Wuanap® is the first smart lifecollar that will keep your head above water in case you have a problem preventing drowning even if you are unconscious.
Perfect for any water sport except scuba diving.
Comfort and agility of movements.
Wireless charging. Battery capacity for days.
Personalized app with tracking.
For children, adults and seniors.
Automatic warnings to sea rescue and SOS.
More info in wuanap.com
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- Private Company
Company History

Until this date there is no safety system for any water sports practitioner that can save your life, preventing drowning, and that is only activated when necessary, allowing you to perform the water activity at 100%.
After having a bad experience on the verge of drowning, in 2017 Ignacio Cuesta applied to the US patent non-provisional, an intelligent safety mechanism for water, which consisted of a lifecollar, and a base plate with several sensors, which coordinated with an algorithm would detect when a person has a problem in the water, so it would activate an automatic inflatable that would surround the neck, with the aim of keeping the mouth and nose at the highest point, so that the user could breathe, even being unconscious.
2 years later, in April 2019, the patent was granted by the United States.
Since that date, the inventor Ignacio Cuesta with the help of 2 engineers, started to work on a prototype with the aim of presenting it to investors to get 500,000 euros in a capital increase, with a valuation of the company worth 5 million euros.
During the course of the creation of the prototype, they invented a completely new inflation system, to avoid using CO2 cylinders or similar, with the aim of being a totally comfortable, flexible and small lifecollar.
This inflation system has also been patented and is pending approval by the United States patent office.
Before the end of this July, Wuanap, the intelligent life collar will be available through the famous Kickstarter platform, with the aim of getting the money to finance the final development of the product, with all the necessary tests to put it on the market in a safe way.
The intelligent life collar, which aims to save thousands of lives by preventing drowning, also hopes to push the human being to new limits in the performance of any water sport, with the exception of scuba diving.
The target audience for this product is children from the age of 3, adults and seniors. More specifically, the target market is all water sports enthusiasts, sea rescue professionals and lifeguards, and the military.
More info in wuanap.com