no-contact rules across phone, email, SMS and all other media types. - May 24, 2020 - Sytel Limited
Systweak Software Launches “Advanced PC Cleanup” for Windows
Advanced PC Cleanup Keeps Your PC Cleaned, Optimized & Protected - May 22, 2020 - Systweak Software
Systweak Launches "Systweak VPN" for Windows
Systweak VPN helps you browse anonymously on your Windows PC. - May 20, 2020 - Systweak Software
New AI Chatbot Helps Physical Events Go Virtual
With more and more physical events transitioning to virtual events during the COVID-19 crisis, 42Chat, the market leader in AI chatbots for live events, has released their Virtual Event Bots line of products to help streamline the virtual event experience by instantly answering attendees’ questions. - May 13, 2020 - 42Chat
Ohanaware's HDRtist NX 2 Now Available from the Mac App Store
Ohanaware Co., Ltd. announce the immediate release of HDRtist NX 2.2 via Apple's Mac App Store. The latest release of their flagship High Dynamic Range Imaging software product can now be downloaded and purchased from within Apple's Mac App Store. This includes the additions made to version 2.2, adding 26 improvements and 20 fixes/workarounds. HDRtist NX 2 is the fourth major revision of their HDR software, covering 10 years. - May 07, 2020 - Ohanaware
QUALITANCE Appoints Mike Parsons as CEO
QUALITANCE, the international innovation, tech, and Artificial Intelligence company founded and headquartered in Romania, announced today that its leadership has appointed Mike Parsons as Chief Executive Officer, marking a new step in the company’s global growth strategy. QUALITANCE... - May 04, 2020 - QUALITANCE
Systweak Introduces Brand New Advanced Identity Protector on Mac App Store
Advanced Identity Protector helps protect sensitive information stored on Mac or MacBook. - April 30, 2020 - Systweak Software
Tweak & Tuneup Has a New Menu Bar Tagging Window Now and Improved Uninstaller
Tweak & Tuneup gets a new menu bar tagging windows & improved uninstaller on Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina. - April 11, 2020 - Systweak Software
AKVIS Explosion 1.5: Sand & Dust Effects - Free Update
AKVIS announces the free update of AKVIS Explosion, a powerful creative tool to apply dispersion effects to photos. Version 1.5 offers a new option to the Sand effect, support for more RAW formats, and better stability. - April 10, 2020 - AKVIS Lab
Sytel’s 48 Hour Cloud Contact Center Challenge
Sytel have installed a production-ready 200 seat cloud contact center within 48 hours, in response to a customer needing a fast operational shift. - March 29, 2020 - Sytel Limited
Systweak Launches "Locker for Insta Social App" on Google Play Store
This Android app keeps your Instagram account and chats private. - March 29, 2020 - Systweak Software
Sytel’s Cloud Contact Center Enables Home Working
Sytel is introducing a plan immediately to help contact centers enable their agents to work from home during the COVID-19 outbreak. - March 21, 2020 - Sytel Limited
Systweak Software Adopts Work from Home During Ongoing Quarantine
Employees asked to work from home as Coronavirus outbreak worsens. - March 21, 2020 - Systweak Software
Systweak Blog Will Now Reach New Readers on Google News
Systweak Software’s blog is dedicated to introducing the latest tech trends, covering tech news and updates, and offering troubleshooting solutions to its readers. Now, the company has taken another leap by expanding its reach to a greater audience via Google News. On March 10, 2020, the... - March 13, 2020 - Systweak Software
Soft Xpansion Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Soft Xpansion, a company that offers PDF developer tools, standard software and DMS & ECM solutions, celebrates its 25th anniversary. - March 08, 2020 - soft Xpansion GmbH & Co. KG
AKVIS Decorator 8.0: Now with User Texture Folder
AKVIS announces the update of AKVIS Decorator, a creative resurfacing and recoloring program. Version 8.0 includes support for user textures folder, new Smudge tool, better compatibility and increased stability. - March 01, 2020 - AKVIS Lab
HCC Embedded Announces OPEN Alliance TC8 Test Suite for Validating TCP/IP Stacks in Automotive Environment
HCC Safety Integration TestBench includes TCP/IP tests specified within the TC8 Ethernet ECU test specification to ensure reliable automotive networking. - February 26, 2020 - HCC Embedded
AKVIS Releases Two Frame Collections for Baby Photos
AKVIS announces the launch of two brand new frame collections for decorating baby photos. The recently released “It's a Boy” and “It's a Girl” packs include 100 frames each. The ready-to-use adorable templates are divided into two sets, for boys and girls, but can suit any baby. The sets are also available in a discounted bundle representing a versatile collection of stylish frames for family photographs. - February 22, 2020 - AKVIS Lab
Softjourn Named to IAOP’s 2020 Global Outsourcing 100 List
Fremont, Calif. – February 18, 2020 – For the sixth year in a row, Softjourn, Inc., a global technology services provider, was named to IAOP's Global Outsourcing 100 (G100). The G100 is IAOP’s annual listing of the world’s best outsourcing service providers. - February 21, 2020 - Softjourn, Inc.
