My wife Janet and I have been called into a ministry of prayer, worship and prophecy. The Lord called us to go into full-time ministry in the fall of 2003 and He asked us to move from Northern California to Franklin, Tennessee. Shortly after our arrival, I put the finishing touches on a book that the Lord had been inspiring me to write, which is partly comprised of validating Scriptures and 50 amazing prophetic words spoken at our local church over the years. When I went online to submit it to a Christian publisher, I was shocked to see the speed at which the Lord brought about His purposes. I submitted the email with a copy of the manuscript on a Wednesday night, and the next morning I received an email of acceptance for publication! The book, The Garden and the Word, is truly an inspiration to both saved and unsaved alike. Since then a second book, The Cross and the Word, has also been published. The Lord is really using these books to change people’s lives. It is part of our ministry mission to distribute these books to whoever is interested in reading about what the Lord is doing.
When we speak at churches, we talk about the testimonies of the people who have been touched by our ministry, healings, inspirations from God, and stories that build faith and help to increase a desire for the Lord. We usually pray for individuals and see a definite touch from the Lord in their lives. It is a true blessing.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2003
- # Employees
- 2