CPR Courier is South Florida's premiere courier & delivery service company.
Over 20 years industry experience
Specializing in medical, professional, commercial and residential service.
Serving all of South Florida
Live operator & service available 24/7
Rush, same day & next day service
Online, phone & fax ordering available
All couriers are HIPPA & OSHA Trained & Compliant
Uniformed, professional & trustworthy
Extensive background checks & Picture identification badges
Affordable rate with no hidden fees
Discounted contract rate for scheduled recurring service & routes
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
We welcome the opportunity to serve you and exceed your expectations!
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 1989
Company History

Since 1989 CPR Courier has provided a customized approach that provides fast, reliable courier services with assured proof of delivery.
A female owned company that started with local small package handling, CPR Courier has grown to include service throughout all of South Florida. Specializing in medical, professional and commercial courier & delivery service we have earned the reputation of being "the courier of choice by the professionals" and have been nicknamed "the Life Savers" by our valued customers who have experienced first-hand the high level of quality service we are committed to providing.
We are proud members of the Florida Messenger Association (FMA), the Messenger Courier Association of America (MCAA) and the American Business Women's Association (ABWA).
Our Mission Statement:
CPR Courier will provide to its' customers and their customers unsurpassed service and a competitively superior experience at every encounter. Esteemed business and personal relationships will be developed through affordable, convenient, professional and reliable courier and delivery services.