Recent Headlines
Within Education
Teledge Group Completes Second Telecom Inventory Project for Fortune 5 Company
Relationship Solidifies Value of Telecom Service Inventory. - October 14, 2005 - Telecom Solution Center
Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc. Supports H.R. 3841, the "Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2005"
Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc. urges small business owners to support H.R. 3841, the "Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2005." - October 14, 2005 - Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc.
Elicitus Interactivity Builder Elevates the Standards of Interactivity Authoring: New Release Out, Library Now Includes Over 100 Customizable Interactivity Models
Harbinger Knowledge Products today announced the release of version 2.0 of Elicitus Interactivity Builder, the world's first and only Rapid Interactivity Authoring tool based on Harbinger's patent-pending technology. In a significant leap forward, this new release provides over 100 customizable interactivity models, an increase of 100% over the previous release. - October 14, 2005 - Harbinger Knowledge Products Inc. Launches a New Website for Mnemonics has been set up for educational purposes and general knowledge conservation. Now there is a single place on the web where students, pupils, teachers all can benefit from mnemonics. The website is neatly categorized and has an userfriendly search engine. - October 14, 2005 -
PlanPlus Releases Web-based Financial Planning Software for Students and Educators
PlanPlus Inc. has just released a Web-based financial planning software for use by students and educators. The software provides students with a variety of planning analyses including net worth, asset allocation, cash and tax management, insurance needs, goal planning, and more. A simple password... - October 13, 2005 - PlanPlus Inc.
Invent-Tech Helps Promote New Halloween Safety Products
Halloween is a great time for self expression and creativity for many children. - October 12, 2005 - Invention Technologies, Inc.
Robert Welch University Appoints New Executive Director and Full Professor
Robert Welch University (, a new online university headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, appointed Dr. Lisa St. Louis Executive Director and Full Professor. The appointment, which is subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of Robert Welch University, is effective immediately. - October 12, 2005 - Robert Welch University
MagicDraw UML 10.0 Outruns Other Modeling Tools in Race for Full UML 2.0 Support
Golden, CO, October 10, 2005. No Magic, Inc.®, a leading vendor of architecture modeling software, today announced the release of MagicDraw® UML 10.0, a significant upgrade of No Magic’s award-winning UML-based architecture tool. MagicDraw 10.0 delivers support for the latest UML 2.0 and BPMN standards with improved diagramming, a completely redesigned GUI and other expanded capabilities that combine to accelerate architecture modeling. - October 10, 2005 - No Magic, Inc.
Autism Research Study in Phoenix and Tucson Areas
With autism spectrum disorders affecting about 1 in 166 children in the United States, researchers are scurrying to discover causes and treatments. The effects of heavy metals on autism are currently unknown. Researchers at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) are investigating heavy... - October 05, 2005 - Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences
My Family CD of Delaware Partners with Local Nonprofit to Provide Safe Kids Cards
The Ronald G. Williams, Jr. Foundation is among 166 agencies chosen to receive grant money from RadioShack StreetSentz Community Grants program, resulting in a partnership with My Family CD to provide free Safe Kids Cards. - October 01, 2005 - My Family CD of Delaware
“Getting a Warm Response from Cold Calling” 2005 Midwest Schedule
Ashton Zane Incorporated provider of customized sales solutions and seminar productions announces their 2005 Midwest schedule. - September 30, 2005 - Ashton Zane
SuperCharging DVD by Quantum-Touch Promises to Enhance Effectiveness of Practitioners of Energy Healing and Alternative Medicine
SuperCharging DVD by Quantum-Touch improves your Alternative Medicine practitice. - September 28, 2005 - Quantum Touch
Invent-Tech Helps Inventors "Shed Some Light"
Hurricane Katrina and the resulting devastation have sparked great national concern about safety and rightly so. Many scientists have long predicted that such catastrophic possibilities could and have now become a reality. Loss of electricity is one of the most difficult to endure and... - September 28, 2005 - Invention Technologies, Inc.
Raising Safety Awareness at Berlin's Craft Fair, Berlin, NJ
Recommended by NJ school systems, local and national police departments and Team Amber Alert. Safe Kids Card is a business-sized CD that police say, "it could save a child's life and every parent should have one." Serving all of New Jersey, please learn more at and visit us in Berlin on Saturday, October 1, 2005. - September 27, 2005 - Safe Kids Card of NJ
Canada’s First Interactive Driving Simulator for GO Transit Marks Doron’s Pioneering Spirit
The first interactive driving simulator in Canada was recently delivered to GO Transit, officially known as the Greater Toronto Transit Authority (GTTA). Doron's 460Bus is a fine example of simulation technology being applied for operator training and traffic safety enhancement, according to Mr. Graham Armitage, Supervisor, Driver Safety and Training. - September 26, 2005 - Doron Precision Systems, Inc.
