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bigger dot SPARKS with AIGA Los Angeles
bigger dot to Sponsor AIGA Los Angeles Event Series. - November 01, 2008 - bigger dot
Clone Creation, Miracle Drugs, Greed and Corruption Will Keep the Reader Spellbound
Author Bert Hunnersen embarks upon a suspenseful journey of scientific discovery and corporate corruption in this thriller set in 2011. Clone “D”: The Beginning shows exactly how medical advancement for the good of mankind will inevitably bring about greed, deceit and sinister... - November 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Parents and Teachers: New Book Helps Reinforce Calendar Skills for Children
Outskirts Press author Dawn Menge presents Queen Vernita’s Visitors, a colorful children’s book that provides a fun and creative way for parents and teachers to teach the days of the week and the months of the year. Using repetition and drilling techniques helps to reinforce facts and... - November 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 Extended Enterprise Suites Simplify Business Management
HighTower recommends Sage MAS90 and MAS200 Extended Enterprise Suites for SMBs. - November 01, 2008 - HighTower, Inc.
Pastor’s Successful Battle with Alcoholism Gives Renewed Hope in New Book
The Rev. Dr. Randall Green was a respected pastor and family man when he lost it all - becoming one of the millions of Americans whose lives have been turned upside down by the disease of alcoholism. Fast forward 28 years, and Green has taken control of his life back from the bottle. And he’s... - November 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Profound New Book Takes Readers on Heavenly Voyage to Inner Peace
Sometimes it takes losing everything to gain what really matters. And no one knows this better than first-time author Lisa Reed, who reveals how upheaval and trauma became blessings in disguise in her new book, Divinely Blessed, A Journey of Light, published by Outskirts Press. Lisa Reed seemed to... - November 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Denim Revolution: Dugen Thomas’ Debut Dares to be Different
Dugen Thomas has announced it will launch its premiere denim line in an event that can only be described as sexy, dramatic and cutting-edge. - November 01, 2008 - Dugen Thomas
Get Twice the Servings of ON’s ALA-Rich Flaxseed Oil
Plant-sourced ALA Omega-3 fatty acids have a lot to offer athletes, vegetarians or anyone interested in health and well-being. - November 01, 2008 - Optimum Nutrition
2L inc. Engraving Tool Starter Kits Are Now Available as In-Stock Items
2L inc.'s popular solid carbide engraving tools are now available in preconfigured Engraving Tool Starter Kits. - October 31, 2008 - 2L inc.
Western Sierra Mining (OTC-WSRA) Begins Pre-Production of Testing of Gold Basin Mine
Western Sierra Mining Corp., (OTC: WSRA - News) announced today that it has initiated pre-production testing for the Gold Basin placer mine, located near Wilhoit, Arizona. Total proven gold reserves for the mine exceed 150,000 ounces, with additional probable and indicated gold reserves of 400,000... - October 31, 2008 - Western Sierra Mining
OrionGadgets Launches T-Mobile G1 Audio Accessories
Everyday use audio accessories for T-Mobile G1 now available from OrionGadgets. - October 31, 2008 - OrionGadgets
Easy to Use Absorbent Polymers for Medical Liquid Waste Disposal
Medical Liquid Waste Disposal is an effective product that has been specially formulated with a Super Absorbent Polymer blend to meet the Liquid Waste Solidifying needs of a hospital or a medical center. - October 31, 2008 - Zappa Tec, LLC
Latest Golf Tournament Results Now Available from The Sports HQ
The Sports HQ has updated its golf tournament results from 20-26th October, 2008 – now available from its new website: - October 31, 2008 - The Sports HQ
St. Louis Cardinals Adopt the Pitching Pad
On September 12, two Pitching Pads found a new home at the St. Louis Cardinals minor league complex in Jupiter, Florida. The Pitching Pads are located at Roger Dean Stadium for the fall instructional league. Minor League pitching coordinator Brent Strom wanted to make sure that the Cardinals have... - October 31, 2008 - Bishop Family Enterprises Announces Latest Golf Tournament Results has announced the latest golf ball tournament results with details of which brand of golf ball was used by which professional golfer between 20-26th October, 2008 - October 31, 2008 -
Worldwide Industrial Connects Buyers and Suppliers of Water Treatment Systems and Equipment
The Industrial Directory and Trade Site Worldwide Industrial Marketplace, has released a new version of its on-line Water Treatment Equipment Directory to further help companies buy and sell water treatment products. - October 31, 2008 -
Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee Sales Far Exceed Expectations
Kroger Grocery Stores in the late summer launched Mission Grounds in its Atlanta stores. Sales have far exceeded expectations as people have fallen in love with this Costa Rican Coffee and the opportunity to help homeless children. - October 31, 2008 - Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee
Oregon Scientific and SELCO Custom Time Corp Announce Partnership
Selco Custom Time Corp is key authorized reseller of Oregon Scientific product line with custom logo imprinting. - October 31, 2008 - Selco Custom Time, Inc.
