EarthPulse Tech, LLC

EarthPulse Tech, LLC

Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. is a privately held biotechnology company based in Freeport the Bahamas; specializing in the use of very weak electromagnetic fields to induce deep, recuperative sleep and to enhance mental and physical performance. Clients range in age from a 14 year old top ranked Girls Juniors Tennis player to men and woman well into their 80s. Generally nightly use of the device enhances strength and stamina from 10-20% or more; and increases saturated blood oxygen by 3-6%. The Company has developed a PEMF based agricultural application that doubles sprout yield. EarthPulse Technologies develops and manufactures in Bangalore, India and has several thousand satisfied clients in 16 countries. Its BioMagnetic Sleep on Command™ technology is guaranteed to enhance sleep and recovery or money back. Our return for refund rate is under 9%.

Private Company