Any business owner who rents out beds in recovery houses is fully missing the boat if they want to maximize their business and they are not a member of soberlivingsearch.com - period - and that comes with a satisfaction guarantee.
Sober Living Halfway House Search is the mother of all search directories that showcase sober livings and halfway homes. As of the beginning of 2012, we are providing on average over 22,000 recovery housing searches free of charge to people in need of such housing.
Owners and Managers of any type of recovery housing will be thrilled beyond belief about how much we can improve their business. We are getting so many visits, we have enough people who want to find a sober living home or a halfway house that we could refer a guest to every house we have listed every single month. Is that worth our cost of $97 for 6 months for a regular spot? How about coming in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on every search done in your geographical area? Would that premium position be worth $300 for 6 months? (Premium positions available on a 1st come 1st served basis).
We are ranked by Alexa as the highest ranked sober living or halfway house site on the internet (about 38,000th out of over 20 million websites in the US.) That's like saying if there were only 2000 websites measured and ranked in the US, we would be ranked 4th. We are talking about sober living here -- so you can only imagine how many people are coming to look for houses (until they start calling you). Sober Living Halfway House search can be found at soberlivingsearch.com.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2009
- # Employees
- 9