PA&E Offers Aluminum Silicon Carbide Option for Titanium Composite Electronic Packages
AlSiC Heat Sinks Offer Reduced Weight and Improved Thermal Conductivity. - October 31, 2008 - Pacific Aerospace & Electronics (PA&E)
Outskirts Press Announces Outside the Lavender Closet, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction Book from Hurst, TX Author Martha A. Taylor
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Outside the Lavender Closet: Inspired by True Stories by Martha A. Taylor, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the Fiction category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - October 31, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Book Gives Young Adults a Formula for Success in Work, Relationships and Money
Politicians, educators and activists routinely decry the nation’s young adults as underprepared for the twenty-first century’s global economy. But few offer the practical, common-sense approaches needed to shore up America’s most precious resource: the next generation. Now, a new... - October 31, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Emerging American Designer Showcases Collection at Tokyo Design Week
Upcoming American Fashion designer Lusmila McColl was invited to take part in the “From Scotland with Love’ exhibition during Tokyo Design Week being held in the Omotesando Hills Centre, Tokyo, Japan. The event runs from October 30th – November 3rd. - October 31, 2008 - mccoll&clan
The Big Dog Bites Into Solid Cables™
The Big Dog, Tracy Arrington bites into Solid Cables™ and becomes their latest endorser. Solid Cables™ is quickly taking the industry by storm and the potential endorsers are lining up around the corner to get a hold of one. A real instrument cable that lasts and can take a beating. - October 31, 2008 - Solid Cables
What do Oprah Winfrey, Outskirts Press, and Self-Publishing Authors Have in Common?
They all love the Amazon Kindle! On Friday, October 24th Oprah Winfrey declared on her show that the Amazon Kindle was her new favorite gadget, and went on to say it would change everything. Revolutionize, really. According to the Association of American Publishers, the sale of e-books has grown... - October 31, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Diamond Packaging Selected as a Procter & Gamble Supplier of the Year
Diamond Packaging was named a “Supplier of the Year” by the Procter and Gamble Company during P&G's first ever global Supplier Summit on October 15, 2008. P&G hosted the event with its 350 top global suppliers to discuss their continued collaboration for a sustainable future and... - October 30, 2008 - Diamond Packaging
Zingz-This is the Unbelievable Story of How Two Savvy Entrepreneurs Competed with the Toy Industry Goliaths and Succeeded in Creating Their Own Thriving Toy Business
Just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, there is definitely more than one way to market a product to American consumers. - October 30, 2008 - Flavourset Promotions and Public Relations
Solo Foods Announces YouTube Recipe Challenge
Sokol & Company, maker of Solo and Baker dessert fillings, announces their search for the first ever “Solo Star”, with a top prize of $5,000 for the best original recipe and culinary video submitted at Each video entered in the contest must show the entrant preparing... - October 30, 2008 - Sokol and Company
Isiah is Set to Release a Mini Series of Books
The book will be based on different adventures that Sam goes on. And at the end of each book there will be some kind of life lesson in it. - October 30, 2008 - Hurts Publishing
Mednovus Ferromagnetic Detection Systems Now Available Through Siemens Medical
Mednovus, Inc., has teamed with Siemens Medical Solutions’ Accessory Division for the distribution of the Mednovus SAFESCAN® hand-held Target Scanner™ and pass-through MRI Sentinel® ferromagnetic detection systems. Siemens, one of the world leaders in Magnetic Resonance Imaging... - October 30, 2008 - Mednovus, Inc.