Don’t Let the Global Village Prevent You from Sharing Your Family History with Future Generations
There was once a time when grandparents sat amidst a group of wide-eyed grandchildren telling stories of days gone by. As the global village shrinks and families spread out across the nation and the world, the tradition of sharing family stories orally is in decline. - September 26, 2005 - The Writing Tutor
North American Educators to Teach English in Cuba
Three groups of Canadian and American volunteers are preparing to fly to Havana to teach English to the Cubans. - September 26, 2005 - Cuba Education Tours
ProcessWorx Releases New ITSM Tool Based on Customer-Focused R&D
Tactical, ITIL-based tool for IT professionals increases efficiency and effectiveness of IT process improvement projects. For additional information, please visit - September 26, 2005 - Axcelera LLC
CollegiateLink Releases SA LINK(TM) Integrated Technology for Student Activities
CollegiateLink Corp. releases SA LINK 1.0, a complete software suite for co-curricular program administration at colleges and universities. SA LINK provides centralized recordkeeping and online collaboration for Student Activities and related departments as well as a complete campus life web portal. Schools can more efficiently track student organization budgets, provide co-curricular transcripts, keep better historical records, and boost involvement in student leadership activities. - September 24, 2005 - CollegiateLink Corp.
CollegiateLink Focuses on Software to Enhance Campus Life at Colleges and Universities
CollegiateLink Corp. founders Mark Greene and Aaron Severs discuss the founding of their company and its first product, SA LINK. Begun as an idea in 2002, while the founders were still undergraduate students, CollegiateLink is now poised to release a revolutionary piece of technology for co-curricular program development at colleges and universities. - September 23, 2005 - CollegiateLink Corp.
Personal Development Institute Releases New Book About Overcoming The Will To Fail
Many of us are victims to a Will to Fail, and unless we see this in time and take actions against it, we die without accomplishing our intentions, says Donald Gordon Carty, President of the Personal Development Institute, who released How to Wake Up and Live to provide a resource for people facing difficult decisions. - September 21, 2005 - Personal Development Institute
President Of Building Blocks Child Care Wins Women In Business Award
Lois Stephenson, President of Building Blocks Child Care & Development Center, has been recognized as one of the top businesswomen in the Triangle by the Triangle Business Journal. - September 20, 2005 - Building Blocks Child Care & Development
Neurofeedback Therapy Shows Promising Results in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Other High Incidence Medical Disorders
Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center has introduced a Neurofeedback Therapy Program as part of a cutting-edge, integrative medical approach for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other common brain/mood disorders, including depression, autism, addiction, head injury, migraine, epilepsy and insomnia. - September 16, 2005 - Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences
Storyteller Mike Miller Re-Releases CD with Print-on-Demand Availability at
Mike Miller, an internationally known storyteller, has re-released his storytelling CD “Billy Loves Moon Pies & Other Silly Tales” at - September 15, 2005 -
Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc. Creates Online Blog to Communicate with Business, Education and Disabled Communities
Puna Kamali’i Flowers, Inc. has created an online Blog to foster increased communication with members of the business, education and disabled communities. The online publication is available at - September 14, 2005 - Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc.
Safe Kids Card of NJ at Make A Difference Day Craft Show
Safe Kids Card of NJ offers the best ID CD available! Police nationwide have stated that our CD saves valuable time even compared to their own types of IDs! Call to schedule an appointment or stop by Camden County's YMCA Camp Moore from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Located next to Echelon Mall and Library in Voorhees, NJ. - September 14, 2005 - Safe Kids Card of NJ
Computykes Develops Program to Deliver Computer Classes to the Preschool Set
Computykes leverages custom developed Imagine Tomorrow Computer Classes for Kids software and curriculum to deliver its innovate CompuTots program - September 13, 2005 - Computykes
Computykes, a Leader in Providing Computer Classes for Children in Monmouth County, NJ Announces Its Upcoming Sponsorship of the Ultimate Family Expo
Computykes is a Platinum level sponsor of this great family event and will be in attendance to speak with parents and their children about their services. - September 13, 2005 - Computykes
SyberWorks Partners with Linktivity to Offer Integrated Web Conferencing Features in the SyberWorks Learning Management System
SyberWorks Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announced today that Linktivity’s WebDemo 4.0 Web conferencing software will be integrated into SyberWorks Training Center Learning Management Systems (LMS). - September 13, 2005 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Small Companies Stress More Discipline as They Get Things Done
Survey Finds Project Management Used to Improve Worker Productivity - September 12, 2005 - EdWel Programs
Elementary and Middle School Tutoring in DC, Virginia, and Maryland
If your student needs extra help or an enriched curriculum environment, call now for a complimentary initial consultation. We will pair your student with a certified teacher with classroom experience in their area of need. - September 09, 2005 - My Teacher Tutor
Watermark Learning Business Requirements Analysis Expert Selected to Present Session at PMI Global Congress North America
Business requirements analysis expert, Elizabeth Larson, PMP, CEO and Principal of Watermark Learning, has been selected to present a session at the PMI Global Congress North America in Toronto, September 11 – 13, 2005. - September 09, 2005 - Watermark Learning
Fusing Science and SEO
Innovative Search Technology Research, Web Site Development Resources and Search Engine Optimization Solutions - September 07, 2005 - GreenBUILT Research & Development LLC
First Electrosmog Detector for Education
Seamless integration with ScienceScope Dataloggers the Electrosmog Detector is fully operational so you can monitor and keep a record of the ‘electrosmog’ data that is collected. - September 02, 2005 - ScienceScope
Professional Writers Help Businesses Reach Their Target Audiences
Written documents are often the first contact potential customers have with a business or a service. Poorly written business letters, brochures, or advertising materials reflect poorly upon the business or organization using them. - September 02, 2005 - The Writing Tutor
Robert Welch University Reaches Aggressive Enrollment Target as a New Online University
Accomplishing a feat unheard of in the realm of higher education, Robert Welch University (, a new startup online university headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, reached its aggressive goal of 50 accepted students two weeks ahead of schedule. - September 01, 2005 - Robert Welch University
Invision-Graphics: Adds a New Service My-Blog!
