Instant Checkmate is the web's fastest growing background check service. Gain instant access to hundreds of millions of criminal, sex offender, marital records and more with Instant Checkmate's extensive database. Search by name to find out the truth about anybody.
At InstantCheckmate.com, our customers come first. Our goal is to provide you with the most useful, detailed and important information on just about anyone. We're continually listening to your feedback and working tirelessly each day to improve our data, technology, and website and services in general.
Whether researching criminal history, phone numbers, addresses, demographic data, census data, or a wide variety of other information, we help thousands of Americans find what they're looking for each and every day.
At Instant Checkmate we take pride in having responsive, helpful customer service representatives who are enthusiastic about helping our customers make the most of their membership and tools.
Visit www.InstantCheckmate.com to try it today!
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2009
- # Employees
- 200
- Industries
- Aerospace & Defense
- Business Services & Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services
- Computer & Internet Services
- Computer Software
- Computers & Software
- Information & Records Management Services
- Information Technology Services
- Internet Directories
- Investigation Services
- Security & Investigation Products & Services
- Security & Investigation Services
- Security Software More