The Coalition for Post Tubal Ligation Women offering books and information about Tubal Ligation and Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS).
We are ordinary women who have had a tubal ligation or knows someone who did who has suffered untold side effects. We are networking and organizing to achieve certain goals.
We believe that tubal ligations should be made a choice to women as a form of birth control but with FULL consent. What we are is anti-doctors/ACOG withholding information from women in order to force the women's consent. Information is withheld to persuade women to make the decision that the doctor wants them to make. Withholding information such as this from women at the time of consent is an intentional fraud. Doctors and organizations who state there are no side effects to tubal ligation are committing intentional fraud and misrepresentation.
CPTWomen Mission Statement: To educate, inform and provide accurate information to women considering tubal ligation. To educate, inform, assist, and create a supportive network for post tubal women in their quest for answers and proper followup care. To bring forth the needed change which would require women to be fully and properly informed prior to tubal ligation surgery.
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