Colorado’s premiere film and video company for memorial tributes to family members. Remember When is dedicated to the telling and preservation of all peoples history for our loved ones, and future generations." Projects focus on video autobiographies and memoirs, special birthday and anniversary celebrations, family reunions and weddings, funeral services and family gatherings, memorial tributes, pet memories, photo montages and life tributes. DVD authoring and 8 mm transfer are also included in the services offered.
Matt King and Fern Bray, owners of Denver’s Remember When™, are masters at turning lives of Coloradoans into wonderful videotaped histories for family and friends to enjoy for many years to come. They meticulously gather old photos and memorabilia from their clients, then – guided with a list of carefully crafted questions – masterfully help clients tell their life stories on videotape. Extensive editing follows yielding a state-of-the-art production with razor-sharp pictures in either DVD or VHS format. Finally, Remember When™ orchestrates a big-screen premiere for the first showing.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2000
Company History

Remember When was founded in 2000 by Matt King and Fern Bray.
Matt King brings extensive experience in the film production business to Remember When. He has worked as a production technician for Disney and other Hollywood concerns, plus has been involved in numerous film and production projects in the Denver area during his filmmaking career. Fern Bray, described by a local newspaper reporter as "a homegrown Barbara Walters," is the interviewer. She guides clients through a list of more than 150 questions designed to jog the memory and get across just who the person really is. Most often taping is done right in the client's home.
Both Matt and Fern had a personal calling to their unique and special video production business.
Matt was holding his own Dad's hand when he died of pneumonia a number of years back. Whereas Matt only had the sound of his Dad's voice left on an answering machine tape and the mere memory of his father's wonderful laugh, Matt is now making sure others have more and better options for preserving special family memories.
Fern's motivation came from her own daughter asking questions about Granddad. "My daughter said she didn't know anything about my father, and I told her it was time she learned," Fern explains.