Bobby's Best is an unbiased source for everyday product research and buying tips, filling a niche for those who don’t have time to comparison shop through endless websites and dozens of competing products. Bobby’s Best makes it easy to determine the best quality and price because its reviews are based on real-life experiences with such products as electronics, baby gear, grills, and home goods. The site also identifies deals and coupons so customers can save money on recommended products. Seasonal pages focus on deals for Valentine’s Day cards, Halloween costumes, holiday gifts and the like. Those who read product reviews at Bobby’s Best typically save themselves the hassle of returns, repairs and disappointment by purchasing the best product the first time around.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2005
Company History

Founded in 2005 and privately held, Bobby’s Best was launched to bring a more personal touch to product recommendations. For years, friends and family had called on the company’s founder for expert advice about consumer products and services. In response to demand, he decided to publish a website featuring his favorite products, service providers, tips, tricks and deals. Bobby’s Best has grown enormously thanks to word of mouth, a monthly newsletter and a lot of help from readers who send in suggestions and companies who provide new products for feedback.