New Tubular Handles from Elesa UK with Adjustable Mounts

Elesa’s new GN333.3 tubular aluminium handles are available in straight lengths or with custom bends and are expected to be of value in many applications from architectural hand rails such as lifts, stairs etc., and onto machinery operation, e.g. press brakes, control pods, sliding doors etc. - April 26, 2014 - ELESA (UK) Ltd

Above & Beyond Sewing and Vaccum Celebrates Sewing with Expert Advice & Exclusive Discounts

Sharing Expert Sewing Tips, ABSVGives a Glimpse of How Sewing Classes Can Build Confidence in Sewers to Take on Incredibly Creative and Complex Projects - April 26, 2014 - Above and Beyond Sewing and Vacuum

Mother’s Day Gifts Infused with Healing Love Energy

Intelligent Crystals Collection from Energy Tools International offers beautiful iridescent Swarovski Crystal pendants infused with healing love subtle energy. - April 26, 2014 - Energy Tools International LLC

FDB Panel Fittings Highlight New Hinge Calculator Tool

FDB Panel Fittings, together with their sales partner Dirak, have now provided a hinge calculator tool which will determine the load bearing capacity of a hinge/door installation. - April 26, 2014 - FDB Panel Fittings

The AC Milan Soccer Camp Season is Back

The AC Milan Soccer Camp Season is Back

Children in the USA will now be able to attend soccer camps organized by the AC Milan Youth Program in America. - April 25, 2014 - AC Milan

BiologicsCorp Launches Supernatant Protein Expression Service

BiologicsCorp Launches Supernatant Protein Expression Service

BiologicsCorp proudly launches this new service - another first in the industry. They have tested many variables, including codon optimization, strain, charperones and foldases, and others. Give Supernatant Service a try, especially if your protein of interest could not be expressed in soluble form. BiologicsCorp is confident and can guarantee success - no soluble fraction for target protein, no payment for expression service. - April 25, 2014 - BiologicsCorp

CALLAHEAD's Exclusive NY Portable Restroom Rentals Are Ideal for Memorial Day Festivities

CALLAHEAD's Exclusive NY Portable Restroom Rentals Are Ideal for Memorial Day Festivities

From backyard barbecues to graduation parties to celebratory parades and concerts, CALLAHEAD offers a comfortable, sanitary, unique portable toilet for every event held in New York during the holiday weekend. - April 25, 2014 - CALLAHEAD Portable Toilets

Are African American’s Skin Oily or Normal?

Are African American’s Skin Oily or Normal?

The assumption that oily skin- -or its appearance- -is inherent on African Americans is not necessarily true. The shiny look on African American skins is not excess oil or sebum (commonly called “greasy look”); but a surface “mantle” that is different than white skins. An... - April 25, 2014 - Reviva Labs

Long Anticipated eCycle LM5 Brushless Motor/Generator in Production

Long Anticipated eCycle LM5 Brushless Motor/Generator in Production

eCycle recently announced production of the LM5 Brushless Motor/Generator. - April 25, 2014 - eCycle, Incorporated

Swanson Industries Completes Equity Investment in RN Motion Technologies

Swanson Industries ( is pleased to announce that it has added RN Motion Technologies ( to its portfolio of companies. Swanson will provide additional resources to expand and invest in RN Motion Technologies’ existing facility while also taking... - April 25, 2014 - Swanson Industries

Water Innovations Showcased at World Water Day Event in Washington

The U.S. Department of State and U.S. Water Partnership celebrated World Water Day by displaying twenty-eight American developed water technologies, designed to address global water challenges in developing countries. These technologies were part of the “USTech H2.0” event held on... - April 25, 2014 - Lifewater Drilling Technology

USHIO and Christie Continue the Mission to Conserve with Solar Energy Project

In a joint effort, USHIO and Christie®, a wholly-owned subsidiary, have continued their mission to be both environmentally conscious and more energy efficient by recently completing solar energy panel installations in both of their USA headquarters in Cypress, Calif., USA. USHIO and Christie... - April 25, 2014 - Ushio America, Inc.

Choice Office Installation Providers Support Earth Day Year-Round

While the official Earth Day is April 22nd, many companies choose to highlight their eco-friendly practices the entire month. However, for Toronto based Choice Office and Wall Installations, environmentalism is a year-round practice. - April 25, 2014 - Choice Office Installations, Inc.

