Whyte-Hall Press Releases

Whyte-Hall Press Releases

Looking for a talented press release writer to create press releases based off the products and services of your websites?

Well, you don’t need a huge PR firm with their huge fees in order to get a quality press release.

You only need a savvy professional writer with journalistic experience, and who can deliver on time.

GUARANTEE: Quick Turn-Around & Satisfaction

Who Am I?
My name is Delroy A. Whyte-Hall (http://linkedin.com/in/whytehallcommunications), and I am a professional writer, blogger and former newspaper editor. Known in the PR industry as the “Press Release Writing Machine,” I now operates Whyte-Hall Press Releases (http://whytehallpressreleases.webs.com), a press release writing service that usually takes only a few hours to deliver a dynamic press release for your business (website, product, service, event) - ready for distribution to the media or posted to your blog or website.


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