Acumen International: Global EOR | PEO

Acumen International: Global EOR | PEO
Acumen International: Global EOR | PEO

Acumen International Overview

Founded in 2001, Acumen International is a premier provider of global Employer of Record solutions. With a proven track record of supporting companies in navigating complex international markets, we deliver bespoke global employment strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients across 190 countries.

Global Employer of Record Solutions

Acumen International’s unified solution combines Express Global Employment Services, the Global Payroll Calculator, and the Global Compliance Navigator.

This powerful combination helps our clients identify prime markets for growth and execute compliant international hiring seamlessly. Businesses gain comprehensive analysis and operational expertise to scale confidently across borders, relying on us as a trusted partner.

Acumen International Solutions

- Express Global Employment: Streamlining international hiring with a comprehensive, all-inclusive global employment service that eliminates the need for local entities.

- Global Payroll Calculator: A one-click tool for global businesses and service providers to calculate and compare full employment costs, including taxes and benefits, across 190 countries.

- Global Compliance Navigator: A portal providing distilled expertise and data on compliant employment, payroll, and tax regulations in 190 locations, helping businesses manage the global workforce employed through the Global EOR solution.

At Acumen International, we understand the intricacies of operating in diverse markets and are dedicated to helping businesses achieve their global expansion ambitions efficiently and effectively. Our client-centric approach ensures that we provide personalised, reliable, and innovative Global Employer of Record solutions to drive success in a rapidly changing world.

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