Ads Running Throughout the City Are Alerting New Yorkers That a Major Cancer is Now Preventable
“So Disfiguring, So Preventable,” the Message about Oral Cancer that is Dominating the City. - October 30, 2008 - OralCDx Laboratories
IndustrialMRO Helps Arizona and Pennsylvania Industrial Suppliers Find Customers On-line
The social networking site for industrial suppliers and buyers, has launched a new report to help promote Pennsylvania and Arizona manufacturers, job shops and industrial MRO supply distributors. - October 30, 2008 -
New BioFit Healthcare Seating Helps Protect Against Bacteria
BioFit Engineered Products, an Ohio-based manufacturer and worldwide leader of ergonomic seating solutions, recently rolled out a vacuum formed seating line designed to protect against bacteria in healthcare settings. Additionally, these new ergonomic chairs and stools are proven to enhance user... - October 30, 2008 - BioFit Engineered Products
20+ Colorado Bioscience Companies Are Looking to Fill Positions at the 2008 BioWest Conference & Expo’s First Annual Job Fair
The Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) is hosting a new Bioscience Job Fair the afternoon of November 14, 1:30 to 4 p.m., following the 2008 BioWest Grand Finale Luncheon. The BioWest Conference and Expo is the Rocky Mountain region’s preferred venue for visiting with researchers about their newest discoveries and meeting founders of the area’s most innovative and promising bioscience start-up companies. - October 30, 2008 - Colorado BioScience Association
Sunreef Yachts Launches a New Yacht Model, the Sunreef 70 Sailing SEAZEN II of Japanese Design
SEAZEN II is the second hull of the new Sunreef model, the Sunreef 70 Sailing, launched in September 2008 with a very special oriental interior. Two interior designs are now available for this model, for instance, Classic Design and Modern Style, variant of which would be Japanese Design represented by SEAZEN II. - October 30, 2008 - Sunreef Yachts
Meaningful Health Solutions Launches New Website
Meaningful Health Solutions, offers highly effective, all natural stress relieving wellness products, is pleased to announce the launch of their new website. - October 30, 2008 - Meaningful Health Solutions
AdvantaPure(R) Now Offers Flexible Wire-Reinforced EPDM Hose for Pharmaceutical & Sanitary Applications; Handles Both Suction & Discharge
Now available from stock, EPDM hose offers excellent chemical resistance, flexibility, and a smooth, sanitary core. Called APEWF, the hose handles both pressure and vacuum applications and offers improved flexibility over stiffer fluoropolymer hoses. Uses cover pharmaceutical processing, beverage transfer, potable water lines, washdown stations, coolant transfer, glycol lines, and others. APEWF handles temperatures from -40°F up to 248°F (-40°C to 120°C), a range wider than standard EPDM hoses. - October 30, 2008 - NewAge Industries, Inc.
Terry Trimmer Celebrates 3 Years with Florida-Based Executive Search Firm
Brooke Chase Associates, Inc., an executive search firm specializing in the building materials industry, congratulates Terry Trimmer for 3 years of recruiting excellence. - October 30, 2008 - Brooke Chase Associates, Inc.
EZ-Overlay™ – Keeps It Green
A Fast & Easy System to Replace Existing Baseboards and Casings with No Muss – No Fuss and No Trip to the Landfill. - October 30, 2008 - Supply All Inc.
