www.northboard.netNorthboard provides a free platform for individuals to place traditional newspaper classified ads online instantaneously, view ads placed by others of similar interest and connect online. Northboard's online classified service gives the community an opportunity to reach a larger reader base than traditional print classifieds, there is no registration required and it works in real time so there is no waiting period. All communication is web and email based saving time, money and paper. The person placing the ad has the ability to activate, delete and renew at their leisure and can also help monitor the board by “flagging” anything deemed inappropriate.
Northboard gives users the ability to create their own free Northboard classifieds service for any community in the Unites States. No city or town too big or small, all you need is a postal/zip code and with just a few clicks you will have your very own free Northboard classifieds website for your community! Northboard is the first community created, self-serve, user grown, free classifieds service on the web!
Northboard strives to be a premier online classified website for local communities. Traditional newspaper classifieds are expensive, require a waiting period before they run, and produce waste! With Northboard.net, the results are instant, there's no waste, and no geographical boundaries, allowing the community to communicate on their terms.
Make history by creating your Northboard and start your very own free classifieds community today!
Visit Northboard.net today at www.northboard.net
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- Private Company