MoneyNYC.com is owned and operated by The W.A.D. Group, LLC. MoneyNYC.com is a conglomerate of multiple service providers with one common goal - provide the best customer service in the business and deliver positive results to our clients. MoneyNYC.com is a DIRECT LENDER in multiple types of business transactions and functions as a facilitator of business in others.
Our Founder, Mr. Robert Coppinger believed that forming an organization of like minded financial professionals under his guidance would benefit the customer by delivering a second to none customer service experience and offering seamless referrals between professionals. This has allowed MoneyNYC.com to build a solid reputation one satisfied client at a time.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2005
- # Employees
- 10
Company History

At MoneyNYC.com we have taken over 30 years of business experience and knowledge to offer our clients the best financial service providers that we know. These providers have been carefully picked after years in business based on honesty, performance, results, and pricing. We feel strongly that the service we provide is invaluable and that our clients will benefit from working with us.
Need Money? That is the number one question here at MoneyNYC.com. If you need money, have questions about money, need a service provider to assist with your money or financial matters, you are in the right place. We offer a small business feel to our clients with big business power.