My-Blog service added for users to create their own personal space. Start your free personal blog today! - August 31, 2005 - Invision-Graphics Inc.
Extreme Heat - Protecting You and Your Family in Arizona
Most every region in the United States has been experiencing high or record-breaking heat temperatures this summer. High heat exposure, coupled with high humidity and numerous environmental pollutants can contribute to life-threatening illnesses. In Phoenix, Ariz. alone, over thirty heat related deaths were reported during July and August, with another 4,000 reported nationwide. - August 31, 2005 - Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences
Computykes Announces the Availability of Portable Imagine Tomorrow® Computer Classes for Kids at Local Schools and Child Care Centers
Computykes encourages Local Schools and Child Care Centers to utilize Computykes as a source for computer classes in their own facilities. - August 26, 2005 - Computykes
Computer Classes for Children, Older Kids and Adults Now Available as Computykes Computer Center Announces Its Fall Lineup
Computykes expands its operations to offer computer classes for older children and adults, as well as individual academic and computer tutoring. - August 26, 2005 - Computykes
In Demand Training Selects Vonage to Suppy Telecommunication Services
In Demand Training has recently signed an agreement with “Vonage – The Broadband Phone Company” to provide all of our telecommunication services! New Nationwide Toll Free number 877-848-4128 - August 25, 2005 - In Demand Training
uCertify: Exam Simulation for CIW Security Professional (1D0-470)
uCertify, an eminent provider of IT Certification exam preparation solutions, has announced to launch its Exam Simulation PrepKit for the CIW Security Professional Exam (1D0-470 ) on September 15, 2005. uCertify has also announced a 50% Pre-release discount on the PrepKit. Customers can pre-order this PrepKit for only US$39.99 and save US$40.00. - August 25, 2005 - uCertify
Invision-Graphics Launches a New Service
Invision-Graphics launches it's new service, web-developer classified section enroll your products and services today. - August 25, 2005 - Invision-Graphics Inc. Launches Free Classified Section to Cater to Writers
How do you find the best resources on the internet for writing jobs? If you are a writer looking to be published, life just became easier for you. Because a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18 is happy to announce the launch of our new classified section. The section allows you to post an ad and you can also upload a photo with your ad. This new section we hope can help you find the information that you need to pursue your dream of being published. - August 24, 2005 - Todays Woman Writing Community
Invision-Graphics Inc. Design Firm
Invision-Graphics Design firm, is the ultimate web development portal with an array of services and products. - August 24, 2005 - Invision-Graphics Inc.
Striking the Right Chord for CCBBC
Clear Creek Baptist Bible College has been preparing men and women for ministry since 1926. CCBBC now offers ministry preparation courses online to move into the future and reach a wider market and also to deliver high quality ministry programs to students around the world. - August 24, 2005 - The Learning House, Inc.
Teacher Launches Unique Math Book, “Fantasy Football and Mathematics”
Dan Flockhart announces the release of “Fantasy Football and Mathematics,” a teacher’s resource guide for grades 5-12. The guide aims to motivate students and close the achievement gap between white students and underrepresented students by capitalizing on the phenomenal growth of Fantasy Football, a game in which 30 million people participate. - August 24, 2005 - Fantasy Sports and Mathematics
SyberWorks Signs Lease for New Office Space at Waltham, MA Location
SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announced today they have signed a lease for new office space in Waltham, MA. - August 22, 2005 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Handicapped Japanese are Finding Hope in Hilo
Haruka Sekino of Japan has operated a newspaper-shredding machine at Puna Kamalii Flowers for a total of about three hours during the past two weeks. That's a lot for the 20-year-old woman with Down syndrome whose parents were told that she would never be able to work. - August 17, 2005 - Puna Kamali'i Flowers, Inc.
The ETO Institute ( is an Independent Organization Committed to Helping North American Engineer-to-order (ETO) Manufacturers Compete More Effectively
Institute Discusses Engineer-to-Order Manufacturers in Tooling & Production Magazine - August 16, 2005 - ETO Institute