Aztec Products, Inc. Introduces the DiamondShine Concrete Floor Polisher
Aztec broadens product line to include propane powered concrete floor refinishing machinery. - October 30, 2008 - Aztec Products, Inc.
L.W. Gatz Develops Online Calculator to Help Women Choose Their Breast Implant Size
The Purlz Cup Size Calculator helps women choose their tester breast implant size. The Purlz Breast Sizing System helps her internalize the breast sizing decision. - October 30, 2008 - L.W. Gatz
Vogue Tyre Announces a New 20" White/Gold Tyre
MVogue® Tyre & Rubber Company announces that the wait is over. The much anticipated 245/40R20 white/gold stripe design tyre will be available starting in mid-November, 2008 through Vogue's extensive dealer network throughout the United States, including 20 Custom Center locations located in... - October 30, 2008 - Vogue Tyre
Stone Pride to Provide Free Marble Medallion Design Service to Its US Customers
Stone Pride launched free medallion design service, code named Free-D, to its US customers. The program will allow customers to submit their own design ideas. Stone Pride's designers will turn the customer's idea into medallion designs for free. - October 30, 2008 - Stone Pride International Corp.
The Final Solution to the Global Energy Crisis
To provide unlimited green power to sustainably meet Global Energy needs, White Buffalo Nation Inc. (WBN Inc.) and The Consortium of Global H2O (Water) Manufacturers’ President and Chief Physicist, Professor Dr. James D. Vagarasoto II announces the corporate declassification and availability of Perpetual Hydrogen Electrical Generation Systems™ technology for immediate Global distribution, catapulting humanity into an unlimited clean energy future today. - October 30, 2008 - White Buffalo Nation Inc.
Southern California Based Stater Bros Markets Retro-Fits Econofrost Night Covers Chain Wide
Supermarket Saves Energy and helps the environment. - October 29, 2008 - MGV Inc
The Complete Tig Welding Solution Has Arrived at R-Tech Welding Equipment Ltd
The new high specification TIG201 from R-Tech Welding Equipment offers a complete TIG welding solution in one box. Not content with just offering an ultra-reliable and efficient range of Plasma Cutters, MIG welders, Arc welders and Consumables, R-Tech announce the arrival of the all new TIG201. - October 29, 2008 - R-Tech Welding Equipment
Napalm MotorSports' First Inferno Series Motocross Race a Huge Success
Napalm MotorSports hosted its first MotoCross Races on Oct. 26 at the Travis County Exposition Center in Austin, Texas. - October 29, 2008 - Napalm Motorsports, LLC
San Antonio Maui Wowi Hawaiian Franchise Now Open
Maui Wowi® Hawaiian Franchisee Trisha Clinton Celebrates Grand Opening of her Franchise HEB Location in San Antonio, Texas. - October 29, 2008 - Maui Wowi Hawaiian
Minicom’s DS Vision 3000 Wins Best AV Distribution System Award
The Digital Signage Group has chosen Minicom's DS Vision 3000 as the winner of the best Connectivity Peripheral in the product category of the 4th annual DIGI Awards at the Digital Signage Show in New York, October 15th. - October 29, 2008 - Minicom Advanced Systems
RMS Networks Announces Alliance with Minicom
RMS Networks, Inc. (RMS) announced their decision to align with digital signage powerhouse Minicom in various marketing efforts. Minicom will be hosting RMS in a series of focused webinars in the upcoming months. The first of the series entitled “Enable Your Network with rVue” is... - October 29, 2008 - Minicom Advanced Systems
Leading LTE Stack Company Wins Order
4M Wirelesss has provided its LTE UE optimized protocol stack to Anite Telecoms. The 4M Wireless solution allows Anite to carry out interoperability tests of all protocol layers compliant to the latest 3GPP LTE specifications. The two companies have already extensively tested the MAC, RLC, and PDCP and are currently the first in the world to carry out full interoperability tests of the RRC and NAS protocol layers for LTE. - October 29, 2008 - 4M Wireless Ltd.