Local Beer and Art Come Together in Tampa Brewery Art Market

Southern Brewing & Winemaking is hosting a Summer Art Market to feature local art, crafts, food, music, and beer. - April 25, 2014 - Southern Brewing & Winemaking

Vision Engraving & Routing System’s New Oscillating Knife

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems lets you do more with the release of their new oscillating knife, an option for their line of CNC routing systems. - April 25, 2014 - Vision Engraving Systems

EC&M Magazine Selects Intermatic's LightMaster as 2014 Lighting Control Equipment Category Winner

Intermatic's LightMaster LM2-O-120 has been named the Lighting Control Equipment Category winner in EC&M's 2014 Product of the Year Competition. LightMaster's state-of-the-art sensors give users the power to illuminate facilities based on natural light. A 16-member jury of electrical professionals selected LightMaster, along with 43 other product category winners, as a finalist in EC & M's 2014 Product of the Year competition. EC & M readers will vote for the winner in an online poll in June. - April 25, 2014 - Intermatic

Storefronts Shine Bright with Bayer MaterialScience Polycarbonate Sheet for Channel Letters and Signage Applications

Companies are looking for a way to stand apart from the competition. Like a signpost in a strange land, channel letters and signage applications using polycarbonate sheet from Bayer MaterialScience LLC can help light up interest in a business and attract customers. Creating an eye-catching sign is... - April 25, 2014 - Bayer MaterialScience LLC

Girls Can be Superheroes, Too! Lottie Teams Up with Brave Girl Alliance and Challenges Young Girls in a Costume Design Competition for Their New Doll, Out This Fall

Girls Can Be Superheroes, Too! is the rallying call for a global competition, which will see entrants aged 10 and under asked to design a superhero outfit for the new Lottie doll. - April 25, 2014 - Arklu

EatSmart Products Featured in the New Book "Friends With the Scale: How to Turn Your Scale into a Powerful Weight Loss Tool"

EatSmart Products bathroom scales have been featured as some of the best in the new book, "Friends with the Scale: How to Turn Your Scale into a Powerful Weight Loss Tool" - April 25, 2014 - EatSmart Products

SMARTFormulator Unveils SMART Cost Estimator and More Enhancements at Supplier’s Day May 13/14

SMARTFormulator will debut the SMART Cost Estimator and more Enhancements for the SMARTFormulator and SMARTMRP at Supplier's Day - Booth 116. - April 25, 2014 - Data-Biz: SMARTFormulator Division

Angry Horse Brewing, a Start-Up Brewery and Taproom in Montebello, California

Angry Horse Brewing, a Start-Up Brewery and Taproom in Montebello, California

Support Angry Horse Brewing, a new brewery and taproom in the city of Montebello, California and help them open their doors. - April 24, 2014 - Angry Horse Brewing

Odyne Systems, LLC Partners with Allison Transmission’s Midwest Distributor, Inland Power, to Deliver on $45.4 Million Contract

Odyne Systems, LLC Partners with Allison Transmission’s Midwest Distributor, Inland Power, to Deliver on $45.4 Million Contract

Department of Energy Program Administered Through the Electric Power Research Institute to Apply Over 120 Odyne Plug-In Hybrid Systems to Trucks Throughout North America - April 24, 2014 - Odyne Systems, LLC

Springboard Biodiesel Announces Grand Opening of New Closed Local Loop Production Facility

Springboard Biodiesel Announces Grand Opening of New Closed Local Loop Production Facility

California based, clean-tech manufacturer Springboard Biodiesel launches fully automated, zero-waste biodiesel production plant that is designed for low-cost production of multiple feedstocks. Capable of producing up to 1,500 gallons per day, the facility currently processes locally collected UCO feedstock into ASTM-grade B-100 biodiesel with an exceptionally low carbon intensity. - April 24, 2014 - Springboard Biodiesel

PC-Doctor Releases Service Center 9 with Bootable Diagnostics and UEFI Support

Three Diagnostic Environments Now Available from a Single USB Device - April 24, 2014 - PC-Doctor, Inc.

