
RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press

Big Blue Sky Press - RP Books & Audio was founded in 1994 as Virtual Press. Our products fall into four major categories:

* Children's Fiction—encompasses a wide variety of tastes from contemporary fiction to fantasy fiction.

* Teen Fiction—includes stories of magic, adventure and mystery written for those ages 12 and up.

* Adult Fiction—includes mystery, thriller, science fiction, fantasy and a variety of literary fiction topics.

* Nonfiction—covers many categories as well including writing reference, business reference, computer/operating system reference and history.

Our imprints include:

* Reagent Press—our core imprint for adults and young people covering both fiction and nonfiction, including trade paperback and hardcover originals as well as special and collector editions.

* Reagent Press Books for Young Readers—features books for young people, including picture books, chapter books, early readers, middle-grade readers, and young adult books.

* RP Audio—produces digital audio books of our top-selling books.

* RP Audio Kids—a digital audio book imprint for kids.

* Classroom-To-Go—a digital audio book imprint for educational and training titles.

Learn more at www.williamrstanek.com.

Private Company

Company History

RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press

Big Blue Sky Press - RP Books & Audio was founded in 1994 as Virtual Press. Our imprints are strictly royalty-based. We offer small advances. We do not charge writers fees for publishing or marketing. Our books are published based on merit and sales potential.

We are one of the few publishers, small or large, to publish our books in print, digital, and audio with simultaneous distribution in the US, Canada, and UK. We are also one of the few publishers to work directly with foreign agents and publishers to sell rights to our books internationally, and we've been successful with our books in the international market.

Our publishing contract requests rights to books we publish in print, digital, audio, and other forms throughout the world. This allows us to publish your book in any form throughout the world and to license the book for translations into other languages, and is in keeping with how we do business.