We Make Credit Repair Fast, Easy and Effective for Our Clients.
Ovation was founded by attorneys who continually encountered individuals plagued by inaccurate and misleading credit reports. Our goal was to assist those individuals with fast, effective and legal credit report repair. We set out to create an affordable solution while offering excellent credit report repair programs. Today, Ovation is the leader in credit repair services and has helped tens of thousands of individuals regain their financial confidence.
We're here to help our clients achieve their optimal credit profile. We work with the credit bureaus and creditors to resolve issues on credit reports. We work on items that should be deleted or removed, items that should be updated, and items that should be re-characterized. We've studied credit reporting, the credit bureaus and creditor reporting methods to maximize the results we can obtain for our clients.
Our programs are based upon extensive research of consumer credit laws, credit bureau tactics and persistence for our clients. Our programs are 100% legal, and are developed and managed by the very same lawyers who founded our company. At Ovation, we've effectively disputed every kind of problem a credit report can have. Ultimately, we provide our clients with renewed financial optimism and a valuable savings of time and money.
- Status
- Private Company
- Founded
- 2004