Doggies in Town Takes on World Business Angel Investment Forum in Istanbul
Doggies in Town aims to win over the hearts of the investors at the World Business Angel Investment Forum in Istanbul and as Jessie states, “Our vision is to become the only app a dog owner will ever need, the umbrella for all dog apps.” - February 17, 2020 - Doggies in Town
New Anti-Malware Tool Added to Cleaner for Android App
Anti-Malware adds more power to the already existing list of features. - February 13, 2020 - Systweak Software
Independent Publishing Platform Releases Publishing Predictions for 2020
Bublish makes predictions for the self-publishing market and the book industry. - February 02, 2020 - Bublish
Systweak Launches Locker for Snap App Chat for Android
The tool helps keep your Snapchat media and chats private on Android. - January 30, 2020 - Systweak Software
AKVIS Launches New AKVIS Explosion 1.0 Software
AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new program - AKVIS Explosion 1.0 for creating destruction effects on photos. The program bursts an object and adds dust and sand particles to an image. The software is available in versions for Windows and Mac. - January 24, 2020 - AKVIS Lab
Systweak Software’s Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro Now on Microsoft Store
The highly trusted duplicate photos cleaner app is stronger than ever. - January 24, 2020 - Systweak Software
Systweak Software Introduces Photos Recovery for Windows
The tool helps recover accidentally deleted photos on Windows PC. - January 18, 2020 - Systweak Software
AKVIS Releases Refocus 10.0 with Improved Bokeh Effects
AKVIS announces the major update of AKVIS Refocus, software to fix out-of-focus photos and apply various blur effects. Version 10.0 offers the enhanced bokeh effects, new presets, fixed bugs and improved program's stability. - January 16, 2020 - AKVIS Lab
STORYSOFT Makes Marketing More Human with the Launch of Their Digital Storytelling Platform
A storytelling software startup on a mission to help marketers tell breakthrough brand stories at scale. - January 16, 2020 - STORYSOFT
GameCloud Marks Ten Years of Offering Specialized Video Game Testing & QA Services
To commemorate the ten-year mark known as a decade of integrity, a decade of professionalism, a decade of quality, GameCloud Technologies will be attending a series of events to showcase its services and achievements. - January 15, 2020 - GameCloud Technologies Private Limited
Blueberry Recognised as Top UK Developer by Clutch
Blueberry’s combination of technical and business skills has led to the company being recognised as a top developer in the UK by Clutch, the B2B ratings and reviews platform. - January 11, 2020 - Blueberry Consultants Ltd
AKVIS Releases New Snowflakes Frames Which Bring Holiday Cheer to Photos
AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new Snowflakes Pack, a picture frame collection to beautify holiday and winter photos. The set offers 100 ready-to-use templates inspired by the swirling snowflakes that dance through the crystal clear air and turn everyday scenery into a picturesque winter wonderland. - December 28, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
Systweak’s Popular Application Duplicate Contacts Fixer Gets Upgraded for iOS Users
Systweak Software, makers of several quality applications, have updated their most useful utility app, Duplicate Contacts fixer for iOS. The dedicated application designed to scan & remove identical contacts from the phonebook now comes with a faster scanning engine & better user-interface. - December 26, 2019 - Systweak Software
AKVIS Updates AliveColors Image Editor
AKVIS announces the update of the AliveColors image editor for Windows and Mac. The new version offers the enhanced History Brush, new Christmas brush shapes and textures, updated built-in plugins, Spanish interface language, improved stability and performance, and other changes. - December 25, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
Bublish Announces 2019 Book Awards for Its Authors
Bublish is honored to share a list of 22 prestigious awards for its independent authors this year. - December 25, 2019 - Bublish
Systweak Releases All-New App "Photos Recovery" for Android
