Spiderweb Logic

Spiderweb Logic

Do you have students that forget their homework?

Would your students (or parents) like timely reminders of homework, tests, projects, and events?

Would you like your students to have quick and easy access to information about homework, exams, and projects?

Are any of your students dyslexic?  This can significantly impact their ability to read homework assignments that they have scribbled down at the last minute.
Would you be interested in one of our free teacher websites?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you and your students could benefit from our free teacher websites. (These teacher web sites are free for the first FULL year!)

These websites have been designed to help teachers in Canada and the United States share up-to-date information with both students and parents.  Whether you are an elementary school teacher or a college professor, these professional websites can prove to be a great tool to help your students succeed.


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