Puddnheadresale.com was a dream realized when owner R. Dimitroff explored the idea of an online Home decor resale store. The company was launched in August 2005 and was started after numerous trips to local resale stores that were putting items on consignment. Friends and family were the inspiration for carrying out the plans for the store after being asked to accompany them on shopping expeditions to purchase decor accessories for their homes.
The resale consignment store sells gently used home decor items, seasonal holiday items, collectibles, childrens' room decor accessories as well as some new and wonderful items. All items are carefully selected for quality control.
Second time around shopping in resale stores have become a popular business. Customers have began to realize that they can accessorize their homes with good and quality decor items for a fraction of the retail cost.
Puddnheadresale was created to be an online store without walls and boundaries. Our customers can beautify their rooms without ever leaving home.
The store is always open and we never close so that our customers can shop and decorate a room at their convienence. They can even shop in their PJ's. Visit Puddnheadresale often, as we are always changing!
- Status
- Private Company