One Tap and Your Deleted Photos Are Back. - December 21, 2019 - Systweak Software
AKVIS Updates Restoration Bundle: New Life for Old Photos
AKVIS announces the update of Retoucher and Coloriage that compose the Restoration Bundle and are also available as separate software products. The recent versions provide the improved Batch Processing feature, full compatibility with macOS Catalina and recently updated image editors, and other changes. - December 21, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
DEVAR CEO Anna Belova Makes Forbes 30 Under 30 List
DEVAR CEO and co-founder, Anna Belova featured in Forbes 30 under 30 list among the most promising entrepreneurs. - December 07, 2019 - DEVAR
Systweak Launches Systweak Software Updater for Windows PC
Keep all your software updated in a single click. - December 07, 2019 - Systweak Software
Sytel Enables Growth of Kelly Services, Russia, with Hosted Contact Center Solution
Kelly Services and Sytel have combined to provide a state of the art hosted solution to support Kelly's growth plans in Russia. Kelly's contact center model has been replaced with a multi-channel and multi-tenant solution, hosted within their private cloud. The new system will allow Kelly to... - December 06, 2019 - Sytel Limited
Systweak Software Announces 2019 Black Friday Sale
Offers Major Discounts on Top Windows & Mac Software - November 24, 2019 - Systweak Software
AKVIS ArtWork 12.0 Photo to Painting Effects: Faster Than Ever
AKVIS announces the major update of AKVIS ArtWork, photo to painting software with a wide variety of artistic effects. Version 12.0 brings the accelerated effects, new tools, improved Batch Processing and Text features; provides compatibility with macOS Catalina and recently updated image editors; offers support for more RAW files, bug fixes, and better program stability. - November 16, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
AKVIS Updates Four Image Enhancement Programs for Windows & Mac
AKVIS announces the update of 4 photo correction programs: Enhancer, HDRFactory, Noise Buster, and Refocus. The new versions provide full compatibility with macOS Catalina 10.15 and recently updated image editors, enhanced Batch Processing option, support for more RAW files, fixed bugs, better program stability, and other improvements. - November 10, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
News Hub Media Launches for Automated Image Enhancement
News Hub Media announces the launch of, the Artificial Intelligence for Image Enhancement platform for publishers, entrepreneurs and enterprises. Powered by the same automated image enhancement engine used by major US and international publishers, the turnkey approach for achieving high-quality image optimization combines cloud-based image processing with predictive enhancement algorithms. - November 01, 2019 - News Hub Media
AKVIS Releases New Frame Collection: Get Back to Nature with Wildlife Frames
AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new Wildlife Pack, a picture frame collection to beautify photographs. The set offers 100 ready-to-use templates inspired by forest walks, camping holidays, and outdoor adventuring. - November 01, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
This Halloween, Audio4fun Will Donate All Profits During the Event to WWF
This Halloween, Audio4fun will donate 100% profits from AV Voice Changer series, and all other paid products to support WWF, the Word Wildlife Fund. - October 31, 2019 - AVSoft Corp.
AKVIS Sketch Video 5.0 for Adobe & EDIUS: Now Compatible with macOS Catalina
AKVIS announces the update of AKVIS Sketch Video, powerful video-to-cartoon software. Version 5.0 provides full compatibility with macOS Catalina (10.15) and Adobe Premiere Elements 2020 as well as improves compatibility with EDIUS Pro and fixes some stability and interface issues. - October 27, 2019 - AKVIS Lab
Joyoshare Starts 2019 Halloween Promo with Freebie and Special Offer
Joyoshare Halloween special sale in 2019, a two-week event for all official multimedia software, will debut on October 25 and end on November 12, to let users get freeware or enjoy discounts to save big. - October 27, 2019 - Joyoshare