B2B-Tradeshow - Fast Growing B2B e-Marketplace

The site currently includes more than 600,000 worldwide products & supplier database and over 4 million global buyer database. The database is growing rapidly every day. - April 24, 2014 -

PBS - Professional Business Systems Has Rebranded

PBS is out of the blocks with its new rebrand now offers complete marketing communication, printing and promotional products that allow for improved brand management, increase efficiencies, and reduce costs. - April 24, 2014 - PBS - Professional Business Systems

Sungale Changes Its Internet TV Box’s Name from Cloud TV Box to Smart TV Box

Sungale's Internet TV computer box has changed it's name from "Cloud TV Box" to "Smart TV Box." - April 24, 2014 - Sungale

IRRRB Approves Funding for Segetis Commercial Plant

Iron Range Resource and Rehabilitation Board (IRRRB) voted unanimously to approve $21.2 million in funding for Segetis to construct a commercial-scale plant at the Laskin Energy Park in Hoyt Lakes, MN. - April 24, 2014 - Segetis

Gwen Beloti Collection Infuses Monthly Men's Style Feature by Guest Authors to Its Blog Platform

Gwen Beloti Collection, a womenswer contemporary line of apparel as a result of its soft spot for menswear has infused a monthly Men’s Style feature in its blog platform. Each Men’s Style post on the Gwen Beloti blog will be written by guest authors who are everyday males with an innate sense of fashion and appreciation for style that they’re happy to share with those who’d appreciate it and will quite possibly get something out of it. - April 24, 2014 - Gwen Beloti Collection llc

Integrated Medical Services, Now Open to the Online Public

Integrated Medical Services, the distributor of medical equipment and supplies, announces the launch of a new online shopping experience. For customers, that will improve their experience ordering the important medical equipment and supplies required in patients homes and health care facilities. - April 24, 2014 - Integrated Medical Services

Sonardyne Wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation for 6G

Leading subsea technology manufacturer Sonardyne International Ltd. is celebrating winning the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation for its 6G® underwater product range. - April 24, 2014 - Sonardyne

EMKA IP65 Protector Vandal Resistant Swinghandles – New Electronic Operation

The new electronic version of the Protector IP65 vandal resistant swinghandle from EMKA UK provides remote keyless operation, plus the facility to provide access logging via the EMKA ELM – Electronic Locking and Monitoring platform. - April 24, 2014 - EMKA (UK) Ltd.

Making a Splash with an Above Ground Pool on Designing Spaces™ Airing on Lifetime®

Rich Ruzza from POOLCORP will give viewers an in-depth look at how an above ground pool is quick to install and easy to maintain in this special “Pride in DIY” Edition. - April 24, 2014 - BrandStar

CIF Continues Its Development and Completed the Expansion of Its Plant in Tangier

To answer customers' request of new packaging products, CIF has invested in an expansion project of its plant, constructing an additional 2,500 m² of warehouse space. - April 24, 2014 - Compagnie Industrielle des Fibres

Intertronics Introduce New Phoseon FireEdge UV LED Cure Devices

The new environmentally friendly air cooled Phoseon FireEdge UV LED cure range from Intertronics targets the pinning and curing of adhesives, coatings and inks with high peak irradiance up to 5 W/cm2 and small form factor. - April 24, 2014 - Intertronics

E.B. Tool Company Encourages the Family Handyman to Conduct a Thorough Spring Cleaning

E.B. Tool Company helps amateur builders prep for DIY projects with handyman tips for spring cleaning. - April 24, 2014 - EB Tool Company

New Additive Will Revolutionize Heavy Oil Production and Transportation and Save Producers at Least $4 - $5 Per Barrel

New Additive Will Revolutionize Heavy Oil Production and Transportation and Save Producers at Least $4 - $5 Per Barrel

Heavy oil production requires diluent be added to the crude to give it proper viscosity to get it in a pipeline. Diluent supplies are dwindling and prices are rising. A new technology exists that results in 50% less diluent being required and oil producers saving $4-$5 per barrel. - April 23, 2014 - Petro Motion Inc.

DUECO Inc. Promotes Ken Vlasman to Director of Service

DUECO Inc. Promotes Ken Vlasman to Director of Service

DUECO, Inc., the largest privately owned provider of Terex Utilities and Terex® Hi-Ranger bucket trucks, digger derricks, cranes, stringing and tension equipment, and utility trailers in the country, has announced the promotion of Ken Vlasman to the newly created role of Director of Service. In... - April 23, 2014 - Dueco, Inc.

Lucideon to Hold "Meet the Materials Experts" Seminar in Cork

Lucideon, the materials development and testing company that was formerly known as Ceram, is holding a "Meet the Materials Experts" seminar on 19 June 2014 in Cork, Ireland. - April 23, 2014 - Lucideon

Digital Journal Features Magline CooLift Ergonomic Solution featured Magline, maker of innovative lightweight route distribution solutions. According to the article, warehouse SKUs have quadrupled during the last 15 years, which has exacerbated the complexity of organizing and ensuring the accuracy of loading and delivery of product. On... - April 23, 2014 - Magline, Inc.

Avoiding the Dangers of Forklift Accidents Explained in Seegrids Current Blog

Forklifts, despite their many benefits, are far too often the causes of serious and even deadly accidents according to Tom Reddon, forklift specialist and blog manager for National Forklift Exchange and member of the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) Executive Dialogue... - April 23, 2014 - Seegrid Corporation

Michael Hasco of Seegrid Vision-Guided AGVs Reports European Manufacturers See Safety Gains

Seegrid, maker of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) is exhibiting at CeMat 2014 to meet global demand of AGVs. Seegrid will be exhibiting at Hall 27, Booth H12. CeMAT 2014 runs from May 19 to May 23, 2014, in Hannover, Germany. Michael Hasco, Seegrid’s Chief Growth Officer explained,... - April 23, 2014 - Seegrid Corporation

Full Service Diagnostic Testing Center Now Offered at Byers Chiropractic Center

Wimbledon Health Partners, a national provider of Vascular Centers of America (VCOA) and NeuroRad Diagnostic Centers (NDC) announced the opening of a new, state-of-the-art electrodiagnostic and vascular testing center at Byers Chiropractic Center in cooperation with Dr. Jim Byers D.C. Wimbledon... - April 23, 2014 - Wimbledon Health Partners

Arrow Straight Chiropractic Adds Full Service Diagnostic Testing Center to Practice

Wimbledon Health Partners, a national provider of Vascular Centers of America (VCOA) and NeuroRad Diagnostic Centers (NDC) announced the opening of a new, state-of-the-art electrodiagnostic and vascular testing center at Aarow Straight Chiropractic in cooperation with Dr. Roger Gosselin D.C. - April 23, 2014 - Wimbledon Health Partners

Dr. Gail Levee M.D. Expands Practice with Vascular Centers of America Test Center

Wimbledon Health Partners, a national provider of Vascular Centers of America (VCOA), an on-site diagnostic testing company, announced the opening of a new test center in cooperation with Dr. Gail Levee M.D. VCOA is a network of national practicing physicians that provide diagnostic cardiovascular... - April 23, 2014 - Wimbledon Health Partners

The Newest Addition to CreateASoft's Dynamic Process Improvement Simulators

Introducing Simcad Pro Lite, the newest addition to CreateASoft's next generation software that empowers process improvement initiatives through dynamic simulation. - April 23, 2014 - CreateASoft, Inc.

AveXis Closes a Round of Financing from PBM Capital to Advance Its SMA Gene Therapy Program

AveXis, Inc., a clinic-ready synthetic biology platform company, today announced it has completed a financing round led by PBM Capital Group. This round of financing will help support the company’s gene therapy program targeting spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). AveXis’ gene therapy... - April 23, 2014 - AveXis Inc.

The Balancing Act® Airing on Lifetime® Talks Taking the Stress Out of Giving Pets Meds, Tree of Life for Stronger Immune System

GooFurr, featuring dog Sadie who survived gunshot wounds, and My Olive Tree featuring Dead Sea Moringa Take Center Stage on April 24th show. - April 23, 2014 - BrandStar

The Lights Are Off, But Everybody’s at Work: Anviz Product Works Even When the Power is Out

Securing a stable and constant power supply can be difficult in developing countries, such as Nigeria. In instances where power sources are unreliable business can become more complicated. The time-attendance device, EP300 by Anviz Global, is especially suitable for this type of environment. The biometric device has an alternate power-supply source which allows for it to work when conventional power sources are disabled. - April 23, 2014 - ANVIZ Global

Altia Releases Altia Design 11.1 – New GUI Development Editor

New Features for User Interface Software Enable Cooler GUIs, Better Development - April 23, 2014 - Altia

Press Releases 19,451 - 19,500 of 51,054